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The 2019 MAD Mouthpiece Award Goes To ZQuiet

The winner is …ZQuiet. Yes! ZQuiet wins the award for being the best MAD mouthpiece for 2019. Awarded  by The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, ZQuiet tops a long list of MAD mouthpieces in the market.

As part of its commitment to offering unbiased, rigorous reviews of snoring cessation products such as mouthpieces, pillows, chin straps and software applications, The Snoring Mouthpiece Review has awarded the ZQuiet® its 2019 MAD Mouthpiece of the Year, beating out other rivals in the category.


MAD stands for Mandibular Advancement Device and it is one of the two categories of snoring mouthpieces. The second category is composed of the TSD or Tongue Stabilizing Devices.

Snoring mouthpieces are typically categorized in one of two ways: 1. MAD or Mandibular Advancement Device, and 2. TSD or Tongue Stabilizing Devices. The MAD category remains the most popular in the realm of anti snoring mouthpieces, with TSD devices quickly gaining ground thanks to the key star in the category, the Good Morning Snore Solution.

The MAD category features literally 15-20 other major mouthpiece manufacturers doing battle for snoring mouthpiece supremacy, so separating individual products can be tough for the inexperienced user.


What makes ZQuiet the best MAD snoring mouthpiece? According to Steve Walker of The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, the design of ZQuiet is what makes it stand out in the market.

“We truly believe that the ZQuiet, at least when it comes to Mandibular Adjustment Devices, is easily the best and most usable mouthpiece of 2019,” said Steve Walker, spokesman for The Snoring Mouthpiece Review. “Its design remains a really unique selling point, as it allows freedom of movement where many other MAD designs do not.”

One of the key drawbacks for many MAD users is that this style of mouthpiece tends to lock the jaw in position – a problem that can create many issues. As an example, some MAD mouthpieces do not allow you to breathe through your mouth, which is a problem for many snorers. Additionally, by freezing the jaw in place, many people can become subject to problems with the jaw that can lead to serious difficulties such as TMJ disorders – the ZQuiet avoids this issue with the use of its revolutionary “Living Hinge Technology”.


ZQuiet boasts of the Living Hinge Technology which allows the mouth to move freely while you are sleeping. It does not restrict breathing and it is very comfortable to wear. Unlike the other MAD mouthpieces, there’s hardly any adjustment period for wearing a ZQuiet mouthpiece. Another good thing about the ZQuiet mouthpiece is that there’s no need to boil it.

“When it comes to overall comfort and flexibility of use, ZQuiet really does not have much in terms of direct competitors,” said Walker. “The movable hinge easily corrects what is one of the toughest issues that people tend to have with MAD snoring mouthpieces – jaw and dental problems caused by repositioning the jaw incorrectly.”

The benefits of ZQuiet are numerous, but certainly it is jaw mobility that make it a major standout. Unlike many MAD style mouthpieces, there is no need to boil the plastic in order to create a tight fit, and the user is allowed the freedom to move the jaw from side to side and to open and close the mouth.


Snoring is a loud problem and ZQuiet can silence it in a very unique way. Although it’s a one-size-fits-all mouthpiece, it is able to deal with snoring depending on the comfort level of the snorer. That’s a big plus for the ZQuiet mouthpiece.

“Treating snoring can often be a very unique proposition depending on the snorer,” said Walker. “While there are certainly standards, creating a one-size-fits-all product to address a variety of people is not easy, and we think that ZQuiet has done so very successfully.”


So if you’re looking for an effective snoring solution, why not look into ZQuiet? Read and learn more about it on

If there’s one snoring mouthpiece that really works, it’s ZQuiet. That pretty much is the reason why it’s the MAD mouthpiece of the year.

Jacksonville is America’s Top Snoring City According To Study

Can you believe this? Jacksonville has more snorers than any other cities in the U.S. If you don’t believe it, take a look at this.

When it comes to snoring, no other U.S. city tops Jacksonville.

That’s according to a recent study by Withings, which makes products that measure health, such as activity-tracking watches, scales and health monitors.


