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Why Sleep Health Continues To Deteriorate

People often sacrifice sleep in pursuit of other life priorities thinking they can always catch up on lost sleep once they meet their deadline or when they have the time. But more often than not that time never really comes and you end up compromising your health because of passing interests. The human body does not work that way. You’ll never catch up on all the slumber you lost mainly because you can’t turn back time and there are new tasks and responsibilities that will demand your attention. Your body gradually suffers if you constantly deprive yourself of sleep and you’ll feel its consequences over time.

It’s no longer a mystery why you end up putting off sleep much later when all around you there are tech distractions meant to take your time away every single day (or night). Sleep deprivation is a growing concern in the medical field because people miss out on the many restorative properties of sleep that are meant to let your body rest and relax but rejuvenate too. You don’t need any magical formula or discover the fountain of youth for long life. Just make sure you eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. That’s all your body needs. If you can’t stop yourself from constantly fidgeting with your smartphone and clicking on links after links after links on social media, then you have a problem and only you can solve it.

“Many of us are working more erratic hours and sleeping less, while the pace of our lives seems to be accelerating,” said Owen in a statement. “We know that this sleep disruption affects us in some ways and that some people feel the impact more than others, but there’s surprisingly little research into exactly how our brains deal with these sleep deficits.”

In particular, Owen said, researchers hope to glean new answers to questions including how sleep and sleep deprivation affect specific regions of the brain, how much sleep is enough, and how brain health is affected by sleep deprivation in the short- and long-term.

“We have the opportunity in this study to learn far more about the brain’s response to sleep than we have ever had before. And what we learn ultimately has the potential to change how millions of people go about their daily lives.”


Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to clumsiness, daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and weight issues. So if you suddenly experience some weight gain or weight loss issues, don’t just blame your eating habits right away. Aside from that, sleep deprivation impairs brain function and attention that may consequently affect performance and cognitive function. Although it is understandable to miss out on a good night’s sleep now and then, don’t make it a habit of doing it every single night because you will regret it big time.

Sleep deprivation is linked to a variety of serious health problems, including heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. It stresses you out because your body overproduces the stress hormone cortisol when it’s sleep deprived. While excess cortisol has a host of negative health effects that come from the havoc it wreaks on your immune system, it also makes you look older, because cortisol breaks down skin collagen, the protein that keeps skin smooth and elastic. In men specifically, not sleeping enough reduces testosterone levels and lowers sperm count.

Too many studies to list have shown that people who get enough sleep live longer, healthier lives, but I understand that sometimes this isn’t motivation enough. So consider this—not sleeping enough makes you fat. Sleep deprivation compromises your body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates and control food intake. When you sleep less you eat more and have more difficulty burning the calories you consume. Sleep deprivation makes you hungrier by increasing the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin and makes it harder for you to get full by reducing levels of the satiety-inducing hormone leptin. People who sleep less than 6 hours a night are 30% more likely to become obese than those who sleep 7 to 9 hours a night.


Modern life is like living in the fast lane. We seldom have time to pause and take our time to enjoy the view and breathe the flowers. We try to multitask to the best of our abilities at the expense of our health because we feel that we are invincible. But if you look around you now, you’ll see that younger people get diagnosed with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease in their thirties or even younger than people did in the past. It’s our lifestyle that is catching up to us. You’ll be spending less time here on earth if you don’t slow down and take the time to rest and look after your body.

People often blame technology for their chronic sleeplessness but at times it can be a sleep disorder you totally have no control of. To understand better, think of sleep apnea. It’s not just that awful snoring sound you should be worried of but the dangerous breathing pauses in your slumber as your brain chooses between sleep and oxygen. To save yourself and your sanity from the negative effects of sleep deprivation, try some of the handy anti-snoring mouthpieces sold on the market today like or that may not be as effective as CPAP but does the job of reducing the snoring and preventing the breathing pauses by correcting certain inborn anatomical deformities that predisposes you to sleep apnea.

Does More Sex Create More Sleep?

You can only stay awake for so long. After a while, your body will demand for sleep. Sleep isn’t just a form of rest and relaxation but has restorative properties as well. Many important body processes take place during our slumber and it likewise recharges our body in preparation for what lies ahead the following day. However, it isn’t that easy drifting off to dreamland in our modern world. There are numerous technology enabled distractions that keep us wide awake at night. They emit dangerous blue light that messes up with your body’s circadian rhythm or body clock. It becomes an endless cycle of sleeplessness that deteriorates your overall health over time.

