Tag: sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea: A Ticking Time Bomb In Your Sleep

The public is very much aware of snoring but rarely do their associate it with sleep apnea. For many, it is just a nasty habit that has plagued millions (especially men) from then until now that we all just have to learn to live with. Even if you snore and have trouble sleeping each night, not many will seek professional treatment because it is expensive and time-consuming. These are just some of the reasons why a lot of sleep apnea cases remain undiagnosed. The majority do not see it is as a major threat to their health and life, so they just learn to accept this bothersome symptom and go on with their lives.

Patients who snore and have sleep apnea but haven’t gotten treatment yet often lack focus and feel overly sleepy during the day. It’s because they weren’t able to get a decent amount of sleep at night. But more than the chronic sleeplessness, sleep apnea in itself is a deadly condition. Think about yourself not breathing for several seconds multiple times throughout your slumber. That’s what happens when you have sleep apnea. These periods of breathing gaps are critical because your brain is trying to decipher whether it should focus on breathing or sleeping instead. It is even more alarming to find out that almost a billion people all over the world have sleep apnea, who are silently battling in their sleep every single day of their lives.

A new data analysis presented by ResMed last week at the ATS 2018 International Conference, indicates that sleep apnea affects more than 936 million people worldwide — nearly 10 times greater than previous estimates.

The study, “Global Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea,” was conducted by an international panel of leading researchers seeking to provide a clear scope of the impact of the chronic sleep-disordered breathing condition. The previous estimation of OSA prevalence (100 million) came from a 2007 World Health Organization study that used methods and data available at the time. By analyzing technology improvements in detecting OSA and under-reported statistics from other areas of the world, this latest study depicts an impacted population significantly larger than previously identified.

“The research and findings are a revelation in sleep apnea research and represent a vastly underreported major public health issue”.

(Via: http://www.hollandsentinel.com/entertainmentlife/20180529/nearly-1-billion-people-worldwide-have-sleep-apnea-sleep-experts-estimate)

These people fail to get themselves checked by a doctor or even report their symptoms. It does not help either that there is no cure for sleep apnea just yet. It is a life-threatening condition that also predisposes you to a list of other chronic conditions like Diabetes, Heart disease, stroke, and depression, among others. Moreover, you become prone to accidents because of sleep deprivation.

Sleep shouldn’t be underestimated anymore as it is an important recuperative process that allows us to do so much during the day and help keep us going in life. If you don’t get the sleep your body needs, everything else in your life will suffer.

There are also more user-friendly and convenient anti-snoring gadgets you can use to relieve you of the snoring and somehow address your sleep apnea in the form of mouthpieces like ZQuiet and VitalSleep that many of you can surely afford.

University of Michigan researchers found evidence that more than half (56 percent) of persons ages 65 and older have a high risk of OSA, a sleep disorder in which the throat collapses during sleep, causing the patient to repeatedly stop breathing for periods of 10 seconds or longer throughout the night.

But only 8 percent of these individuals have been tested for OSA, a disorder that is associated with significant health risks. An overnight sleep study is necessary to diagnose OSA.

“It appears most older adults who are at risk for obstructive sleep apnea may not be getting referred for overnight sleep studies, and we may be missing an important chance for treatment,” says co-first author Tiffany Braley, M.D., M.S., assistant professor of neurology at Michigan Medicine.

(Via: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-05-obstructive-apnea-older-adults-seldom.html)

A big chunk of those with undiagnosed sleep apnea belongs to vulnerable groups like the elderly. Often time people mistake snoring as part of the aging process but it is not. Hence, most older people refrain from getting checked for their snoring. They may think they get tired easily and feel sleepy most of the time because they are getting old but the truth is that it is because of sleep apnea. This chronic sleeplessness shortens their lifespan even more and contributes to them being more sickly too.

In essence, sleep apnea is like a ticking time bomb in your slumber. Those unfortunate enough may not even wake up at all. To lessen your risk, try using anti-snoring gadgets if you’re not comfy at all with CPAP or the thought of surgery scares you away. The important thing is you don’t put your life at constant risk every time you sleep for the night.

Natural Ways To Kiss Snoring Goodbye

Snoring has been the bane of existence of many people. It is so bothersome that both the snorers and their spouses lose sleep on a day to day basis without any promise of relief any time soon. Sleep apnea happens to be incurable and people with the condition only receive palliative treatment so the quality of their lives do not deteriorate that much and they get to sleep better too.

When you think about sleep apnea and snoring, you’d likely associate its treatment with surgery or CPAP, both of which aren’t the cheapest option nor the safest or most comfortable either. Fortunately, over the years, there have been newer and more convenient stop snoring products alternatives in the form of sleep apnea mouthpieces. They are fairly easy to use and quite cost-effective too. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get one because many even offer a free trial so you get a feel for what the device feels like before actually paying for it.

In fact, heavy snoring and sleep apnea may be linked to memory and thinking decline at an earlier age, according to a 2015 study published in Neurology. Since sufferers involuntarily stop breathing during the night, sleep apnea is a serious disorder that requires medical attention. But if you’re ready to put an end to “simple” snoring, try these five lifestyle changes for a more peaceful


Monitor your weight.

Once you doze off, the muscles in your throat relax. Then, the walls of your “floppy” throat begin to vibrate as you breathe in and out (and the narrower your airway, the more obnoxious the snore).

