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Smart Devices Can Mess Up A Kid’s Sleep Big Time

Sleep is important for normal growth and development regardless of age. However, it is more important for kids to get enough sleep each night than adults as their bodies are growing. If you see infants sleeping most of the time and see rapid growth and development over the first year of their life, it is the same for toddler and young kids.

Unfortunately, there are more distractions now than the last time most adults were kids themselves. If play and a little television used to distract kids back in the days making them hate taking naps or sleeping early at night, smart gadgets are the latest craze these days. Most kids now have their own smartphones, iPad or tablet that they can use whenever they want. Parents are also mostly busy and unable to supervise what their kids watch or how often they stay glued to the screen.

Touchscreen devices like smartphones and tablets are now fixtures of many households, so it comes as little surprise to learn that young children who don’t work or go to school are among their most active users. In the first study of its kind, researchers have learned that infants and toddlers who spend more time on these devices sleep less at night. It’s a troubling finding, but the reasons for these sleep disruptions are still unclear.

Traditional screen time, like television and video games, has been linked to sleep problems in children, but less is known about portable touchscreens, such as smartphones and tablets. In the first study to investigate potential links between touchscreens and sleep in young children, a research team led by Tim Smith from Birkbeck University of London has found that the same sleep disruption effect applies to these modern devices. By surveying parents about their kids’ touchscreen use and sleep patterns, these researchers have found that every additional hour of tablet or smartphone use among children between the ages of six months and three years results in about 15 minutes less total sleep. These findings now appear in Scientific Advances.


Allowing young kids to have daily continuous access to smart gadgets is the norm these days. Parents indulge their kids with unlimited gadget use so the youngsters can pass the time without bothering their busy and often stressed out parents.

There’s been a sharp rise in the number of children admitted to hospital with sleep problems, and the North West has some of the worst numbers in the country.

Hospital attendance for sleeping disorders has tripled over last decade and it’s claimed there’re big gaps in support for parents across the North West.


Children have a hard time drifting off to sleep at night on a regular bedtime schedule because it’s mainly their parent’s fault for being too lenient. Everyone suffers when they lack sleep and you wouldn’t want to compromise the health of young kids because lost sleep is lost sleep, period.

Ogunbosi told NAN on Thursday that children under the age of five were often admitted into the hospital for sleep disorders.

“The most common cause of their sleep problem is ‘sleep apnoea’, where breathing is interrupted during sleep.

“However, sometimes there is no obvious cause of a child’s sleep problem.

“Children and teenagers need at least nine hours of sleep per night. Sleep problems and lack of sleep can have negative effects on a child’s performance at school.

“It could also affect the child’s extracurricular activities and social relationships.”

According to the paediatrician, accidents and injuries, behavioural problems, mood swings, memory and learning problems, performance problems and slow reaction to issues are often attributed to sleep disorder.


The problem is that kids these days get to tinker with technology at a very young age, which should not be the case. Parents should also enforce a regular bedtime schedule for kids to follow at all cost. Smart gadget use should be limited and they shouldn’t be allowed to access all sites that they want. Kids need enough sleep to rest and recharge like what adults need or they may end up lacking the energy to go through their day and feel tired and sleepy at school that may eventually affect their grades.

There are times when children also suffer from sleep disorders like sleep apnea despite their young age. They can benefit from GMSS: or the leader in the MAD field, the SnoreRX: to help them sleep better. Conventional treatments like CPAP and surgery are often not ideal for younger children because of the discomfort and risk involved. What’s easier to do is to take that gadget away from your kid and let him/her experience life first-hand and not through games or videos they see on the web. With active play, they would likely end up feeling exhausted at the end of the day and won’t have a hard time falling asleep by themselves.

How Can You Strike A Balance Between Sleep And Technology?

When you ask any adult what they want most in life but is often out of their reach, their answer would probably be to get a good night’s sleep. We used to hate being told to go to sleep when we were kids and we’d try to wiggle our way out of an afternoon nap. But as we grow older and we take on more life responsibilities, we realize how important sleep is as we desperately try to stay awake through the night because of school or work obligations.

Now, there is also technology that fights for your attention aside from your daily chores and pursuits. Back in the days, we had nothing left to do once the lights go out. But today, we can still stay awake for hours at night because our smartphone gives us access to the World Wide Web and our social media accounts where we live our virtual life. But if technology gets in the way of your sleep, is still there something you can do about this or is this now the plight of the modern human?

We’ve all heard the reports concerning how technology, particularly our phones and tablets, can mess with our sleep cycle through the blue light they emit.