You search for the solution far and wide and when there is one that is recommended by experts just the same, that hits home. Well, it shouldn’t be a problem for you if you are a married person or living together with someone. The truth is, having sex promotes better sleep health. No wonder couples feel drowsy and sleepy after making love. In a nutshell, sex is helpful in making you feel relaxed, well-rested, and yes, sleep better right after doing the deed. The high levels of oxytocin released during sex reduce cortisol levels, thereby making you feel deeply relaxed.

Not sleeping enough? Try having more sex. Not in the mood to get it on? You may need more sleep.

Two separate, recent studies have revealed the interdependent relationship between sex and sleep. The first study revealed that college students who slept more had increased greater rates of sexual activity the next day.

The second study was conducted among women 50 and older, with participants who slept more than seven hours having more sex than those who slept less than seven hours per night.

How do the two help each other? First of all, hormones are released after sex, as chemicals such as oxytocin and prolactin make you feel comfortable and sleepy while also decreasing cortisol, your stress hormone. It is easier to fall asleep in this relaxed state.


Both sexes may actually feel sleepy after having sex but it differs slightly if you are a man or a woman. Women tend to sleep more deeply soon after because of the rise of estrogen levels. Meanwhile, men feel just as drowsy due to the secretion of the prolactin hormone during sex. Moreover, it is easier to fall sleep when you are relaxed, which is often the case once you climax.

But the reverse appears to be true, too: Another recent study that looked at sleep and sex in college students found that for those in romantic relationships, every extra hour they slept corresponded to higher sexual desire, greater vaginal lubrication and a 14% increase in the chances of getting frisky the next day. That’s probably because a good night’s sleep leaves us feeling refreshed, relaxed and energetic — all important for feeling sexy.
“This type of research builds on previous research demonstrating that lifestyle behaviors influence people’s sexual lives,” said Debby Herbenick, associate professor at Indiana University and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.
Eating, exercise and stress levels can also influence sexual behavior, sexual desire and interest in sex. But sleep is one of the big categories, largely in our control. “Dr. Alfred Kinsey noted this many years ago in his books, and more recent research supports it,” Herbenick explained.


Sex and sleep are also similar in more ways. You sleep and have sex better if the sheets are clean, the bed is made, and the room is tidy. Aside from that, taking care of your hygiene is likewise a big factor. Sleep will elude you if you feel sticky from work. Your spouse will also pass on sex if you don’t take good care of yourself. Limit distractions whenever possible. While we often think of sex as a spur of the moment reaction, it can also be planned trysts where both partners agree on a set time and date and do the necessary preparation to make that moment memorable and worth their time. But since we need sleep daily, we need to make an extra effort to establish a daily routine where our body will recognize when it’s time for sleep or not.

However, if you’re sex life is great but sleep is still an issue, then you have a bigger problem in your midst. Better get yourself checked and treated before it gets worse. It can be sleep apnea that is hard to manage but undeniably deadly especially if you have pre-existing cardiac conditions. CPAP is actually the treatment of choice but you’ll know here why it has a low compliance rate. A more convenient alternative to use yet just as effective is an anti-snoring mouthpiece like You won’t lose sleep anymore and have the energy for more sex in your life too. It’s the win-win situation you are looking for.

A Better Way To Monitor Your Sleep

Sleep is a necessity yet many people consider it a luxury these days. Many are sleep-deprived not just because of the various tech gadgets they are using endlessly but more so because of sleep disorders like sleep apnea. While not everyone is diagnosed with this condition, the number of people diagnosed with sleep apnea is also growing. Perhaps it is because there are more sleep clinics now where people can get help or that most of us have grown wary of the dangers caused by this sleep disorder that people actually start seeking for medical help rather than endure in silence.

Since you can’t always count on yourself to stop your from snoring while asleep, which is the main symptom of sleep apnea, you can always get yourself one of those handy anti-snoring mouthpieces that are perfect solutions especially for those who aren’t comfortable using conventional devices like CPAP. If you are hesitant to try one, you can consult your doctor to find out which will work best for you. It can either be or But there is more good news for all, you can now make use of a smartphone to help you beat sleep apnea and say hello to more good night sleep in the future.

