Tag: Anti-snoring Mouthpiece

Understanding Sleep Apnea Mouthpieces

Sleep apnea is a silent killer. That is without a doubt. For years, the public has turned a blind eye to the dangers of sleep apnea and only noticed the annoying loud snoring sound made by people suffering from this condition. We have even gone past the joke already and see sleep apnea for the real health danger that it is. You can see it everywhere around you. There are more sleep clinics now that cater to patients with sleep problems that often stem from sleep apnea. It is an obvious acknowledgment that its dangers can no longer be ignored and we should finally put modern medicine into good use and relieve chronic snorers from this pesky habit and let them enjoy a safe and restful sleep once again.

There is even no need to head to the OR table to go under the knife to remedy this problem or wear a bothersome CPAP mask that has a very low compliance rate because it is too challenging to use especially when you are asleep. Even if you miss out on the gold standard of sleep apnea treatment, there are more convenient anti-snoring mouthpiece options right now that can work for whatever lifestyle. These are relatively affordable and easy to use as well, so there is no more reason for you to keep on losing sleep when there are different anti-snoring mouthpieces to choose from.

The 18 million Americans with obstructive sleep apnea sufferers are a powerful incentive for device manufacturers, and there are myriad alternatives to CPAP in the marketplace and under development. Some of them are even seeking backers on internet fundraising sites. Newer FDA-approved treatments include Provent — nose plugs that create pressure when air is exhaled and Winx — a device that sucks the tongue forward to keep the airway open. But they are expensive and may not be covered by insurance. Mandibular advancement devices — a form of dental night guard — have been around for awhile. They are the only CPAP alternative that is likely to be covered by Medicare and other insurers.

(Via: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/oral-appliances-may-work-for-mild-but-not-severe-sleep-apnea-201506058063)

These mouthpieces can address the deadly breathing gaps that people with sleep apnea experience all throughout their slumber. There are mouthpieces you can customize for a tailor-fit device that will work perfectly on you. Or you can opt for a mandibular advancement device that slightly pushes the jaw forward to correct the anatomical problems that lead to narrowed or constricted airways. The snoring sound is made by the air passing on narrowed airways that leads to vibration. All these things are corrected with the help of the sleep apnea mouthpiece of your choice. Just bear in mind, though, that not all are created equal so you need to do your research first and find out what each brand’s pros and cons are.

Oral appliances can cause discomfort, foreign body sensation, excessive salivation or mouth dryness. They should typically be used after a sleep study has been performed to identify the risk factors for OSAS and to diagnose it, if present, as well as to provide a baseline to assess progress with the use of the appliances. They are reversible, simple to use, affordable, and effective, and so offer an alternative to CPAP in many patients.

Adjustable oral appliances require orthodontic skills and are, therefore, much more expensive than fixed appliances. They take more time to fashion, and tolerance buildup is slower; however, they are more effective in reducing snoring among all types of patients with OSAS. The highest success rates are found in younger patients with a slimmer build and lower BMI, who have mild to moderate OSAS.

Fixed appliances are relatively more inexpensive, easy to fit by the patient, and act faster. They cannot be adjusted to provide greater or less mandibular protrusion and thus fail to correct snoring.

(Via: https://www.news-medical.net/health/Guide-to-Anti-Snoring-Devices.aspx)

Anti-snoring mouthpieces can’t entirely replace CPAP or what surgery can offer (although getting surgical intervention isn’t always entirely guaranteed and there are risks too) but they are betting than nothing, right? Sometimes it can take a while for a person to finish getting tested and undergo sleep studies then choose from the various sleep apnea treatments available on the market today. While doing so, you can benefit from a handy oral appliance that will not just stop you from snoring but in a way lengthen your life by giving you a good night’s sleep and saving you from all the risks posed by this deadly yet often underrated condition.

Easily one of the best sleep apnea mouthpieces right now is the SnoreRX (review here). It offers value for money and an answered prayer to years of snoring. It is both easy to use and is able to correct any physical deformity that leads to snoring when the mouthpiece is inside your mouth.