Although there are some very real concerns about how technology affects our rest, not all of it is seen in a negative light, and today I’m going to give you a quick run down of the good, the bad and the very ugly of technology in the bedroom.

The Good

Technology is ingrained into our everyday life with the advancements of high speed connections, affordable internet, instant social connections and even influences how we shop. Therefore, it makes sense that it would seep into our bedrooms in ways we haven’t considered or even paid attention to.

But it also has a bad side to it…

The Bad

Most of us sleep with our phones near us and it is the last thing we look at before we drift off to sleep each night. But how many of you find yourself unable to fall asleep readily, or struggling to calm your thoughts in order to get to sleep? If you’ve ever wondered why you have these issues, look no further than the technology in your bedroom.


It is quite obvious that we lack sleep because we devote too much of our time fiddling with different gadgets. As technology advances and offered us devices like smartphones and tablets where you can do virtually everything and get connected to almost everyone on the web, striking a balance between technology use and sleeping time all boils down to your self-discipline.

There’s an old saying in sleep medicine: bedrooms are for slumber, sex and nothing else. Nowadays, though, that idea is all but obsolete — thanks to the all-invading domination of smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Yet a wealth of research demonstrates why everyone should banish screens from the bedroom — even if they’re switched off. And it’s not just because of the light they generate.

Experts fear the havoc they wreak on our sleep is sentencing us — and our children — to lives dogged by obesity, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s.

The Mail reported on the latest evidence, with NHS data showing that in the past decade, hospital attendances in England for children under 14 with sleep disorders have tripled.

And it’s their use of mobile technology that is being blamed. Phone and tablet screens are now a mainstay of teenagers’ bedrooms. Studies show that seven in ten British children and nine in ten teenagers have at least one device in their bedrooms.


While most findings point to technology as the culprit of sleep deprivation and the worsening of existing sleep disorders, it can also be used to your advantage.

Various sleep apps, which use a motion-tracker and/or a sound-recorder, claim to tap into those circadian rhythms, by apparently monitoring sleep patterns. A “smart alarm” will then wake you in a light sleep cycle that is nearest your ideal wake time.

These apps generally fall into two standard forms: fitness trackers that have sleep-tracking capabilities (typically involving a wearable sensor or wristband that tracks your body movements as you sleep) or smartphone apps that use an accelerometer built to record your movements.


There are other options to choose from aside from these sleeping apps. If you find yourself tossing and turning each night and waking up more exhausted than the night before, you are likely suffering from a sleeping disorder like sleep apnea. The usual sleeping tips do not work here because this is a medical condition that needs a medical management as well.

You can try using an anti-snoring mouthpiece like this one: to help you beat snoring and maintain continuous airflow during sleep. If you want to find out more alternatives before choosing one, you can likewise check out for another anti-snoring device you can use to let you enjoy a good night’s sleep. Of course, minimizing technology use can also help a lot for you to feel relaxed during bedtime, so you sleep better through the night.

Is There Help Available For The Sleep Deprived?

People get grumpy when they lack sleep. You are easily annoyed and everything just pisses you off. You trudge through the day not really fully understanding what’s going on and you feel tired and exhausted all the time. With a good night’s sleep, you’ll have the energy to conquer your day and even have time to hang out with family or friends at the end of the day.

That is how important sleep is. Your day is pretty much ruined if you decide to go to work or school with only a few hours of sleep to fuel you. Sleep deprivation can either be acute or chronic and your lifestyle has a lot of influence over this. A lot of people these days are night owls who are up all night and sleep during the day.

Our nation is rife with over-worked, sleep deprived people. This epidemic seems to have become embedded into our realities, with only one third of adults reporting they get enough sleep every night. What makes sleep deprivation so harmful is that it doesn’t simply impact one area of health, but each physical, mental, and emotional aspect of it.

Our deepest hours of sleep occur during a period called slow-wave sleep. During this time, our bodies are less responsive to any sounds and movements going on around us. Not only is dreaming more common during slow-wave sleep, it’s also when the majority of mental and physical restoration takes place. When someone stays up all night, they disrupt this important period of sleep, potentially disrupting growth and cell-reparation.

In addition to growth and cell repair, a lack of sleep affects metabolism. A study in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine shows that getting four hours of sleep for four nights in a row makes people’s bodies resistant to insulin, which is a common cause of weight gain and diabetes. You’ve probably experienced a craving for junk food after not getting enough sleep. This happens because sleep deprivation lowers levels of leptin and raises levels of ghrelin, increasing our cravings for carbs and sweets.