One thing is for sure. Jacksonville is one noisy city. You might be wondering how the study was able to come up with such conclusion. Here’s how it was done.

Using data from health tracking devices, Withings found the users tracked in Jacksonville snore over five times a night with snore durations reaching one hour, 12 minutes.

By comparison, the national average for snoring was 2.65 times a night.


Here’s what they found.

Withings also found the Jacksonville people tracked in the study stayed up later than most of the nation, putting the city in the top five for night owls.


While Jacksonville tops the snoring category, it’s not exactly the city where you will find the late sleepers. Although it’s in the top 5 late night cities, it’s number 5.

Top Late-Night Cities: Cities with the Latest Average Bedtimes
1.) Philadelphia – 12:40 a.m.
2.) New York City – 12:36 a.m.
3.) Los Angeles – 12:30 a.m.
4.) Miami – 12:28 a.m.
5.) Jacksonville – 12:24 a.m.


The study also shows that the person’s BMI or the body mass index has a lot to do with snoring.

Withings’ data showed a significant correlation between a person’s body mass index (BMI) and snoring in both men and women. The higher the BMI, the more likely a person is to be a heavy snorer.


According to the study, men are more likely to snore heavily than women.

Withings found men were two times more likely to be heavy snorers than women.


Snoring should not be taken lightly. There’s a good reason why.  Read on and find out.

Snoring and nighttime breathing disturbances can impact the quality of sleep and can be a sign of sleep apnea, according to Withings.


Other health issues could arise from snoring if it’s not treated immediately.

The health technology company said snoring has also been associated with other chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, obesity and depression.


All these findings were based on millions of Americans who use various products from Withings.

The study was based on anonymous data from a pool of 2.4 million American users, 1.4 million of whom tracked their weight; 130,000 of whom tracked their steps; 39,000 of whom tracked their sleep and 5,000 of whom tracked their snoring.


There’s no doubt that the findings show the severity of snoring among Americans. While the study is showing a significant number of  Americans are not getting enough sleep, it’s also showing a huge population of snorers.

Snoring may be a growing problem in America. However, there are solutions to this sleeping problem. One easy solution, not just for the snorers of Jacksonville but for the all the snorers nationwide, is the ZQuiet mouthpiece.

If Jacksonville tops all the American cities in terms of snoring population, ZQuiet tops all the snoring mouthpieces. This is not a rumor. It’s true. You can read more about it here.

The ZQuiet is very comfortable to wear. It does not get in the way. Your mouth can still move freely with it.  As a matter of fact, the ZQuiet  can even be worn while drinking water. Then again, why would anyone want to wear it while awake?

Kidding aside, that just shows who easy and comfortable it is to wear the ZQuiet.

4 Surprising Reasons Why You Snore

Do you ever wonder why you snore? Are you one of those folks who think sheer exhaustion is the reason for snoring? Well, if you are; think again. Sheer exhaustion is not the cause of your snoring.

There are 4 surprising reasons why you snore. One of these surprising reasons is your weight.

No one likes to talk about their waistline, but it is something to remember when trying to cut down on snoring. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “Being overweight leads to poor muscle tone and increases the tissue around the neck and throat.” With regular physical activity and a balanced diet, these muscles will become stronger and snoring may begin to decrease.


Another probable cause of your snoring is your alcohol intake. Maybe it’s time to cut down on it.

Having a little too much to drink before bedtime can bring on snoring. Alcohol relaxes the throat muscles, therefore lowering defense against airway obstruction. If you are planning on drinking, consider having your glass of wine a few hours before bed or avoid consuming alcohol altogether.


Your sleeping position could also be the reason why you snore. Apparently, sleeping on your back can make you snore more.

Everyone has their preferred way of drifting off to dreamland, but these sleep patterns can cause snoring too. The Mayo Clinic states that sleeping on your back narrows the airways, causing snoring. An easy fix is to change your sleep style. Sleeping on your side or on your stomach may reduce the likelihood of snoring.