Kiss Your Sleep Woes Goodbye

Sleeping is becoming more of an afterthought for many because of so many distractions these days. Back then, you have no choice but to sleep once nighttime falls because there is virtually nothing else you can do. If you are privileged enough to have a television or a radio, they probably signed-off by then and there is nowhere to go either. However, cities become more populated (even rural areas too) as the years go by and there are more establishments now than there were in the past. Shopping malls started sprouting everywhere and they provided more options to entertain ourselves. Cafes and restaurants stay open until late at night. Then, the tech explosion left us unable to live without our phones. And now that smart technology is the norm these days, we have access to the web anytime we have a smart gadget in hand, a WiFi connection or data, and time to burn on our hands.

Hence, it is no longer surprising to hear more and more people complain that they are losing sleep because they consciously do things that prevent their body from sleeping early in the night. The temptations are everywhere, it’s our glaring truth. However, it does not mean you can’t overcome it and just let your body suffer forever by forcing your body to sleep late and deprive it of the many curative benefits that a good night’s sleep offers. So, heed these tips to help you sleep better once and for all. You might have heard about them already but you have no choice but to heed them since they are the key to saving your health and sanity. You can still live life to the fullest without staying up all night all the time.

Turn off tech devices before bed

The biggest sleep mistake people make, says Rossman, is “Doing too many stimulating things too close to bedtime. Our electronics can really cut into our sleep because they wire our brain, they’re too intellectually stimulating, and the blue light that’s emitted from our screens suppresses the release of melatonin, which is our body’s sleepiness hormone.”

Wake up at the same time every day

This can help improve sleep by getting your body on a schedule, says Rossman, so you’re actually tired around the same time each night too.

Expose yourself to light when you wake up

Open the windows to let sun in, or head outside for a walk right when you wake, recommends Rossman. “Make sure light comes in through your eyes—it helps to set our body’s natural clock, so that you’re sleepy at bedtime.”

(Via: http://www.health.com/sleep/better-sleep-tips-video)

They sound easy, right? Then why do many of you have a hard time doing it? It’s time to stop with the excuses and take responsibility for your actions. You may be young for now but time and gravity will soon catch up with you and you’ll regret not taking care of your body while you still had the time. You only live once. That may be true. However, make sure that you are in great shape and in good health throughout your life rather than live a life crippled by sickness or something else. Getting back on your lost sleep is all a matter of mind over matter and knowing what to do and avoid.

Leaving a bedroom door or window open may help people sleep better, a study from the Netherlands suggests.

Open windows and doors helped reduce carbon dioxide levels and improve ventilation and air flow, which was related to better sleep quality for the healthy young adults in the study.

“We spend nearly a third of our life in the bedroom environment, but the air quality in our sleeping environment is often overlooked,” said study author Dr Asit Mishra of Eindhoven University of Technology.

“Imagine this – you are in a confined space and have limited ability to adjust the situation (since you are asleep) while you are possibly surrounded by pollutants,” he told Reuters Health by phone. “This is how things are in bed, covered under duvets or a blanket.”

(Via: https://www.geo.tv/latest/171249-open-windows-and-doors-can-improve-sleep-quality)

Sometimes, the little things in our surroundings also matter and can make a big difference in how you easily and sleep well throughout the night. It does not solely rely on your habits or vices but simple things like opening windows and doors apparently have beneficial effects on one’s health. If it is not awfully hot or cold outside, why not give this tip a try and improve your room ventilation. Studies support it and you won’t lose anything if you do it yourself. It is a different story, though, if you have an existing medical condition that is the reason for your sleepless nights. These tips, while they may work, are not really that effective in nursing you back to health, much more salvage your lost sleep and save your eyes from having too dark and heavy bags.