Researchers have developed new software that makes it possible to use low-cost, thermal cameras attached to mobile phones to track how fast a person is breathing. This type of mobile thermal imaging could be used for monitoring breathing problems in elderly people living alone, people suspected of having sleep apnea or babies at risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
In The Optical Society (OSA) journal Biomedical Optics Express, the researchers report that their new software combined with a low-cost thermal camera performed well when analyzing breathing rate during tests simulating real-world movement and temperature changes.

You don’t really need expensive gadgets to help you manage sleep apnea. And it is comforting to know that useful products that aren’t just practical but beneficial to our health are now made available to the masses using the technology we have right now.

In addition to detecting breathing problems, the new approach could one day allow the camera on your computer to detect subtle breathing irregularities associated with pain or stress and then send prompts that help you relax and regulate breathing. Although traditional video cameras can be used to track breathing, they don’t work well in low-light situations and can cause privacy concerns when used for monitoring in nursing homes, for example.


Thermal cameras can detect breathing when you are asleep at night without any need for you to wear any special type of sensor. Their size and price have dropped as we continue to enjoy advancements in technology enabling the use of thermal cameras in smartphones, a tech staple for the majority of people in the world. They are even making the necessary tweaks so that someday, thermal cameras in smartphones would likewise be able to detect any irregularities in the user’s breathing when the person is in pain or stressed and consequently send signals to help you calm down and breathe normally once more.

This new approach is a more stable than standard chest belt respiratory sensors — the method could potentially be used to optimize an athlete’s performance by providing reliable and accurate feedback on breathing patterns during activities, like exercise or practice.

The researchers inferred a person’s mental load or stress through automatic breathing analysis. They used thermal imaging software to track the breaking of people who were free to move around while performing tasks. The results aligned with findings from other studies that used more sophisticated equipment. This indicated the portable thermal-camera based approach that could be useful for apps that help people relax.

“By using mobile thermal imaging to monitor only breathing, we obtained results very comparable to what other studies had found,” said Bianchi-Berthouze. “However, those studies used complex, state-of-the-art techniques that involved multiple sensors monitoring not just breathing but also heart rate.”


Patients who experience such problems are always eager to welcome new innovative solutions in the hope that it can put an end to their sleeping miseries. And what better way to get back on lost sleep and save yourself from the (real, not imagined) dangers of sleep apnea than to use your favorite toy – the smartphone. If the thermal camera technology can be made available to the public, it can save a lot of lives without requiring patients with sleep apnea to spend more money on tech gadgets they rarely find useful at all.

Sleepless Nights: Tech To The Rescue

We all think of technology as a distraction to our slumber. Of course, we are referring to smart gadgets and smartphones that have long become staples in our daily lives but eat up too much of our time. Can you imagine the stress you feel after realizing that you left your phone as you make your way to school or work in the morning? You feel incomplete, right? And it is basically true. That is how attached we have become to our tech gadgets that we even compromise our precious sleep just for a few more minutes or hours of “me time” on your social media accounts. Essentially, you are just scrolling through your newsfeed and checking out what other people are doing with their lives but the intense #FOMO (fear of missing out) prevents you from signing out of your device and head to dreamland already.

However, let us not generalize technology as something bad for it really does serve some really cool and practical purpose when used properly. In reality, it is our lack of discipline that has brought about sleeping issues because of tech use. Our affinity towards our smart gadgets has become an obsession that we can’t seem to resist day in and day out. Fortunately, others have developed tech innovations that show us these tech gadgets can actually bring about a positive change to your sleeping habits with their help, so you no longer become a slave to your device and become a sleep-deprived-zombie, but hopefully, a normal and functional individual.

Using an iPhone application called Sleep Better, we have been tracking our sleep for almost a year. On and off, we have data from 200-plus nights, each broken down to show how many minutes of light and deep sleep we achieve.

It’s reassuring to know that, on average over 200 nights, we have slept for 86% of our target eight hours. This includes weekdays, weekends, holidays and nights spent on planes and sofas.

But can we do better? Despite the stats looking good, can we shift the groggy feeling we have most mornings; the reluctance to get out of bed no matter what, and the post-lunch tiredness bringing our afternoons to a halt? We have assembled four very different gadgets to try and find out.


These gadgets can improve your sleep with continued use. Those who have tried them gave a score of 9/10 and stated that they enjoy deeper and longer sleep because of these devices. Those who have a hard time falling asleep didn’t have any difficulty drifting off to slumber and enjoy longer, uninterrupted sleep that they have been craving for all along. The best thing is that they aren’t that expensive too nor uncomfortable to use.