Another cause of your snoring is that you could be suffering from a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. Unfortunately, snoring is a sign of sleep apnea. This is something that you should look into especially if your snoring is really loud and you wake up grasping for air.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes you to stop breathing or gasp for air in the middle if the night. Loud snoring, feeling tired after a full night’s sleep, and gasping for air are some of the main symptoms. Doctors can conduct sleep tests to determine how severe the apnea is. If left untreated, sleep apnea can take a toll on the heart, lungs, and leave patients feeling tired with no desire to exercise. Treatment usually consists of sleeping with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine or an oral appliance to keep your airway passages open.


These are the four surprising reasons why you snore and if you notice, sheer exhaustion is not one them. Keep in mind that everybody snores. So, that includes you.

There’s really nothing to worry about light snoring. However, if your snoring is habitual then it’s time to do something about it. If you’re overweight, lose some of the extra pounds. Start getting healthy. Eat right and exercise more. You can never go wrong with a healthy lifestyle.

If snoring is still persistent after losing a couple of pounds and dropping the alcohol habit, then it’s time to see a doctor about it. Ask your doctor about snoring mouthpieces that can help you stop snoring.

Snoring mouthpieces are devices that you could wear while sleeping. They keep your airway open, preventing you from snoring.

You see, the reason why you snore is because of air restriction. Air can’t move freely from your nose to your mouth and because of that, the tissues in the said areas vibrate. The relaxed muscles in your mouth don’t make it any easier as well. Hence, wearing a snoring mouthpiece can help the air move freely.

There are four snoring mouthpieces in the market that very popular these days. These are,,, and Ask your doctor which one is right for you. Take note that the Good Morning Snore Solution does not require you to have any prescription for purchase. You can give it a try now.

Snoring Remedies That Actually Work

We all want a good night’s sleep. That’s why we all look forward to sleeping when we get home from work. It’s the ultimate break from all the chaos and stress of the day. We all need to get a good night’s sleep to be able to rejuvenate. Unfortunately, there’s a major road block to getting a good night’s sleep and that is snoring.

According to The National Sleep Foundation, frequent snoring affects more than 100 million people in the U.S. Even more people experience infrequent snoring and may suffer from poor quality sleep. It will affect both the snorers and their partners, and may cause disrupted sleep for your entire family. It explains the high interest in quick fixes by snorers.


We snore because the airflow in our nose and mouth is restricted. It is blocked by the tissues surrounding both our nose and mouth.

Snoring is caused by restricted airflow in the mouth and nose. When it is blocked by your esophageal and nasal tissues, air will cause an increased likelihood of vibration, which will be translated into sound.


There are several causes of snoring. Allergies, sleeping pills, and heavy intake of alcohol could all cause someone to snore. Sleep apnea can definitely cause someone to snore all the time.

Common causes of snoring include underlying medical conditions such as sleep apnea, and allergies, or the use of sleeping pills or alcohol before bed.


Not all snores are the same. Interestingly, there are different kinds of snorers.

Depending on the tissue involved, there are several types of snorers. Nasal snorers will experience snoring because of blocked passages or a deviated septum. Tongue-based snorers will often snore when the tongue is in a hyper-relaxed state. Mouth snorers sleep through their mouth while sleeping, which may cause the soft palate tissues to vibrate against each other.


Whether the snore is coming from the nose, tongue, or the mouth, one thing is the same. The snore is irritating and it can hinder a peaceful sleep. Luckily, there are snoring remedies. As a matter of fact, there are a lot.

Considering the long list of snoring remedies, it’s unfortunate that only a few of them really work. Not all the snoring remedies are effective. It really depends of the gravity of the snore. Here are some of the chosen snoring remedies that actually work.

Sleeping on the side is actually one snoring remedy that works.

People who sleep on their back are more likely to snore because the position will cause the tongue to restrict airflow from the throat. Sleeping on your side can be a good way to address snoring. If you are having trouble getting used to the change, you could position pillows to prevent you rolling over in the middle of the night.


Avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills is also one of the few snoring remedies that seem to work.