Gaining weight is a common complaint among people who always pull all-nighters because the body actually has a hard time burning off calories when we lose sleep. Remember that there is a big difference between sleeping during the day and sleeping at night, which is how nature designed for our body to rest and recuperate.

What’s different today is that insufficient sleep — going to bed too late, getting up too early or both — seems to be more common, said B. Tucker Woodson, chief of sleep medicine at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin.

“A lot of us live on less (sleep) and try to adapt,” he said. “We become used to it. We think we are performing well when we are not.”

The reasons are partly tied to modern life. We are more scheduled than ever; our eating patterns are inconsistent; activities extend into the evening; work never really ends. We live in a wired world, and it doesn’t stop at our bedroom door.

A 2014 survey by the National Sleep Foundation found that 62% of parents and 45% of children had televisions in their bedroom, while 45% of parents and 30% of children had a tablet or smartphone.

Only 16% of parents and 28% of children had no electronic device in their bedroom.


It is hard for people to sleep eight hours a day at night anymore. Technology has a lot to do with it so are smart gadgets. Back in the days, you have nothing left to do when you turn off the light at night but to sleep. If you can’t, then you just have to make do and count sheep. Unfortunately today, smart gadgets are everywhere along with access to the Internet. Instead of trying to drift off to sleep when we hit the bed, we can’t resist the urge to tinker with our gadgets and browse the web for the latest in social media.

Sleep deprivation is often associated with too much technology use but sleep disorders used to be the main reason why people have a hard time sleeping back then. Sleep apnea is the most commonly reported along with insomnia and you can usually get a confirmed diagnosis after getting yourself checked in a sleep clinic. may offer relief to your long sleepless nights caused by sleep apnea. Meanwhile, you can also try, another anti-snoring mouthpiece that can prevent those deadly breathing pauses and stop you from snoring too.

How Sleep Affects Your Health

You don’t have to be a genius for you to realize that sleep is crucial to good health. You feel better and more energized if you were able to sleep soundly through the night. It seems like you can conquer whatever the world throws at you during the day. The experts haven’t discovered yet the reason why we sleep but we now know the positive links between good sleep and improved cognitive function, metabolism, immune system, learning, along with other vital functions.

You feel refreshed and energized when you wake up in the morning after at least an 8-hour of sleep at night. You won’t have a hard time doing your daily tasks whether it is at work or at school. Remember that deep sleep at night plays a crucial role in storing and linking memories as your brain is in excellent shape to retain even the smallest of details.

The need for sleep is a critical one. An ordinary people is vulnerable to death due to sleep deprivation rather than having eating disorder problems.

Sleep is also extremely important for our brain. There are brain cells acting as a biological clock to sleep. They are called suprachiasmatic nucleus. When the external environment goes light, it will wake you up. Conversely, when the external environment becomes dark, it will make us sleepy.

During a sleep, your body still works to metabolise energy and restore health. Also, the muscles in the body are grown. If you have a lack of sleep, your body cannot perform these operations well. So, sleep-deprived people often feel fatigued and lack of energy.

In particular, the information acquired through the five senses when you are awake will be reorganised during sleep. Your brain will rearrange what you have seen and heard. All important information will be stored in the memory. Anything that does not matter will be removed out of your memory.


Getting a good night’s sleep should be a conscious effort for all especially that distractions are everywhere. If we can only sleep soundly like babies then we no longer have to deal with the bothersome issues like insomnia, sleep deprivation and other sleep disorders that plague most people today.

When you want to slim down, the plan probably looks a bit like this: Step one, toss out the junk food; step two, pull out the running shoes; and step three, renew that gym membership (and actually use it). But a growing body of evidence suggests that getting a good night’s sleep should be on—or at least near—the top of the list.

Few experts would disagree with the idea that we’ve become a nation in need of a pick-me-up. We stay up too late, we wake up too early and, increasingly, we’re overweight. While there’s plenty of data showing that poor sleep can lead to weight gain and possibly even obesity, some new research also shows that the opposite may also be true: that getting the right amount of good quality sleep may actually help you shed a few pounds.

“Getting a full night of sleep is one of the most under-appreciated factors contributing to healthy weight maintenance,” says Matthew Walker, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley, who studies the effect of sleep on weight.


Sleep can also help greatly if you have weight issues. Although it is not a quick fix that delivers instant results, it can help you stick to your weight loss plan with ease. Enough sleep can help curb your appetite so you don’t easily give in to temptations of carbs, sweets, sugared drinks etc. You also feel fuller for longer without the need of drinking weight loss supplements. You can finally say goodbye to hunger pangs without feeling constantly annoyed or irritated.