If that is the case, an anti-snoring mouthpiece may offer you more relief than any of these suggestions as they correct the anatomical deformities that put you at risk of sleep apnea, for instance. You are not forced to make do with CPAP if you are not comfortable in using it. A handy anti-snoring mouthpiece can be your lifesaver such as the https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution and the https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/snorerx. They may not be as effective as CPAP but they do the job of letting you survive one night at a time without you sleeping with the dangers of not ever waking up anymore.

Stop Snoring Products Worth Your Bucks

Snoring has become a global problem. It can’t be easily ignored anymore. If you are quite observant, you have probably noticed by now how much the sleep market has grown. There are different products that promise some sort of relief so that you get to enjoy longer and more restful sleep from now on. Getting treated is a must if you have sleep apnea because the condition predisposes you to various other ailments. It is not nice to always be lacking in sleep because you end up feeling grumpy, drowsy, and basically not your most productive self.

Seeing how fast-paced the world is now, you can’t afford to not always put your best foot forward. The competition is tough and people from different parts of the world can very well compete for the same position in a particular company. It is why when you have a condition like sleep apnea, whose main symptom is snoring and characterized by a chronic state of sleeplessness, must be put under control. How do you do it? Visit a doctor or sleep specialist because they can help you out when no one else can. No need to worry about expensive surgeries or a bothersome CPAP because there are plenty of options nowadays.

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, 45 percent of adults snore at least occasionally, and 25 percent are regular snorers. That means a whopping amount of people are set up for side effects including daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, morning headaches, morning sore throats, high blood pressure, and chest pain, according to the Mayo Clinic. Yikes.

Products in the stop-snoring market range from things you maybe wouldn’t think of to products made specifically for hardcore snorers. And while these aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution to everyone’s nighttime buzzing problems, they’re definitely worth a shot if you’re finding that your snoring (or your partner’s) is making you lose restful sleep. Not all stop-snoring products are glamorous, and to be honest, not all the products on this list are glamorous, either. But they are all extremely Instagrammable, whether it’s for a sweet snap of your room or an ironic #justlittlesnoringthings post about your newest nostril openers (yes, really).

(Via: https://www.bustle.com/p/9-products-to-help-you-stop-snoring-that-are-also-extremely-grammable-8527189)

Stop snoring products are everywhere. With the sheer number of choices, finding the right one for you may be a bit tricky. Hopefully, you already have some idea now as to what sleep apnea mouthpieces work. There are customizable ones and there are those that force the jaw slightly forward to open up the airway, a big help for that constricted airway leading to vibrations as the air passes that we commonly call as snoring.

These stop snoring products aren’t limited to oral appliances because some can be chin straps, pillows, mattresses, apps, and so much more that have an effect on sleep and snoring. Mouthpieces can cause a little discomfort on your first few nights of use but they do wonders in stopping you from snoring and making it easier for you to breathe in your slumber. No more gasping for air in the middle of the night, which you’ll have no recollection of when you wake up in the morning.

No woman need suffer any longer with their husband’s snoring. The treatment is simple, painless, low cost and 100% guaranteed to work! SnoreRx’s six year track record of clinical effectiveness and safety qualified it as Best in Class. The American Sleep Association rates SnoreRx as #1, with 5 stars! https://www.sleepassociation.org/top-anti-snoring-mouthpieces-mouth-guards-reviews/

SnoreRx is an oral appliance that works by maintaining an open airway while you sleep by slightly advancing your lower jaw. Its patented Micro-Fit feature offers adjustment in 1mm increments allowing each patient to select the optimal comfort setting.

(Via: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/snorerx-now-available-at-cvs-is-first-and-only-fda-certified-non-prescription-anti-snoring-treatment-300605618.html)

If you follow the traditional management of sleep apnea, your doctor will prescribe you with CPAP or surgery, if possible, which are both costly and have lots of risks too. Also, CPAP has a low compliance rate because many users find it too difficult to use that they’d rather deal with the snoring again rather than strap this mask to their face every time they sleep. With these stop snoring gadgets, though, you can save your wallet from a big expense yet still be able to get your lost sleep back. Most anti-snoring mouthpieces are priced reasonably. Some even offer free trials where you only initially pay for shipping.