“Sleep Better” tracks your sleep duration, cycles and efficiency with the simple tap of a button.  Doing so helps develop a better understanding of your light sleep, deep sleep and even time spent tossing and turning.  The app’s smart alarm feature helps you wake up at the ideal time.  The app is free for iOS and Android.

    “Sleep Time” doubles as a sleep analysis app and alarm clock.  Its free and available for Android and Apple devices, and it integrates with the Apple Health app.  It analyzes sleep cycles, creating graphs based on the information.  The app even features soundscapes and white noise to help you fall asleep easier.


Who said apps are just for fun and no real, important purpose? Bring back your normal circadian rhythm with the help of these sleep apps. Counting sheep does not work anymore and you’d likely be turning to your phone for entertainment but these apps work the opposite way as if it is urging you to close your eyes and say goodbye to the rest of the world, just for the night.

But if you are suffering from a medical condition like sleep apnea, these devices may not give you the results you need. Get yourself checked and prescribed with anti-snoring devices like and if you aren’t comfortable using a CPAP machine throughout the night. They are far more effective than any tech device pseudo-sleep stimulator because they also correct the anatomical problems that predisposed you to snore and sleep apnea in the first place.

Can Sleep Apnea Kill You?

Who doesn’t like to sleep, right? Hitting the sack after a long and hard day at work is one of the best feelings in the world. Not only do you get to rest and relax in your slumber but sleep facilitates various restorative processes that the human body desperately needs. If only sleeping is just as simple as that. There are various distractions that prevent a person from getting that needed shut-eye each night. From technology to failed relationships to school or office work, you may consciously extend your day far longer as you try to finish everything before going to bed.

And then there are those health conditions that impair your sleep that is totally out of your control. Sleep apnea is a perfect example. Sleep apnea is a serious sleeping disorder that is characterized by breathing pauses during your slumber. These breathing pauses happen countless times throughout the night that leaves your brain deprived of oxygen while you are asleep. It is also accompanied by a loud snoring sound that can disrupt the sleep of your sleeping partner or spouse that may result in unique sleeping arrangements where couples don’t sleep in the same room anymore. However, the biggest threat of all is the possibility of dying in your sleep. Scary thought, right?

An autopsy report has revealed that actress and writer Carrie Fisher died of sleep apnea, along with other factors, The Los Angeles Times and other outlets reported. The medical examiner also listed atherosclerotic heart disease and drug use as “other conditions.” Cocaine, methadone, MDMA (ecstasy), alcohol and opiates were found in Fisher’s system.

While the drugs have made for splashier headlines, the dangers of sleep apnea — especially as we age — are often misunderstood and discounted.

A 2013 Mayo Clinic study found a link between obstructive sleep apnea and cardiac death. “The presence and severity of sleep apnea are associated with a significantly increased risk of sudden cardiac death,” said study leader Dr. Apoor Gami in a statement. Gami is a cardiac electrophysiologist at Midwest Heart Specialists-Advocate Medical Group in Elmhurst, Ill.


Just think about it, you literally stop breathing in your sleep if you have sleep apnea. And worse, it happens every single time you close your eyes for the night. No exception. You face this risk every single day. Studies even show that individuals diagnosed with sleep apnea are more likely to die of a heart attack around 10 pm to 6 am. Of course, the risk doubles if you are already suffering from heart problems.

At least half a million people in San Antonio have sleep apnea, causing us to snore and gasp for air while we sleep.

“What happens when people fall asleep is your brain has to choose oxygen or sleep. If you’re alive today, it chose oxygen last night.”


You see? What happens if your brain malfunctions and it chooses sleep over oxygen. Need I say that the result will be deadly?

There is considerable evidence that sleep apnea does much more than just disrupt your sleep. Sleep apnea — which commonly occurs in those who snore loudly — is defined by recurrent pauses in breathing. This may be caused either by obstruction of the airway or by the brain forgetting to prompt a breath. When this happens, oxygen levels fall, carbon dioxide levels rise, and there is a spike in blood pressure, heart rate, and hormones like cortisol as the body reawakens to breathe.

Sleep apnea has been linked to many chronic medical conditions, and even sudden death. Learn about the association between sleep apnea and hypertension, heart disease, heart failure, heart attack, stroke, and sudden death.