We all know how energized you feel with the help of sleep. It is but a must to maintain healthy sleep habits now despite the technological distractions or increasing work demands and responsibilities at home because the longevity and quality of your life are affected in the long run. So go get checked in case you are suffering from a sleep disorder like sleep apnea because there is no reason for you to suffer for longer. The ZQuiet mouthpiece: can offer relief as well as the no-complaint SnoreRX: There are other anti-snoring gadgets you can also use if you aren’t comfortable with more conventional treatments like CPAP. The bottom line is that your sleep and overall health need not suffer any longer because help is readily available if you just ask.

The Struggle Is Real If You Can’t Sleep

We all can’t wait to hit the bed after working or studying so hard during the day. Our feet take us to faraway places and we get to push our body’s limit but our body badly needs to rest and recuperate once night time falls. You can only do so much during the day and the effort and exertion will take its toll on your body.

However, there are instances when going to sleep is easier said than done. Aside from too much preoccupation with smart gadgets and social media, there are sleeping conditions that affect our sleeping patterns big time. Have you ever heard of sleep apnea? Probably not. However, you have likely heard snoring people for years now, right?

Sleep apnea refers to interrupted breathing during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea. It is a serious disorder that causes the throat to close until airways become blocked and breathing gets interrupted or stops for a varying amount of time during sleep. This may decrease oxygen supply to the brain, causing people to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night.

Common symptoms are breath pauses, frequent snoring and choking or gasping sounds during sleep. Those who suffer from sleep apnea often feel fatigue throughout the day and, in some cases, people will unintentionally fall asleep at undesired times. The lack of sleep causes people to wake up feeling unrefreshed and with morning headaches. Untreated sleep apnea can worsen and in some cases result in medical problems including high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and depression.


While snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea, not all snorers actually have the condition. It is why getting yourself checked in a sleep clinic is crucial if you are worried and want to confirm diagnosis so you can get appropriate treatment as well.

Bonk, a Hockessin resident, dismissed his symptoms as a side effect of working too hard at his former job as public relations director for the Blood Bank of Delmarva. But things kept getting worse. He began to fall asleep while driving at night, only narrowly avoiding collisions on a few occasions. While on a camping vacation with his daughters, Bonk was kicked out of the tent for snoring too loudly.

Finally, he decided to get professional help. His doctor ordered him to get a test for sleep apnea, a disorder that disrupts a patient’s breathing while sleeping. The test revealed Bonk stopped breathing as much as 30 times an hour.

“I was shocked,” Bonk said.

Bonk is one of 22 million Americans who suffers from sleep apnea, according to data from the American Sleep Apnea Association. The same organization estimates that more than 80 percent of sleep apnea cases are undiagnosed

Sleep apnea is characterized by loud snoring that occurs before a person stops breathing. The breathing pause can last a few seconds or several minutes and may happen many times during the night. It has been linked to daytime sleepiness and a host of other diseases.


It is not only your health that is compromised with sleep apnea but your safety, as well as other bothersome symptoms, can put your life at risk, not to mention the scary part of breathing pauses while sleeping at night. As awareness about the condition increases, more and more people who have sleeping issues get themselves checked in sleep clinics to save themselves from potentially deadly complications. Partners of snorers also lose sleep because the snoring is just too loud that falling asleep is virtually impossible.

Fortunately, newer technologies also enabled the experts to come up with innovative solutions to this annoying and deadly problem of sleep apnea. Anti-snoring mouthpieces like can offer relief from snoring and save the snorer from those deadly breathing pauses while you can also look into as a possible solution. There are much more similar products in the market so you can be sure you’ll be able to find one that can offer you relief without having to go under the knife or use an inconvenient old remedy like CPAP.

Use These Gadgets To Sleep Better

Sleep is a basic human need but it seems that many of us are having sleep problems these days. Whether it is a natural human condition or disorder or a distraction of our own doing, we have a hard time getting that eight hours of sleep daily that the experts recommend. Technology, for instance, can be your friend or foe. Depending on the type of technology and how you use it, you can end up feeling well-rested and revitalized after a good night’s sleep or even more exhausted than when you slept the night before. Many people actually feel this way.