Alcohol and sleeping pill use will relax your muscles. They can be a great option to relax your body and mind when taken in recommended amounts. However, if taken before bed, they could lead to an increased rate of snoring. You should avoid taking any alcohol or sleeping pills up to two hours before bed. This will reduce the likelihood of relaxed tissue, which will address snoring. You should limit your alcohol intake to specific times. You may also need to contact your doctor about available options to help you substitute any sleeping pills you may be prescribed to.


Losing weight is also one of the snoring remedies that can finally help you get a good night’s sleep.

People who rank above the expected weight for their height group will be likely to have more tissue in their throat. This can increase the tendency of snoring, since this tissue is more likely to vibrate. If your body mass index measurement suggests you are overweight, addressing this will help you cut down your snoring. You can seek the help of a nutritionist or doctor, take up regular exercise and eat smaller portions of healthier food to reduce your weight to recommended levels. With balanced weight, you will be better able to keep your snoring in control.


Out of the long list of snoring remedies, here’s one that has been proven to work.

Loud snoring can be addressed by oral appliances. There are a number of dental fixtures help to keep the airways open, which reduces the likelihood of blockage.


SnoreRx is one good example of an oral appliance that really works. It’s well known for a particular feature called “MicroFit.” Unlike other oral appliances where the wearer has to adjust, the “MicroFit” feature of SnoreRx adjusts to the wearer. That makes it more comfortable for the wearer. For a in-depth review of it, visit

A Tale To Tell: A Funny Story On Snoring

Here’s a funny story. It’s about a husband who learned to stop his snoring on his own. Well, actually he got some help from his wife. But of course, he won’t admit that.

He starts his story animatedly, describing how his wife recorded his snoring.

My wife complained that I snore.

Ever forgiving in other aspects of our co-habitation, she decided to record me in the act.

She played it back while I was sleeping. She played it back in all its orchestral glory, thinking this might cure me.

But she says I broke into a two-part harmony.

She tried giving me left hooks and I woke up with bruises up my arm.

She said, “I thought you were dead. You stopped breathing.”

I heard, “You stopped breeding.”

“I was doing it in my sleep!” I exclaimed.


Aside from his snoring issues, the husband obviously has some hearing issues as well. Poor wife has to put up with both. Then again, you got to hand it to the husband, he eventually admitted that he had a snoring problem.

It takes a certain amount of self-criticism to reach the conclusion that your wife might be right about: a) your snoring, and b) about the need to do something about your snoring. So, as the final submission of the snorer to the snoree, I agreed to go to a sleep clinic to be tested.


So, he went to a sleep clinic. He checked himself in right in the middle of winter. You’d think the sleep clinic would be a posh, comfortable place. Based on his description, it was a far cry from it.

The bedroom I was assigned to was like a room in the Bates Motel. The art on the wall was enough to give me nightmares – blackbirds with yellow eyes, although the caption read, “Moonlight over the Prairies.”

The technician went to work on me. He placed suction caps with wires on my head and face. The wires were inserted into a box at my bedside that would transmit my brainwaves and my movements to the technician’s screen.

I felt like Frankenstein’s monster.

There were cameras on the walls. Shades of The Twilight Zone.

He told me to go to sleep now. He would be in the next room and if I needed anything, I just had to call out.


So, he called out when he needed to pee and that pissed off the technician.

The technician came in rubbing his eyes. He unplugged me from the machine. I had to go to the washroom with the wires dangling from my face. I was terrified I’d run into someone. Norman Bates, perhaps.


The husband goes on to describe his experience in the sleep clinic. Although it was pretty obvious that his experience was for from being pleasant, he seemed to have found humor in it.

To cut the long story short, the husband was diagnosed with sleep apnea.

A week later I was summoned to the doctor who told me that I had sleep apnea and I needed a CPAP machine.


Even if he was a bit reluctant to wear the CPAP mask, he decided to go through with it. He wasn’t going to throw away the hundreds of dollars he had paid the sleep clinic that recommended the CPAP device.

Eleven hundred dollars later, I was the reluctant owner of a device that blows air up your nose through a hose attached to a face mask that makes you look like a Second World War fighter pilot.