Breathing dysfunctions can trigger a heart attack and sudden death in your sleep. Aside from that, sleep apnea worsens other heart issues like arrhythmia and stroke that may also lead to death when not treated promptly. The statistics show that roughly 42% of sleep apnea-related deaths were due to a heart disease. Since there is a strong correlation between sleep apnea and heart disease, make sure you get yourself checked in a sleep clinic and get treated for it too so you lower your risk of dying of heart attack when worse comes to worst.

While CPAP is the treatment of choice, there are other more convenient solutions for sleep apnea that won’t require you to go under the knife. A snoring mouthpiece like this one: is a great alternative for individuals who aren’t comfortable using CPAP every time they sleep. If you want to know why you are better off without CPAP, read on: No need to fret because there are more options out there, so you should not sleep at night and continually put yourself at risk of sudden death or compromise the sleep quality of your partner because of your sleep apnea.

Your Bed Is For Sleeping

Many things have changed in our lives over the years. If you are a grown-up adult now with a family of your own, chances are you have experienced what it was like to live in a world that wasn’t yet overtaken by technology. As kids, you probably spent hours out in the sun and played to your heart’s content without tech gadgets like smartphones and tablets to distract you. Even adults didn’t have anything better to do come night time other than to retire to bed and sleep.

It is a different story these days. There are smartphones that can keep you entertained 24/7 and you can do virtually anything with it. You don’t have to go out of bed in order to talk to someone, play a game, or do other tech-related tasks. The bed is no longer the sleep haven that it once was but became your new playground. Sleep eludes you. It’s time you wake up to this reality and realize the importance of sleep and stop taking it for granted before your health begins to deteriorate or you get sick for real.

And ditch the smartphone, he recommends.

“Your bed is just for sleep and sex. Not screens.

“Exposure to screens that produce blue light – like a TV, laptop, a phone – disrupts your body clock by suppressing melatonin. 

“If you wake in the middle of the night and struggle to return to sleep with worry – change the routine. Take your attention away from the worry, let your mind accept this as normal for you, that you have survived with limited sleep for a day before and that this will help the chances of going to sleep the next night.”


It’s true, modern distractions like tech gadgets are so convenient to use you can continue tinkering with them in your bed while waiting for sleep to come but that rarely happens and you end up staying awake until the wee hours of the morning. People only slept or had sex in their beds before and stayed out of it the whole time they are doing others tasks but not anymore. After all, why even bother to move an inch when you can very well navigate the web with your smartphone in hand?

“Instead, at that time parents should create an environment where children can start to relax with less technology and less light exposure.

“Everything we do has an affect on melatonin levels, the sleeping hormone that is controlled by your sleep cycle.

“Being exposed to extreme brightness from electronic devices such as iPads will reduce melatonin and make it harder to get to sleep. If this is the case for a child it is more likely they will also have problems when they get older.

“If possible, it is beneficial to try and find an area of the house where there are no screens. With maybe just a quiet radio or space where children can read and feel safe and relaxed before bed.


Whether you are young or old, setting up your sleeping quarters to make sure it is conducive for sleeping is a must. It shouldn’t just be an afterthought for you. You should make an effort to limit as much technology there is in your bedroom and refrain from fidgeting with your smartphone once you are already in bed. They are highly distracting and are now considered a form of addiction too, so don’t just take it lightly. Your body will thank you for it especially if you are able to sleep better at night once more.

However, if your problem isn’t just about your tech addiction but something medical-related, you need a doctor’s help. Sleep apnea is the biggest problem faced by many as it isn’t just a major bummer to those unfortunate individuals like your partner or spouse who has to endure the loud snoring sound but it is a health risk that can kill you without warning. But don’t lose hope because help is always available if you just ask. Your doctor can prescribe you a CPAP, which is the traditional management for sleep apnea, but if it’s too uncomfortable for you, you can try other options like anti-snoring mouthpieces that may not be as effective as CPAP but helpful just the same. Some of these are or that may be the key to saving your life.

Other Novel Ways To Beat Sleep Apnea

It is inevitable to have sleeping issues now and then especially that we juggle more tasks now than we did in the past. There has also been a breach of the work-life balance as work can now creep its way into your home through email and chat messages, among others. Ah, the perks of modern living. You’re also likely to suffer from sleeplessness as well because of your own volition. You’d rather lose an hour or two of sleep each night just so you can keep yourself updated on social media or stream those movies or shows you have been wanting to watch that have been trending lately.

This new trend is also the possible reason for the rise of sleep clinics. They’re virtually everywhere. While it is comforting to know that you can always seek medical help for your sleeping issues, it is also disconcerting in a way since it only indicates that many people are really suffering from lack of sleep than they want to admit in public. We may think of technology as something mostly bad for our health but it can also offer solutions to many of our problems when used right.