A fine example of this mouthpiece is SnoreRx. It is a crowd favorite and for a good reason. It offers 100% money back guarantee. This mouthpiece may be priced a little higher than other sleep apnea mouthpieces in the market today but it speaks of quality and real relief from sleep apnea and snoring. You can also buy it in bulk at a reduced cost. If you are thinking of using a mouthpiece for your sleep apnea while still checking out your options, SnoreRx is a good choice to put that awful snoring sound at bay without constantly depriving your brain of oxygen in your slumber.

Sleeping With Pets: A Bad Idea?

Pets are like those little icing bits on a cake. They make life a little brighter and happier. Whatever your pet is, they become a big part of your life and they’re basically family to most pet owners. It is not easy being a pet owner, though. You have obligations too as an owner and you can’t just neglect your animals whenever things no longer work out for you. But if you are a devoted pet parent, it is even possible for you to sleep with your pets. It’s perhaps the best feeling in the world to be cuddling with your beloved animals during your downtime.

However, recent studies are showing us that it isn’t always a great idea to sleep with your pets, like dogs, for instance. Well, the truth is, many are actually quite torn regarding this issue as it has been common practice among pet owners to sleep with their pets. However, those with certain allergies are advised not to do so for health reasons. But now, some studies are showing the cons of co-sleeping with your pets and it is not looking good for pet parents.

The researchers first looked at sleep efficiency, the percentage of time in bed actually spent sleeping. Here, the difference between bed-sharers and bedroom-sharers wasn’t obvious. People with dogs in their rooms, but not in their beds, had an 83-percent sleep efficiency level, and people with dogs in their beds had an average sleep efficiency rate of 80 percent. Neither of these rates is alarming: 80 percent is considered satisfactory sleep efficiency; 85 and 89 percent is normal; and above 90 percent is very efficient sleeping.

But a deeper probe revealed some problems with human-dog co-sleeping. This arrangement led owners to wake up more throughout the night compared to their counterparts. Previous research has found an interrupted night of sleep is similar to only having four hours of consistent sleep. Fragmented sleep can have negative effects on mood, attention span, and cognitive ability.

(Via: http://www.newsweek.com/sleeping-dogs-bad-your-sleep-and-health-663755)

There is absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping with your pets, most pet parents would say that and it is their right to their own opinion. But studies have proven that it isn’t always the best thing to do, no matter how violent the reactions of some may be. Well, there may be some gray areas to these studies but when it comes to your health, it is always better to err on the side of caution rather than put your life or health at risk. Yet, on the other hand, other studies say the exact opposite. So, what to believe, then?

The study, published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, included 40 adults, all of whom slept with a dog either in their bed or elsewhere in their bedroom. Both humans and canines wore motion-tracking devices for seven nights, and humans answered questions about their quality of sleep and where their dogs spent the night.

The researchers found that having a dog in the bedroom did not necessarily compromise sleep quality, as had previously been suspected. On average, people with dogs in their rooms (but not on their beds) maintained 83% sleep efficiency—a comparison of time spent asleep to total time in bed. (80% is generally considered satisfactory.)

(Via: http://time.com/4934422/dog-bedroom-sleep/)

In the end, it is up to you pet owner to decide whether you think it will be best for you to sleep with your furry friend or not. You know your body better and you can tell for yourself if it the best decision to snooze with your pet with you. Of course, it is a big no-no if you have asthma or something like that because your life is on the line. Until today, science is just as torn as you, so feel free to do whatever you see is fit for you and your adorable pet.