So, did the CPAP mask work? According to his wife, it did.

That was because I couldn’t sleep.


The story ends with the husband getting used to the CPAP. As a matter of fact, he has even found another purpose for it.

But slowly, slowly I’m getting used to fighting the Battle of Britain every night. And on Halloween, I’ll wear the mask when I answer the door.


The story is pretty funny but there really is a more affordable way to deal with snoring and even sleep apnea. This is not to say that what the husband did was wrong because it’s not. Going to a sleep clinic is also an option but it could get pretty expensive.

Snoring mouthpieces won’t cost an arm and a leg. For example, the is so affordable that you can even afford to get another piece for your partner. The best thing about the Good Morning Snore Solution is that you won’t look scary when you wear it.

An App To Track Snoring

This app is interesting. It’s called the Sleep Cycle and it’s exactly what it is, a sleep tracking app.

Sleep-tracking app Sleep Cycle is bringing a new feature to its Android app to help snoring users track the sleep effects of their rather loud ailment.


For obvious reasons, it’s hard to track your sleep yourself. You can’t really rely on your partner to do it. The most that you can get from your partner is a litany of complaints, most especially if you’ve been a snorer for the longest time. Most likely, your partner is already fed up with you. So, don’t expect to get a decent feedback from a partner who has been putting up with you snore for the longest time.

That’s why the Sleep Cycle app is perfect for you.

Sleep Cycle is a great little app that helps you learn about your quality of sleep and helps wake you up at a time where you’re more likely to wake up feeling refreshed than groggy. There are a lot of smart home sleep trackers that do something similar with a linked pillow sensor, but Sleep Cycle just opts to use your phone’s sensors to gather data, which proves similarly robust.


If you’re wondering how it works, read on.

Basically it seems the app pairs the sound measurements with the accelerometer data from the phone placed on your bed and determines how closely tied your snoring is to restless movement, rolling that to help determine its “sleep score” metric.

If you don’t actually know if you’re snoring, the app will clue you into that as well with the feature enabled. You’ll be able to see how many minutes you snored, and listen to it as well.

The new feature is available now for the app’s Android version.


You can now download Sleep Cycle on Android.

With the Sleep Cycle, you will have a good idea as to how much you snore. You’ll know how long your usual snore is and the best thing is that you can actually listen to it.

This is a very scientific way of dealing with your snore. You get facts, not complaints,  about your snoring. The data from the Sleep Cycle can also be a big help to a medical expert who intends to help you.

Another good thing about the Sleep Cycle app is that you don’t need any other accessory to make it work. Unlike the other apps where you’re required to have a pillow or a pin to make it work, the Sleep Cycle app works by itself. It is able to track your sleep simply by the use of your Android phone alone. You don’t have to use a special pillow or pin something to your pajamas.

It’s important to track your sleep. If you really want to get some good sleep, tracking it is the way to go. You can’t expect to get good sleep all the time. There are a lot of factors that have to be taken it to get a good sleep. Dealing with all those factors could get pretty stressful.

Instead of dealing with all the factors that could contribute to a good sleep, you’re better off tracking your sleep. That way, you’re focused on your own sleeping habits. When you’re focused, you’ll know exactly what factors to consider to get good quality sleep.

Together with the Sleep Cycle app, you can also consider using a snoring device. As matter of fact, a snoring device like can work very well with the app. Once you’re able to track your snoring with the app, you can resort to using the to see the improvements in your sleeping habits.

Snoring Kills

This is not an exaggeration. Nor is it a joke. Snoring really kills. It’s not just because it can lead to deadly health conditions. It’s because habitual snoring can be so annoying that it can drive someone insane. Insane enough to kill.

That’s exactly what happened to a woman in Melbourne, Florida. She got so fed up with her snoring partner that she took matters into her own hands. In her desperation to silence her snoring partner, she took a gun and shot him.

A woman shot her live-in boyfriend with a shotgun during an alcohol-fueled argument stemming from his loud snoring, the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office reported.

Lorie Morin, 47, was charged with attempted murder and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. She remains jailed without bond at the Brevard County Jail Complex.