People with more serious cases of sleep apnea may get lasting relief from an implanted nerve stimulator, a new study finds.

One specialist says the device might benefit those who can’t tolerate the current standard treatment for sleep apnea: continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). CPAP involves wearing a mask over the nose and/or mouth every night, and many people balk at that.

The new device, called Inspire, works by sending electrical impulses to a nerve that controls the muscles of the tongue. When the stimulator is turned on before a person goes to sleep, it causes the tongue to protrude forward, which helps keep the airways open.


We all know medicine uses technology. Just step into a hospital and see for yourself just how dependent the facility is to tech devices. It is basically what keeps the patients alive, aside from the expert care and attention they are getting from the staff, of course. So, it is not at all surprising to hear about innovative products like Inspire to save you from the dangers of sleep apnea.

It also has a tremendous effect on quality of life. Sufferers have been known to nod off at work, at school, and on the road.

“I hear of people dozing at stop signs all the time, which is very disconcerting,” said Stevens.

Now there is a high-tech solution for that sleep problem that just recently became available in the metro.

The surgical implant, called Inspire, works much like a pacemaker does, but instead of sending electrical impulses to the heart, it stimulates the nerve that affects sleep apnea.

“I was elated that there was something out there because I had no other choice,” said Ron Hofmann of Kansas City.


Sometimes you need to act on your problem and look for the solution especially if you’ve been battling it for the longest time. Sleep apnea does not just hit you overnight. More often than not, it is an anatomical problem that can be corrected by certain medical devices. You can’t just laugh at snoring anymore especially if you are diagnosed with the condition because you’ll then realize that you literally stop breathing countless times in your sleep as your brain basically chooses between sleeping or breathing. It can’t be stressed enough that sleep apnea is a deadly condition, so get yourself checked now and not later.

You can likewise try a more innovative anti-snoring mouthpiece or mouthguard to help correct the deformity and stop you from snoring. There are different choices out there. is a good choice but you can also try something else if you aren’t at all thrilled at the thought of having to use a CPAP machine. while it is the best choice, it isn’t always the most comfortable one. So rather than compromising your health and life by going commando each night, use either of the two and experience relief from your sleep woes from now on.

Sleeplessness And Mental Health

Many people lose sleep today for various reasons. The number of tech distractions that are keeping us away from the bed or is prompting us to push our bedtimes further is ever increasing yet we don’t seem to be alarmed by the fact that we depend so much on these smart gadgets. Chronic sleeplessness is not good, though, as sleep itself is a recuperative process everyone needs in order to grow strong and healthy. Not only do you feel much better, alert, energized, and have the presence of mind but sleeping is generally good for our body – and that encompasses all body organs.

What most of us fail to realize is how much our mental health also deteriorates if we constantly lack sleep by pulling up all-nighters. We often think sleep may just affect our body and attention span the following day but it does far more damage that we are just finding out over the past few years now. Various studies have been conducted to determine the correlation between poor sleep and a person’s mental well-being and the results just confirmed most of our suspicions all along. Night owls in general or those who always lack sleep are at highest risk of developing depression and other psychological issues than people who enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Mental health problems including psychotic experiences could in part be down to a lack of sleep, researchers have revealed.

A new study found that people who had undertaken a course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) designed specifically to treat insomnia not only found their sleep improved, but also experienced reduced paranoia and fewer hallucinations – both psychotic experiences – as well as improvements in depression and anxiety.

“The dominant view is that sleep [problems are] either a symptom of several mental health problems or it is a secondary consequence,” said Daniel Freeman, co-author of the research from the University of Oxford. “Really, sleep is one of the contributing causes.”


If you find yourself unable to sleep at night, there are actually various methods you can try to overcome insomnia or you can even get treated for it to save you from all the hassles. Getting treated is better than constantly lose sleep and you’ll learn the hard way as you age. Even if you are young, it is not an assurance that you’ll live long especially that you can’t put down your smartphone at night and keep on pushing your bedtime until the wee hours of the morning.

New research has found that treating insomnia with online cognitive behavioral therapy could in turn help treat mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and paranoia.

Carried out by researchers at the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute, University of Oxford, the team set out to try to improve sleep in a group of university students with insomnia to look at sleep’s effect on paranoia (excessive mistrust), anxiety, and depression.