It might be difficult, though, to sleep with pets if you have sleep apnea because you may end up inhaling all your pet’s fur because of your snoring. Have them sleep in their own bed instead and get yourself something to help you with your sleep apnea. An anti-snoring device like https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution is a good choice while others feel more inclined to try the https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/sleeptight, which is quite different from the former. What’s important is that your snoring is minimized and you aren’t likely to die in your sleep and leave your poor pet behind.

Other Novel Ways To Beat Sleep Apnea

It is inevitable to have sleeping issues now and then especially that we juggle more tasks now than we did in the past. There has also been a breach of the work-life balance as work can now creep its way into your home through email and chat messages, among others. Ah, the perks of modern living. You’re also likely to suffer from sleeplessness as well because of your own volition. You’d rather lose an hour or two of sleep each night just so you can keep yourself updated on social media or stream those movies or shows you have been wanting to watch that have been trending lately.

This new trend is also the possible reason for the rise of sleep clinics. They’re virtually everywhere. While it is comforting to know that you can always seek medical help for your sleeping issues, it is also disconcerting in a way since it only indicates that many people are really suffering from lack of sleep than they want to admit in public. We may think of technology as something mostly bad for our health but it can also offer solutions to many of our problems when used right.

People with more serious cases of sleep apnea may get lasting relief from an implanted nerve stimulator, a new study finds.

One specialist says the device might benefit those who can’t tolerate the current standard treatment for sleep apnea: continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). CPAP involves wearing a mask over the nose and/or mouth every night, and many people balk at that.

The new device, called Inspire, works by sending electrical impulses to a nerve that controls the muscles of the tongue. When the stimulator is turned on before a person goes to sleep, it causes the tongue to protrude forward, which helps keep the airways open.

(Via: http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-apnea/news/20170914/nerve-zap-could-replace-cpap-for-sleep-apnea#1)

We all know medicine uses technology. Just step into a hospital and see for yourself just how dependent the facility is to tech devices. It is basically what keeps the patients alive, aside from the expert care and attention they are getting from the staff, of course. So, it is not at all surprising to hear about innovative products like Inspire to save you from the dangers of sleep apnea.

It also has a tremendous effect on quality of life. Sufferers have been known to nod off at work, at school, and on the road.

“I hear of people dozing at stop signs all the time, which is very disconcerting,” said Stevens.

Now there is a high-tech solution for that sleep problem that just recently became available in the metro.

The surgical implant, called Inspire, works much like a pacemaker does, but instead of sending electrical impulses to the heart, it stimulates the nerve that affects sleep apnea.

“I was elated that there was something out there because I had no other choice,” said Ron Hofmann of Kansas City.

(Via: http://www.kctv5.com/story/34106372/high-tech-sleep-solution-comes-to-kansas-city)

Sometimes you need to act on your problem and look for the solution especially if you’ve been battling it for the longest time. Sleep apnea does not just hit you overnight. More often than not, it is an anatomical problem that can be corrected by certain medical devices. You can’t just laugh at snoring anymore especially if you are diagnosed with the condition because you’ll then realize that you literally stop breathing countless times in your sleep as your brain basically chooses between sleeping or breathing. It can’t be stressed enough that sleep apnea is a deadly condition, so get yourself checked now and not later.

You can likewise try a more innovative anti-snoring mouthpiece or mouthguard to help correct the deformity and stop you from snoring. There are different choices out there. https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/snorerx is a good choice but you can also try something else if you aren’t at all thrilled at the thought of having to use a CPAP machine. https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/why-a-cpap-machine-is-probably-not-for-you while it is the best choice, it isn’t always the most comfortable one. So rather than compromising your health and life by going commando each night, use either of the two and experience relief from your sleep woes from now on.

How Can You Strike A Balance Between Sleep And Technology?

When you ask any adult what they want most in life but is often out of their reach, their answer would probably be to get a good night’s sleep. We used to hate being told to go to sleep when we were kids and we’d try to wiggle our way out of an afternoon nap. But as we grow older and we take on more life responsibilities, we realize how important sleep is as we desperately try to stay awake through the night because of school or work obligations.