The shooting happened in the late evening of March 6. The place of the murder scene was in a rural neighborhood, west of Sharpes Lake. Unfortunately, the police came in a bit too late.

Deputies arrived at the home and found Morin’s boyfriend lying in a pool of blood at the foot of the bed on the master bedroom floor. He had been shot in the right armpit area.

He was transported by medical helicopter to Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne.


According to Morin, it was an accident. While she and her boyfriend were drinking, she handed him a loaded gun.

Morin told deputies she and her boyfriend had been drinking rum and playing rummy, an arrest affidavit shows. She told deputies that she was handing her boyfriend her loaded 20-gauge shotgun so she could retrieve a heavy box when it accidentally discharged, striking him.


While in the ICU, the boyfriend told the police a more detailed story. Interestingly, it was quite different from Morin’s.

Thursday morning, deputies met with the man in the hospital’s intensive care wing. In a sworn recorded statement, he said the shooting stemmed from a confrontation over his snoring, the affidavit states. Morin followed him into the bedroom, arguing about his snoring – and then she pointed the shotgun at his head, according to the affidavit.


While the boyfriend attempted to leave, he ended up being shot.

Deputies reported that as he attempted to leave, “he heard a loud boom and woke up lying in a pool of blood with excruciating pain coming from his right armpit area.”


This is such a sad story. How could anyone think of shooting a snoring partner? One can only imagine how bad the snoring was.

This is not to say that it’s right to shoot someone who snores. What Morin did was very wrong. If she had chosen to deal with her partner’s snoring immediately, she wouldn’t have gotten in such a bad situation. She must have ignored the snoring for quite some time that she finally got fed up. If she hadn’t ignored it, she and her boyfriend would probably still be together.

Morin was arrested and taken to jail. The man remains hospitalized and is stable.


Just because of snoring, a couple is sadly separated. One is in jail and one is fighting for his life in the hospital. This sad situation could have been avoided if the couple had chosen to deal with the snoring in a smart way.

Yes, there are smart ways to deal with snoring. No one has to resort to killing the snorer. Instead of getting a gun to silence a loud snore, why not just get a snoring mouthpiece?

A snoring mouthpiece is definitely a harmless way to silence a snorer. Instead of a gun, Morin could have just given her boyfriend a mouthpiece. A Sleeptight mouthpiece could have helped her snoring partner. Most importantly, it could have prevented such a senseless crime.

Snoring And Sleep Apnea In Young Athletes Linked To Heart Problems

Youth is almost completely synonymous with good health. Who would actually think that the young ones are at risk of any kind of  heart problems? Unfortunately, they, too, could face such problems. Such is the case with young athletes.

Young athletes, who snore and suffer from sleep apnea, are at risk of heart problems. This is backed up by a study.

A study of university rugby players has shown that they are more likely to suffer sleep disordered breathing than an average middle-aged man. The study also showed that the athletes who experience this problem are also more likely to have low levels of oxygen in their blood and higher pulse rates during the night, suggesting that athletes with sleep disordered breathing may be at risk of heart abnormalities.


These findings aren’t exactly what you would expect from young and vibrant athletes. As a matter of fact, low levels of oxygen in the blood and high pulse rates are the last thing you’d expect from a young athlete at rest. Apparently, those dangerous symptoms are seen  in the alarming rate of young athletes dying from sudden cardiac diseases.

The researchers say this study could indicate that sleep disordered breathing is a factor in the phenomenon of seemingly healthy young athletes dying from a sudden and unexplained heart attack.


So, what is a sleep disordered breathing? It must be something serious considering it affects young athletes. If it could affect them, it could possibly affect any young person as well.

Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is characterised by abnormal respiratory patterns or pauses in breathing during sleep, ranging from snoring to sleep apnoea, where the airways close completely or partially many times during sleep. Having a high BMI, being over 40 years of age and having a large neck circumference are some of the common factors associated with SDB. If untreated, patients with SDB-related conditions face an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, heart failure and type 2 diabetes.