But it is not a lost cause yet. There are still innovative gadgets you can use that can help you sleep better and improve your health if you just know what to look out for. These devices are unlike most tech gadgets we know of that is forcing us to stay up late at night and tinker with them mindlessly. These devices help us disconnect ourselves from technology and more in tune with our body clock to help us sleep better. Having a smartphone nearby proves to be too much of a distraction especially the blue light it emits that disrupts your body clock making it believe it is daylight instead of night time already. You become a night owl that is more wide awake at night rather than fast asleep like everybody else.

While it may be tempting to turn to over-the-counter or prescription sleep solutions, some of these options can have wacky side effects. My doctor recommended that I take allergy medication at night to help me fall asleep. I did, it worked, and I was psyched to put an end to my sleepless nights. But then I learned that many allergy medicines are linked to an increased risk of dementia, according to an article published by Harvard Medical School. Since my grandmother has dementia, this has me rethinking that quick fix.

And, let’s not forget about some of those prescription medications that don’t actually induce sleep but instead turn off your conscious brain. I tried one of these and began sleep walking, and there are myriad reports online about people sleep eating and sleep driving. People have even committed crimes while asleep. Um, no thanks.

Constantly losing sleep can take its toll on the human body and you end up more agitated and easily irritated too. You lack the focus and attention span to finish your tasks but get easily distracted by the sound of a notification coming in. Sleeping pills won’t help you either. It may help you sleep but constant use poses more danger that accumulates over time. And while you may think that technology can’t help you, these innovations are here to prove you wrong.

Not being able to sleep can be beyond frustrating. Personally, if I don’t get enough sleep I am as cranky as a three-year-old who missed a nap. If you can’t sleep, and you don’t have time or money to visit a sleep clinic, you can bring the clinic to you.

SleepRate, a sleep solution medtech company, has launched “Sleep Check Up,” a professional sleep evaluation app, to assess users’ sleep and help them identify and understand their sleep problems with medically backed evaluations, according to a press release from the company.


But wait because there are more tech gadgets to choose from. It’s better to scout the market first for everything it has to offer before deciding on one or two that you think is the best fit for your needs. Remember that some of them can be pricey, so don’t act rashly and think about what you are looking for before parting with your hard-earned money.

And if that’s not enough: Not getting sufficient sleep can also lead to weight gain. “Your leptin and ghrelin hormones [which control our appetites] go up, and that makes you want to eat more,” he adds. We’ve all heard the basics— no TV before bed, anyone?—but what about when that stuff isn’t enough? (Up to 20 percent of Americans suffer from sleep or wakeful-ness disorders.) The booming sleep-tech market will tuck you in.

Kryo Sleep Performance System

No more kicking off the covers or fiddling with the AC. This mattress topper, due out next month, water-cools (circulating the temperature-perfect water through the superthin pad) your side of the bed for better sleep (experts say somewhere between 60°F and 68°F is optimal), then “warms” you awake.


Moona Smart Pillow

If the cold side of a pillow gets you drifting off, Moona is promising a cool comforting pillow all night long.

The pillow-pads create the optimum pillow temperature which helps you sleep better and wake up more easily by gently warming the pillow.

You can also accurately record your sleep data – beats having to sleep with a phone under your pillow to keep track of your snooze time.


Different trends come and go but tech gadgets that help improve human life are here to stay. Whether it is a smart mattress or pillow or a handy sleep tracking gadget you can wear daily, these innovations are a great addition to the bedroom so sleep becomes restful once more. Why suffer from constant sleep deprivation when there are innovations aimed at helping you overcome your various sleep issues? You’ll be surprised that there are far more gadgets that can help induce sleep aside from the ones listed here.

If your chronic sleeplessness is caused by something else, say sleep apnea, it’s an entirely different story. You need to get checked and treated for it because it is a deadly condition that can put you at higher risk of cardiac arrest and even sudden death. To spare yourself from the dangers of sleep apnea, a mouthpiece like this: may be the one you are looking for. Or if you are looking for another option, this: is another great alternative to give you that restful sleep you have always dreamed of.

Sleep Commando, Anyone? The Benefits Of Sleeping Naked…

Many people take sleep for granted, especially at a time when everything revolves around technology. I’m sure many of you can relate to seeing yourself all tucked in bed but still fiddling with your smartphone, right? Too much technology use can mess up with your sleep and negatively affect your health over time. Aside from hiding that phone, why don’t you try sleeping commando to improve your sleep?

Although sleeping bare naked is something you haven’t done since you were an infant probably, sleeping in matching sleepwear and nighties are just too irresistible for many. Although men probably won’t have any qualms about this, sleeping with nothing on might be an issue for women – especially the single ladies. For couples, this is the perfect excuse to enjoy more skin contact and some cuddling, perhaps. And imagine how comfortable you will feel during summer when the heat is just unbearable and sleeping with your clothes on makes you all sweaty and feeling hot.