Now, there is also technology that fights for your attention aside from your daily chores and pursuits. Back in the days, we had nothing left to do once the lights go out. But today, we can still stay awake for hours at night because our smartphone gives us access to the World Wide Web and our social media accounts where we live our virtual life. But if technology gets in the way of your sleep, is still there something you can do about this or is this now the plight of the modern human?

We’ve all heard the reports concerning how technology, particularly our phones and tablets, can mess with our sleep cycle through the blue light they emit.

Although there are some very real concerns about how technology affects our rest, not all of it is seen in a negative light, and today I’m going to give you a quick run down of the good, the bad and the very ugly of technology in the bedroom.

The Good

Technology is ingrained into our everyday life with the advancements of high speed connections, affordable internet, instant social connections and even influences how we shop. Therefore, it makes sense that it would seep into our bedrooms in ways we haven’t considered or even paid attention to.

But it also has a bad side to it…

The Bad

Most of us sleep with our phones near us and it is the last thing we look at before we drift off to sleep each night. But how many of you find yourself unable to fall asleep readily, or struggling to calm your thoughts in order to get to sleep? If you’ve ever wondered why you have these issues, look no further than the technology in your bedroom.

(Via: http://southfloridareporter.com/technology-changing-way-sleep/)

It is quite obvious that we lack sleep because we devote too much of our time fiddling with different gadgets. As technology advances and offered us devices like smartphones and tablets where you can do virtually everything and get connected to almost everyone on the web, striking a balance between technology use and sleeping time all boils down to your self-discipline.

There’s an old saying in sleep medicine: bedrooms are for slumber, sex and nothing else. Nowadays, though, that idea is all but obsolete — thanks to the all-invading domination of smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Yet a wealth of research demonstrates why everyone should banish screens from the bedroom — even if they’re switched off. And it’s not just because of the light they generate.

Experts fear the havoc they wreak on our sleep is sentencing us — and our children — to lives dogged by obesity, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s.

The Mail reported on the latest evidence, with NHS data showing that in the past decade, hospital attendances in England for children under 14 with sleep disorders have tripled.

And it’s their use of mobile technology that is being blamed. Phone and tablet screens are now a mainstay of teenagers’ bedrooms. Studies show that seven in ten British children and nine in ten teenagers have at least one device in their bedrooms.

(Via: http://www.iol.co.za/lifestyle/family/sleep/why-your-phone-is-keeping-you-awake-at-night-8077191)

While most findings point to technology as the culprit of sleep deprivation and the worsening of existing sleep disorders, it can also be used to your advantage.

Various sleep apps, which use a motion-tracker and/or a sound-recorder, claim to tap into those circadian rhythms, by apparently monitoring sleep patterns. A “smart alarm” will then wake you in a light sleep cycle that is nearest your ideal wake time.

These apps generally fall into two standard forms: fitness trackers that have sleep-tracking capabilities (typically involving a wearable sensor or wristband that tracks your body movements as you sleep) or smartphone apps that use an accelerometer built to record your movements.

(Via: http://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/health-family/can-technology-really-improve-the-quality-of-your-sleep-1.2862604)

There are other options to choose from aside from these sleeping apps. If you find yourself tossing and turning each night and waking up more exhausted than the night before, you are likely suffering from a sleeping disorder like sleep apnea. The usual sleeping tips do not work here because this is a medical condition that needs a medical management as well.

You can try using an anti-snoring mouthpiece like this one: https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution to help you beat snoring and maintain continuous airflow during sleep. If you want to find out more alternatives before choosing one, you can likewise check out https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/snorerx for another anti-snoring device you can use to let you enjoy a good night’s sleep. Of course, minimizing technology use can also help a lot for you to feel relaxed during bedtime, so you sleep better through the night.