It’s important to note that the study was conducted on young athletes involved in collision sports. Obviously, they’re a lot younger than 40. However, they’re considered to have a larger neck circumference and higher BMI.

The study, published in ERJ Open Research, was led by Yoshitaka Iso, a cardiologist and Associate Professor at Showa University Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Yokohama, Japan. He explained: “We wanted to investigate the prevalence of sleep disordered breathing in collision sport athletes, such as rugby or American-style football players, because we know that they usually have a higher BMI and larger neck circumference than athletes from other sports.


According to Professor Iso;

“Sleep disordered breathing was observed in 43% of the young athletes we assessed. This is a higher rate than we expected, and is higher still than the levels of SDB reported among middle-aged men from the general population of the US and Europe. Our data also showed that several potential warning signs, such as effects on the athletes’ breathing and heart rates, occurred frequently among the athletes with SDB.


Although the study points out that none of the young respondents have shown any kind of serious heart problems, it does not totally eradicate the possibility of such in the future. The study also emphasizes the need for contact sports athletes to be aware of the dangers of SDB.

Professor Iso adds;

“In this study the overall level of sleep disordered breathing was mild, but the results highlight that a sleep study to assess for the presence of sleep disordered breathing should be considered in the care of collision sport athletes, such as rugby or American-style football players, as it could help to identify those at risk of cardiovascular complications.”


Young athletes involved in contact sports should be very careful, If they find themselves snoring, they can try wearing a mouth piece, like SnoreRX. The mouth piece might just be able to help young athletes overcome some serious heart problems in the future.

Stop The Snore: Here’s Another Treatment Option

Do you sleep with a snorer? Or maybe you’re the snorer? Either one, snoring is a problem. It affects a lot of people. Folks, who are either snoring or affected by snoring,  are, most likely, sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation leads to a lot of serious illnesses.

At least 25 million adults across the United States suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, a chronic condition that can leave you feeling tired during the day and lead to serious health complications, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.


The worst part of the growing problem of snoring is that there are a lot of folks who don’t get themselves checked for it.

Moreover, there are many other people with sleep apnea who have not been diagnosed or received treatment.


Not a lot of people take snoring seriously. That’s the probably the reason why they don’t go for treatment. For couples, who face a snoring issue, the most common solution is to sleep in another room. That doesn’t exactly solve the issue because the snorer is the problem.

One, who snores heavily and habitually, could already be suffering from sleep apnea. With little knowledge about sleep apnea, the snoring is ignored and most of the time, tolerated. When snoring is ignored and tolerated, it could lead to a lot of health problems in the future.

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles relax during sleep, causing the soft tissue in the back of the throat to collapse and block the upper airway.

When this happens, it limits the amount of air that reaches your lungs and deprives your brain and body of oxygen. In response, your brain alerts your body, causing you to wake up briefly so that you can breath normal again.

These interruptions in sleep, which can occur multiple times throughout the night, can cause you to feel sleepy during the day and can increase the risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer and depression.


This not to scare everybody who snores. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t really mean that people who snore are already suffering from sleep apnea.

The most common sign of obstructive sleep apnea is loud and frequent snoring. However, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea. Snoring is likely to be a sign of sleep apnea when it is followed by periods of silence when airflow is reduced or blocked.

Additionally, people with sleep apnea will often make choking, snorting or gasping sounds when their airway reopens. Other symptoms of sleep apnea include:
• Daytime sleepiness or fatigue
• Unrefreshing sleep
• Insomnia
• Morning headaches
• Waking during the night to go to the bathroom
• Difficulty concentrating
• Memory loss
• Decreased sexual desire
• Irritability


While sleep apnea is a serious health condition, it can be treated.

The first step in treating obstructive sleep apnea is diagnosis through a sleep study that charts vital signs such as brain waves, heartbeat and breathing. Typically, studies are performed during an overnight stay at the Sleep Center at PMC. However, home sleep studies are also available for individuals who are unable to spend the night at the Sleep Center.

Once sleep apnea is diagnosed, there is a range of options for treatment depending on the severity.