What if I told you in just 10 seconds a day, you can sleep better, make more money, reduce stress, and lose weight? Sleeping naked can do all these things and more. All you have to do is take off your clothes. While there are countless strategies floating around out there to help you improve in these areas, none is as simple—and many are less effective—as stripping down before you go to sleep.

Since only 8% of people sleep naked, most everyone can discover the benefits of sleeping in the buff. This may sound far-fetched, but hear me out before you throw those cozy flannel pajamas on.


Ancient people had no qualms sleeping naked because clothing wasn’t really as essential as food. But now that we can have everything we possibly want in just a snap of a finger, it may be an issue. However, we learn more through technology because we have access to sites that provide helpful information without us having to go to the library ourselves and search up on something manually. We now know that sleeping commando is actually good for our health.

One in four Britains sleep in the nude – but do you know its serious health benefits?

According to GP Dr Sarah Brewer, sleeping naked could aid weight loss, as the body overproduces the hormone cortisol when it gets too warm, resulting in an increased appetite.

Sleeping in the buff could also reduce the risk of getting thrush, as airing the intimate area helps to stop fungus’ from thriving in the warm, moist environment.

Going nude may also boost male fertility, as the hormone testosterone is released at night, with its production being reduced if a man gets too hot.

Couples could also benefit, as sleeping naked makes people feel more loving, as well as the sight of bare skin stimulating arousal.


If you still have your doubts, then it might be high time to give it a try so you can experience yourself the benefits offered by clothe-free sleeping.

Only 12 percent of Americans sleep naked, according to a poll from the National Sleep Foundation, but it is highly recommended by both researchers and doctors.

The human body is designed to decrease in temperature during sleep, and not only does sleeping in the nude keep you comfortable through the night, but it determines when your body is ready to fall asleep and when it is time to wake up. 

One study found that even the slightest cooling of the skin helps individuals fall into a much deeper sleep, according to Seeker.

Cooling the body is especially beneficial to the elderly, and this research confirms previous studies that found warmer skin, in both humans and animals, disrupts sleep.


So, what are you waiting for? Strip off your clothes and sleep bare naked tonight and enjoy the cool air on your skin. With luck, you’ll sleep soundly throughout the night for the first time in a long time. This spring and well into summer, the temperature is expected to go up and up, so now is the perfect time to sleep commando. Of course, only do this if you sleep by yourself in your own room for single individuals but not a problem at all for married couples. Not only you feel cooler and sleep better but your health improves when you sleep soundly at night.

However, if you are suffering from a sleeping disorder, sleeping commando may not be enough to solve your problem. So, check this link for a possible solution to issues involving snoring or sleep apnea: You can also check out this one so you have more options to choose from:

Why Taking Naps At The Best Time Is Good For You

Sleep is a crucial part of life. Whatever our pursuits are in our day-to-day, we ultimately get tired and sleepy at the end of the day. It is our body’s way of telling us to rest and recuperate to prepare for what lies ahead the next day. And whether you are a light or deep sleeper, being able to get some decent sleep is a must daily.

Napping during the day is also a great practice especially if you are a busy bee who got lots of things to do each day and need a few minutes to recharge and move on. People living in big cities often don’t have the time of day to lie down for a few minutes and grab some quick eye but napping actually has lots of health benefits that you should look into.

How many times have you found yourself wishing you could rewind to Preschool, when afternoon naps were mandatory? Well, a U.K.-based fitness chain is about to make that daydream a reality with “napercise,” a group class in which participants quite literally nap for 45 minutes.

According to David Lloyd Clubs, for their “40 winks workout,” single beds will replace spin bikes in the studio. The thermostat will be turned down, and relaxing music will play over the sound system to create the perfect environment for catching Zs. The first napercise sessions are scheduled for this weekend.

While the concept may seem silly, the motivation for the class is no joke. The idea came about after a David Lloyds Clubs survey found that 86% of parents struggle with fatigue, and 26% generally get less than five hours of sleep a night. Napercise was born to help “exhausted mums and dads boost their mental and physical wellbeing,” the company said in a press release.


Don’t take such a class as a laughing matter because many people are actually interested in joining. We loathed being told to sleep when we were younger but as we grew up, we realized how valuable sleep is and thus consider it more of a luxury as we juggle all our adult responsibilities.