Others would like to think that it is their depression or mental health problems that causing them sleep but it can also be that they developed that condition because their body loses a lot on all those sleepless nights. Sleeplessness causes your immunity significantly went down and they are unable to cope with the stresses of this world that they ended up sick in the long run.

You shouldn’t take your health lightly and the quality of your sleep has a big impact to how healthy you stay in your lifetime. Even a minor problem like snoring may actually be a bigger problem such as sleep apnea, so better get yourself checked right away for interventions to be given. There are anti-snoring mouthpieces you can use that not only reduce the snoring but correct the anatomical deformity that makes you prone to sleep apnea. Here’s one you should check out: that may be a good fit for you or something like this: that is also used by many sleep apnea sufferers. Lost sleep can never be regained so get to the bottom of your problem to save your sanity as well.

The Sleep Clinic Boom

Sleeping is more of a luxury for many folks these days. It is rare for people to get that needed eight hours of sleep daily. Most of the time, it is normal for a person to lack sleep, especially if they have a deadline to catch or they are busy with a certain event that they lose track of time because of all the preparations. However, people rarely get themselves checked or treated for lacking sleep. I mean, you just have to deal with it and get on with your life even if you didn’t sleep well the night before. It is something you don’t talk openly to other people.

However, a lot has changed over the years. People are more open now in discussing the various health issues they have to deal with in secret like their sleeping habits. The number of sleep clinics these days is a testament to how people take their sleep seriously today. Numerous studies show that your health deteriorates with chronic sleep deprivation. People are increasingly becoming more health conscious that our modern sedentary lifestyle is quickly catching up to us. If you truly suffer in your sleep, you can confirm it after undergoing sleep tests in reputable sleep clinics.

Not too long ago, sleep was barely on the radar of concerns for the vast majority of businesses, neither in regards to employee wellness nor as a way to reach consumers. Typically, the issue of sleep was treated as an afterthought or inconvenience.

And while bragging about perpetual sleep deprivation and burning the candle at both ends is still a commonplace for many, in the past few years, perspectives have started to shift. A growing body of research and increased public awareness of sleep has led this trend.

In turn, the new awareness of sleep has awakened industries both old and new on several fronts.

  1. The elevated awareness of sleep’s benefits and necessity

In the past decade, science has made significant headway into understanding sleep. While it may seem like a basic function, shuteye is actually quite complex and interconnected with several other aspects of mental and physical health.


Some people actually feel uncomfortable at first at the thought of spending the night in a sleep clinic that is so sterile you feel overly conscious. Then, you’d be strapped all over with leads and a stranger is watching your every move all throughout your stay. Mind you that the real action actually happens once you sleep. But as uncomfortable it may seem, a stay at a sleep clinic can do you more good than whatever it is you are worried about especially if you really are suffering from an undiagnosed sleep disorder.

Lisa: Would you talk about the risks of not treating sleep apnea?

Dr. Gosman: Not treating sleep apnea can cause long term health issues, including high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks. It can also limit a person’s abilities to perform duties at work, operate a car or heavy machinery safely.

Lisa: Debbie, can you tell us about a sleep study, what it is and what it will tell you?

Debbie: Patients watch a short video so they know what to expect and have an opportunity to ask any questions. Then the patient settles into one of the center’s hotel-like rooms.

During the study, we measure their oxygen and monitor their heart rate. Generally, once the patient lies down and realizes that they can sleep on their side if that’s more comfortable, most patients do well.


Two types of people get tested in sleep clinics. First, the ones who volunteer to get tested oh so desperately. Second, there are the ones who are still in denial of their condition and quite clueless of what to expect. In particular, patients with sleep apnea are afraid of the unknown. Many of them don’t know what happens during sleep tests. They think it might be painful especially that electronic leads will be attached to them. They’re also conscious about how to act when someone is watching their every move. They’re even conscious if others can tell what they are dreaming about. Some find it hard to drift off the sleep but despite these initial worries, they still manage to sleep and get tested after all.

More often than not, the culprit is sleep apnea. It is a deadly sleep disorder that causes breathing pauses in your sleep and may lead to sudden death if not treated right away. Better get it over with and get on the waiting list of the nearest sleep clinic now than suffer in silence in your sleep, or better yet, the lack of it. You’d likely get prescribed to have CPAP or a similar snoring mouthpiece or gadget that can address any physical aberration and prevent those deadly breathing pauses during your sleep. Try or Both are convenient to use and works great. You can now sleep soundly at night without worrying if you’d still be able to wake up the next day.