The Best Sleeping Gadgets Of 2017 For Snorers

Snoring can leave you either gasping for breath or tossing and turning the whole night. It is not good news for your health too and the health of your significant other may also be affected because they lose sleep due to your loud snoring. Or, it can also be the other way around. Snoring can be just as distracting as any smart gadget you personally own.

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea after undergoing a sleep study, there is no sense in putting yourself and your spouse’s health in more danger because of this troublesome sleep disorder. The market is full of diverse and innovative sleeping gadgets to make sure you get your good night’s sleep every single day regardless of how your day was.

Sleep is essential for a person’s well-being and general health. However, not everyone can enjoy a good night’s sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than one million Americans have trouble sleeping. Companies and scientists have come up with various gadgets and techniques to enhance sleep. Here are top five sleeping gadgets you might want to consider.

White Noise Machines

White noise is a consistent sound that is produced evenly across all frequencies. It is an equal amount of every frequency that a human ear can handle.

Cooling Pillows

A cool environment makes it easier to sleep than a hot one. That is why you need a cooling pillow every night to create a comfortable sleeping environment on your bed.

Wristband Monitors

Wristband monitors are among the most popular sleeping gadgets. They provide an accurate alternative to gauge your sleeping habits. The wristband monitors your heart rate, body position and oxygen levels when you sleep.

Blocking Blue Light Glasses

Numerous scientific studies show that blue light at night disrupts the brain’s natural sleep cycle. It emits a wavelength that tricks the brain into thinking that it is daytime. The wavelength disrupts the production of melatonin, a hormone that signals to the body and the brain that it is time to sleep.

Mobile Apps

There are hundreds of mobile apps out there that can enhance the way you sleep. The apps contain ambient melodies that can encourage sleep. Some have sleep timers to record your sleeping behaviors and alarms to help maintain a regular sleeping routine. Many of them combine neurolinguistic programming, enchanting music and binaural beats to help users relax.

(Via: http://ppcorn.com/us/2017/03/14/5-amazing-gadgets-for-a-good-nights-sleep/)

Whether you are an iOS or an android user, there is an app that can work for you. Or if you want something else, there’s the pillow you can try or even a multi-functional Fitbit in your arsenal. It is no longer surprising to find out that there are so many options to choose from, so rest assured you no longer have to suffer from sleep apnea for long. If you want additional alternatives, here are some more:

From sleep tracking devices to smart pillows and mattresses, there seems to be a growing industry around sleep tech that promises to deliver a replenishing night’s sleep.

Ranging from the revolutionary to the gimmicky, here’s a selection of some of our favourite gadgets we came across that might be making their way into your bedroom soon.

Sleep Number 360 Smart Bed

If you were going to design a smart bed this would be it. Sleep Number 360 pulls out all the tricks in the book when it comes to getting you getting you a good night’s sleep.

Kryo Sleep Performance System

Is there anything more annoying than being too hot in bed? You toss and turn, have lucid dreams and wake up with the sheets wrapped around you.

Cue the Kyro Sleep Performance System. It’s a water-based mattress topper that cools your bed down during the night. Control it via the app and keep your bed a cool 16-degrees throughout the night.

Moona Smart Pillow

The pillow-pads create the optimum pillow temperature which helps you sleep better and wake up more easily by gently warming the pillow.

You can also accurately record your sleep data – beats having to sleep with a phone under your pillow to keep track of your snooze time.


2breathe is a wearable gadget that straps around your waist and records your breathing pattern whilst falling asleep.

(Via: http://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/ces-2017-best-sleep-gadgets-9567314)

These are actually just a few of the ingenious devices you can use to promote sleep and improve sleep quality. Just browse the web and there are more to choose from. While it may be confusing to find the best one for you, the consolation is that at least you still have many other options in case the first one did not work.

For those who tend to shy away from too much technology and feel more confident in using conventional sleep management, this snoring device is probably what you are looking for: https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/snorerx. Meanwhile, you can also check out https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/sleeptight, a similar anti-snoring mouthpiece that is cheaper and easier to use than most technology-based sleeping solutions.