For patients with mild sleep apnea, losing weight can help relieve the condition as can changing sleep position. It is recommended that patients with sleep apnea sleep on their side rather than their back and raise the head of the bed to reduce symptoms.

For moderate to severe sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) remains the standard treatment to keep the airways open at night. Oral appliances similar to mouth guards are also available to help reposition the jaw and keep the airways open during sleep.


There’s really no need to wait until the snoring becomes worse. While it’s good to know that there’s a new treatment option for sleep apnea, it’s also good to know that light snoring could be treated at home.

Oral appliances and mouth guards can be used in cases where the person is simply snoring. One does not have to be diagnosed with sleep apnea to be able to use such snoring devices.

So why wait to be diagnosed with sleep apnea, when you can stop the snore with a snoring mouthpiece like The SnoreRX is the soonest and safest way to stop the snore.

Solve The Snoring Problem To Save A Loving Relationship

Why let snoring destroy a loving relationship? It’s totally absurd to let go of the one you love simply because of snoring.

Keep in mind that true love comes only once in a lifetime. Heck, it might not even come at all for some people. So, if it does come to you in the in the form of someone who snores, accept it wholeheartedly. Don’t let snoring break up your loving relationship. Sad to say, that’s a lot easier said than done. Truth be told, snoring can really put a strain in a relationship.

Being in the relationship itself is quite a challenge, but being in a relationship with a snorer is even harder. The same problem every night puts a great strain on the relationship. It disturbs both partners’ sleep. As a result, they feel exhausted during the day.

Snoring also leads to frustration between the couple since partner who can’t sleep well tends to blame a snorer. According to research conducted by Ohio State University, partners who don’t get at least seven hours of sleep tend to fight more. No wonder, restless nights lead to negative mood. It makes partners irritated and hostile towards each other.


Snoring not only affects the non-snorer partner. The thing about snoring is that it actually affects both the snorer and the non-snorer.

Snoring is also associated with different health risks such as chronic headaches, fatigue, obesity, and heart attack. So, both partners should take this issue seriously and work on it together. Let’s see how simple rules of sticking to a healthy diet, using snoring devices and sleeping on the side can rescue the relationship and bring intimacy back.


So, for a loving couple, snoring is actually a problem for both. The non-snorer simply cannot resort to sleeping in another room to solve the problem. Unfortunately, that becomes an easy solution for some couples faced with a snoring problem.

The latest survey by the National Sleep Foundation shows that 25% of couples are forced to sleep separately to get proper rest during the night.


Sleeping separately does not solve the problem of snoring. As a matter of fact, it’s going to be worse for the couple. Sleeping separately is not good for a relationship.

Sharing the bed during the night is considered healthy. It lowers blood pressure and reduces stress and tension because sleeping next to each other drops one’s cortisol level (a steroid hormone). More than that, it also helps to build trust in the relationship on the subconscious level. So, escaping the bedroom is never a solution.


Leaving the snorer to sleep alone could also be dangerous. Someone has to keep an eye on the snorer, especially when the breathing becomes too loud and violent.

There are ways to deal with a snoring partner. Leaving the snorer to sleep alone is, definitely, not one of those solutions.

So, if you’re sleeping with a snorer, the first thing you can do is to help your partner get healthy. Chances are, your snoring partner has to lose some weight. Help your partner get into a healthier routine.

Another way to help your snoring partner is to let him or her sleep on the side.

When snorer sleeps on his back, soft palate and the tongue collapse to the throat, and it leads to snoring since the airways are blocked. Snorer should consider sleeping on his left or right sides to prevent it. Partners are welcome to direct snorers and help them to get used to sleeping on the side rather than on the back.


If you really want to keep your relationship intact, have your snoring partner try on some devices.

At the moment there are a lot of effective snoring devices in the market that can prevent airway blockage. It can help to treat snoring without medical surgery. Snorers can choose any kind of device they feel comfortable with.


There are a lot of snoring devices that can help your partner. The highly recommended snoring devices, and These devices won’t just help your snoring partner. They’ll also keep the fire burning in your loving relationship.