What You Should Know About Snoring

What do you know about snoring? Aside from the irritating noise it produces, how much do you really know about it? There’s no doubt that snoring is a nuisance to both the snorer and the sleeping partner.

It’s a nightmare to have to sleep with a snorer every single night. You wouldn’t want to deal with that. But if you have to, how would you go about it?

Before you deal with snoring, it’s important that you know more about it.

Snoring happens when you can’t move air freely through your nose and throat during sleep. This makes the surrounding tissues vibrate, which produces the familiar snoring sound. People who snore often have too much throat and nasal tissue or “floppy” tissue that is more prone to vibrate. The position of your tongue can also get in the way of smooth breathing.

(Via: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/sleep/snoring-tips-to-help-you-and-your-partner-sleep-better.htm/)

Everybody snores from time to time. You’re probably a snorer as well; you just can’t hear it. Snoring isn’t much of a problem if it’s an occasional occurrence.

Snoring is very common and usually isn’t caused by anything serious. There are things you can do to help yourself if it’s a problem.

(Via: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/snoring/)

There are various causes of snoring. Weight is a huge factor. If you snore from time to time, you could be overweight. Smokers and alcohol drinkers are prone to snore as well. When it comes to sleeping positions, back sleepers are prone to snore too.

To prevent or stop the snoring, you could start with some simple changes. Getting on a healthy lifestyle is a good way to start.

There are many different things you can try to stop storing. Avoiding alcohol close to bedtime, sleeping on your side, treating allergies, losing weight and increasing exercise can help.

(Via: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/how-to-stop-snoring)

If a healthy lifestyle doesn’t silence the snorer, then there might be some underlying health issues. This is not to scare you or anything. But since you really want to know about snoring, it’s best that you look deeper into it.

About 20 to 50 percent of snorers may have obstructive sleep apnea, a condition in which throat tissue obstructs the airway so badly that the snorer actually stops breathing. (Apnea means cessation of breath.) Obstructive sleep apnea is defined as the presence of more than 30 apnea episodes, each for 10 seconds or more, during a sleep period of seven hours. In severe cases, breathing may stop for 60 to 90 seconds up to 500 times a night. Each time, people awaken very briefly, but generally aren’t aware that they did.


That’s an alarming thing about snoring. If the snorer is suffering from sleep apnea, there’s actually a stoppage to breathing at some point. Now, that’s sounds pretty dangerous.

People with sleep apnea seldom feel well-rested, and decreased alertness during the day makes them more prone to accidents. Severe cases can cause a drop in oxygen, straining the heart. This is especially bad for people with heart disease or high blood pressure.


These days, there are easy ways to help a snorer. Aside from the simple lifestyle changes, a snorer can seek help from a doctor who can recommend simple, easy-to-use devices that can stop the snoring. These are plastic mouthpieces that can help stop snoring.

A plastic “dental splint” mouthpiece may help keep some people from snoring through the night, Scottish researchers report.


The good thing about these plastic snoring mouthpieces is that snorer has a non-invasive option for treatment.

“The take-home message is that we don’t have to operate on all snorers,” said study lead author Stuart M. Robertson, a surgical trainee at Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock, Scotland.


If you want to learn more about these plastic snoring mouthpieces, you can visit https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution. That’s just one example of a plastic snoring mouthpiece that you can look into.

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