Sleep. The one thing that you can never get back. Growing up, you battled the Sandman. Moving your bedtime later and later. When high school gets over, you make your own decisions on bedtime and that could mean hitting the sack early or burning a candle on both ends.

Power napping is a skill. Not everyone can master it and make it work for them. There’s a delicate balance to napping that you shouldn’t cross or else it might do you more harm than good.

The two things that I have learned about my recent attempt to regain my energy is that I don’t actually have to fall asleep and not to oversleep.

The first seems to be counterintuitive, but a nice relaxing spot, eyes closed and light noise in the background can go a long way with feeling refreshed. Ideally, you want to doze off for a little bit, not reaching REM sleep, and wake up. Drowsiness will be there for a minute or two, but you should be able to get through it.

The other thing is to not oversleep. I know that when you find your inner peace, you want to continue until you wake up on your own, but you have to set an alarm and get up. Taking a longer nap may actually leave you more lethargic than energized.


Poor sleep is a common complaint among the millennials of today. They actually are the ones making most of the workforce today and one of the most overworked too. Life these days isn’t a walk in the park. It’s hard to sleep on time or set a regular bed time because of technology. How many times have you found yourself unable to put down your phone because you are so engrossed in checking all your social media accounts?

However, there are some who don’t have a choice as to why they lie awake at night. It’s usually because of a sleep disorder like sleep apnea. If you are one of the unfortunate few who is suffering from this condition, maybe can offer you relief.

What Exactly Is Sleep Apnea?

For most of us who have no medical background, we don’t necessarily try to make sense of everything that is happening to us. For instance, if you snore or your partner does, then that’s simply it. You or your partner snores. Irritating as it may be and leaves you deprived of precious sleep, snoring is just the tip of the iceberg. It is the characteristic symptom of a more serious sleeping disorder that is known as sleep apnea.

However, that term does not make any sense to us lay people. What does it have to do with snoring? What happens when you sleep if you have it? How can you tell that your snoring is due to sleep apnea? To better understand what sleep apnea is all about and how deadly it is, read on.

Sleep apnea is highly prevalent in patients with cardiovascular disease. These disordered breathing events are associated with a profile of perturbations that include intermittent hypoxia, oxidative stress, sympathetic activation, and endothelial dysfunction, all of which are critical mediators of cardiovascular disease. Evidence supports a causal association of sleep apnea with the incidence and morbidity of hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, and stroke. Several discoveries in the pathogenesis, along with developments in the treatment of sleep apnea, have accumulated in recent years. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of sleep apnea, the evidence that addresses the links between sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease, and research that has addressed the effect of sleep apnea treatment on cardiovascular disease and clinical endpoints. Finally, we review the recent development in sleep apnea treatment options, with special consideration of treating patients with heart disease.


In short…

About 60 percent of everybody who snores has some degree of sleep apnea.

Snoring and having been witnessed to have pauses in breathing increases the likelihood of having sleep apnea to upwards of 80 percent.

Obstructive sleep apnea is caused when the muscles in the airway relax/collapse, preventing the sleeper from breathing until the sleeper arouses from the apnea.

Apneas can last more than a minute, and the associated arousals are disruptive to sleep (although it is rare for the sleeper to be aware of the apneas or arousals).

Someone with moderate sleep apnea will have 15 to 30 apneas in an hour.

Some people with severe sleep apnea can stop breathing more than 100 times an hour.

It’s important to identify and treat sleep apnea (which will eliminate snoring) not only to improve sleep quality, but because of the health risks associated with untreated sleep apnea.

Things like hypertension, stroke, diabetes, heart attack, atrial fibrillation and depression are just a few of the health risks that come with sleep apnea.


By now you probably have a clearer understanding of this sleeping disorder and what happens to your body when you are diagnosed with it. While we often associate snoring with adults, kids can snore too and likewise suffer from sleep apnea. And considering their young age and growing body, such a condition can have detrimental effects on their health and well-being.

A recent study set out to investigate the effect of sleep apnea on the brains of 7- to 11-year-olds. In total, 16 children with obstructive sleep apnea were evaluated at the University of Chicago‘s pediatric sleep laboratory. All children underwent neurocognitive tests and were scanned using MRI.

The study team was headed up by Dr. Leila Kheirandish-Gozal, director of pediatric clinical sleep research at the University of Chicago. The team worked in conjunction with researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles, who analyzed the images.

The test results and brain scans were compared with a further nine children without sleep apnea, matched for gender, age, weight, and ethnicity. They also compared the children with sleep apnea with a database of 191 MRI scans in a pre-existing National Institutes of Health (NIH) database.