Lack Of Sleep Effects: Are You Getting Dumber?

Some people have a love-hate relationship with sleep. It just does not make any sense how some people can loathe sleeping when it offers us a temporary reprieve from all of our worries in life. Aside from that, we feel better upon arising because our body had a chance to rest and recuperate in our slumber. Sleep has a lot of benefits and it’s pretty obvious why we need it in our lives even if we aren’t always thrilled that our body demands it so much from us.

However, the world is now filled with tech distractions that take our time away from what few hours we have left for sleep. During the day, our schedule is often jam-packed from sunrise to sunset as we try to survive the daily commute, daily grind, and everything else everybody expects from us throughout the day. More often than not, we sacrifice sleep to increase our productiveness. We extend our day all through the wee hours of the morning as we try to catch up on deadlines. What we fail to realize is that we do our body more harm by skipping sleep than what we like to believe.

A chronic lack of sleep not only impairs cognitive abilities but also increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Current research discussed at the Congress of the European Academy of Neurology in Amsterdam show that not only the amount of sleep is important but also whether it is done at the right time.

“Too little sleep reduces our cognitive abilities and has a negative impact on physical health. Unfortunately, this crucial topic is still all too often undervalued in the health care sector,” warned Prof Pierre Maquet, head of the Neurology Department at Liège University in Belgium at the 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) in Amsterdam.

1.5 hours less sleep than our grandparents

On average, Americans today sleep 6.5 hours a night and Europeans about seven. Prof Maquet: “This is about one and a half hours less than our grandparents used to sleep. That means we suffer from a chronic lack of sleep.” Not least, this situation impacts the processing of information in the brain. Prof Maquet: “Above all else, a lack of sleep impairs the ability to retain new information in the memory. The information can be absorbed but not permanently stored in the brain. Instead, it is lost in the long term. Apparently the memory traces laid down following every new item of information remain fragile until they are firmed up and incorporated in the long-term memory while a person is asleep.”


Sleep deprivation can leave you like a literal walking zombie. You may be awake but your mind is drifting somewhere else because it is simply exhausted. Your body has a natural sleep drive that will signal your brain it needs sleep but if you keep on ignoring it, it may start to malfunction.

Don’t forget that new memory and learning pathways are formed during sleep. You need to sleep adequately for these pathways to even form. Moreover, memories are only formed once your brain encodes it. But the brain can only encode a certain memory if you paid attention to it when you did it. You’ll have a hard time remembering anything that happened during the day if you weren’t able to consolidate all these information at night during your sleep.

Perhaps you won’t realize how you’re slowly becoming unhappy since not lack of sleep also inhibits your basic brain functions. Such important daily activities as problem solving skills, creative thought, and stress management become crippled with seven or less hours of sleep. According to a University of Rochester study, when you’re asleep, your brain works to remove toxic proteins from itself. However, it is unable to do this while you’re awake, and the greater the buildup of these toxic proteins, the worse it is for your mind.

Not all sleepless nights happen by choice. Issues like anxiety, an overabundance of school work or insomnia are just a few major contributing factors to not being able to sleep. However, these are generally not choices people make to be part of their lives.

Next time you’re hanging out with friends and one of them gloats about their lack of sleep, understand what they’re advocating for – becoming a dumber, fatter cry baby of a person and putting reciprocal pressure on others to be this way as well, because, as the author John Ray once wrote – misery loves company. 


There is nothing worth glorifying when you boast about your chronic sleepless state. Your body sacrifices greatly if you keep up this lifestyle. Your health deteriorates and you perform poorly on various aspects of life especially on activities that require you to think and solve problems. If you are not intellectually-gifted yourself, try to save yourself from more misfortune or embarrassment by getting that needed shut-eye each night. Your body deserves to rest after a hard day’s work, so don’t deprive it of the chance to rest once night time falls. Tomorrow is another day and leave your work as it is.

Other times, you lose sleep not of your own volition. Certain sleep disorders prevent you from enjoying a good night’s sleep. Take sleep apnea for example. The loud snoring sound isn’t just absolutely irritating but the breathing pauses in your sleep are even scarier. If you aren’t comfortable with CPAP and are looking for a more convenient solution to your snoring, may be an excellent choice for you. Another alternative can be These mouthpieces are designed to correct certain anatomical problems to reduce the breathing pauses and the consequential snoring that follows.