Once the analysis was complete, the results were striking. The children with obstructive sleep apnea had substantial reductions in the volume of gray matter – the information processing part of the brain.


It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure that young children get enough sleep as they grow up. A growing body not only needs proper diet, supplementation, and active play but enough sleep at night as well. And when in the unfortunate event that a young child already snores and suffers from sleep apnea, see a doctor right away to undergo a sleep test to get a diagnosis.

Kids may have a hard time complying with a CPAP treatment. Even adults struggle with it too. But knowing how breathing is affected during sleep by this sleep disorder, it is important to take action right away or put their health and life at risk. Not all the time surgery is warranted to really beat sleep apnea. Check this out because it is an anti-snoring mouthpiece that children can conveniently use. Or, try a similar solution with this alternative mouthpiece: Kids can manage to sleep soundly at night with these mouthpieces in place, unlike other sleep apnea managements that are not quite kid-friendly.

Sleeping Issues Adults Can Avoid

There are many things we do in life out of familiarity without really knowing the reason behind these practices. At times, they are pretty harmless but there are also times when continuing such a practice can be bad for us especially for our health. Let us take our sleeping habits for example. You’d be surprised at the number of sleeping mistakes most of us make on a daily (nightly) basis.

We don’t think of a lot of things when we hit the sack. It is especially true back then when we still didn’t have smart gadgets to entertain us 24/7. Sleep matters more than we give it credit for. Many times we sacrifice a good night’s sleep because of our various pursuits and responsibilities and is quite common during your productive years.

You’ve crawled into bed after a long day and you’re so tired you can barely keep your eyes open. But somehow, even though you’re exhausted, you have a lousy night’s sleep. This problem is more common than you might think. According to research conducted by the Sleep Health Foundation, between 33 and 45 per cent of Australians either struggle to sleep well or don’t sleep for long enough—and it’s impacting on our health and how we function through our days. 

When we don’t get enough sleep, everything is more difficult. It affects our mood, how we feel about ourselves and our lives, the food choices we make (say hello to that 10am muffin and coffee and 3pm chocolate biscuit binge!) and how we speak to those we love most in the world. Lack of sleep can increase inflammation in the body, which in turn is a risk factor for type-2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and poor digestive health and it adds another layer of stress to the body since it doesn’t have sufficient time to repair and restore. We can’t fight our biology, sleep is essential to our very being and getting quality sleep at the recommended 7-9 hours each night can make the world of difference to our energy and vitality.


Sleep restores our body’s vitality and allows us to perform at our best during the day. Sleep deprivation is one of the most underrated factors as to why people get sick these days and one of the most challenging issues to overcome in this tech-crazed modern life.

Hitting the Snooze Button

Alarms are a noisy (and annoying) reminder that we have to lift ourselves out of the bed and face the day. It’s hardly surprising that many of us reach for the snooze button for an extra 10 minutes of shut-eye, however snooze buttons are actually the enemy.

Watching TV Before Bed

We’ve all, at one time or another, fallen asleep on the sofa while watching TV after a long and hard day. Many, however, see this as something to replicate in the bedroom when we can’t fall asleep — this is a very common sleep mistake.

Having Too Much Light

Our bodies require darkness in order to produce the sleep hormone melatonin, which helps to prepare us for our sleep cycle. When our bodies detect light, production levels of melatonin are decreased, meaning artificial lights (such as the sorts that come from lamps, devices, TVs and other technology) damage our sleep.

Eating Sugary Snacks Before Bed

Refined sugars can disrupt the organs that control hormone regulation. When blood sugar levels and hormones fluctuate, this can cause you to wake up during sleep cycles and therefore cause fatigue the following day.


Those are just some of the things we are guilty of doing that actually messes up our sleeping pattern without us knowing. The majority of Americans nowadays are actually guilty of doing all four sleeping mistakes and are likely to keep on doing it indefinitely. It is better to address these habits early on before you’ll ultimately be unable to correct them and leave you feeling run down, exhausted and stressed every single day.

While these mistakes are born out of habit, there are sleeping issues we have little to no control over. These are often sleep-related disorders that are the bane of the existence of some people yet seldom talked about in public. For example, sleep apnea affects lots of Americans these days but it is rarely addressed for the condition that it is and mostly talked about because of the annoying snoring that characterizes it. If you happen to suffer from sleep apnea, there are anti-snoring gadgets you can use to relief you of many of its discomforts. or is good for starters but if your condition is more severe, your doctor can prescribe other sleep apnea treatment such as CPAP or a more invasive surgery to correct the issue.