“In general, people who gain a few extra pounds will develop a little fat in the airway,” Dr. Cortes says. Her important dietary tip: Avoid food and alcohol at least three hours before bedtime because they can make the soft tissue more flaccid.

(Via: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/wellness/g4481/how-to-stop-snoring-naturally/)

Oral appliances like the ZQuiet and VitalSleep are rising in popularity because they enable people to overcome their sleep apnea symptoms and live a normal life again. This often entails the ability to be able to sleep soundly through the night once more.

If you want a more natural approach, a few tweaks to your lifestyle can get you your lost sleep back without even spending a penny on it. They are simply just living healthily and feeding your body right. Keeping your weight in check, sleeping on your side, using nasal drops (when necessary), and a few more tips can transform your sleep experience allowing you to wake up feeling recharged and full of energy the next day.

  1. Keep your bedroom clean

Snoring can be often made worse by dust and allergens found in your bedroom.

Make sure to hoover your bedroom on a regular basis (including carpets and curtains), change your sheets and pillowcases every week and get new pillows every two years.

  1. Try nasal strips

Nasal strips can help to open nasal passages, to help you to breathe easier and alleviate snoring.

  1. Use peppermint products

Rubbing some peppermint oil around your nose may also work to open-up your nasal passages.

(Via: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/health/698734/how-to-stop-snoring-naturally-home-remedy-national-stop-snoring-week-2018)

Avoiding vices like drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking should also be at the top list of your don’ts as both worsens sleep apnea symptoms and make it doubly harder for you to get a wink of sleep at all. Do not hesitate to explore your options because there are a lot of remedies out there that are really effective and good for your overall health too. They may not provide instant relief but they are baby steps in the right direction.

With the help of your doctor or a sleep expert, you can undergo a better and more effective sleep management plan that can beat sleep apnea the natural way and put your awful snoring at bay. It takes a lot of patience and discipline to stick to healthy living but it will trigger a domino-effect of positive changes in your body, and consequently to your health, which can solve most of the health-related problems you are experiencing right now.

What Causes Snoring And Can It Be Stopped?

Virtually everyone on this planet snores at one point or another. There are instances when you are just too tired that you end up making that annoying sound in your slumber without you knowing at all much to the annoyance of the people around you. You literally have no control over it but it has such a big impact on your life.

There are different reasons why a person snores. First is sleep apnea. Take note, though, that not all snorers have sleep apnea yet almost all patients diagnosed with sleep apnea snores in their sleep. Some of the reasons can be the following:

  • Sleep position
  • Age
  • Vice (Alcohol drinking and smoking)
  • Obesity
  • Nasal and sinus problem
  • Body built
  • Medications/Drug Interactions

They all contribute to sleep apnea and can lead to snoring. As annoying as it may be, snoring also serves as a warning to the public that a person’s health and well-being is in grave danger. It is about time you set that appointment with a doctor or a sleep specialist before things get out of hand. Sleep apnea has no cure but it can be managed. Allowing your symptoms to go berserk will only compromise your health even further.

Just about everyone snores at one time or the other through their life time for different reasons, some people snore on a regular basis and this disrupts the quality of their sleep.

Snoring is the harsh buzzing sound some of us make when we’re asleep.

Experts say this could lead to daytime fatigue, irritability and some health problems too. It could also create some major emotional issues.

Snoring happens when you can’t move air freely through your nose and throat while sleeping. This makes the surrounding tissue vibrate, thereby producing the familiar snoring sound.

People who snore regularly often have too much throat and nasal tissue or floppy tissue that is more prone to vibrating. The position of the tongue can also get in the way of smooth breathing.

It is important to understand the cause behind your snoring because different people snore for different reasons. Understanding why one snore would help one find the right solutions that will help one get a better and quieter sleep. Some common causes of snoring are.

(Via: http://www.businessdayonline.com/causes-snoring-ways-remedy/)

The gold standard for sleep apnea treatment is CPAP which stands for continuous positive airway pressure but it isn’t always the nicest experience leading to low compliance rates. Users don’t feel comfortable using it because the mask is bulky and they can’t really move much when using it in their sleep.

The use of sleep apnea mouthpieces like SnoreRx is a popular choice because it is cost-effective and convenient to use too. Moreover, it has proven to be effective in reducing snoring as well as making sleep an enjoyable and relaxing experience once more. It opens up the airway so air can pass freely and not cause vibrations that lead to snoring. Aside from the reduced snoring, it lessens the health risks of the constant breath gaps and insufficient oxygen in circulation because breathing becomes more stable throughout the night.

# 7 – Practice Yoga

Now, this remedy may very well seem like a private entry, but yoga has become such a popular holistic form of therapy for so many issues. Yoga is such a great remedy because to helps you to control your breathing and relax your muscles and body.

Now for this particular yoga entry, you want to practice Pranayama which is dedicated to learning how to control your breathing. You will master deep, slow and more importantly control breathing.

This particular yoga technique has been used to help many sleeping disorders and is a therapy that is highly recommended.

# 8 – Exercise Your Tongue and Throat

By exercising your tongue and your throat, you will be able to reduce the amount of snoring you do.

Here are a few exercises you can do to strengthen your tongue and throat.

First off try to protrude your power jaw over the upper jaw. You want your teeth to show and then count to ten seconds slowly. Do this about 5 to 10 times a day.

You can give your tongue a good workout by saying particular tongue twisters. In this scenario, you may find saying this phrase extremely beneficial for you, “The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue.”

Place your tongue out in front of you and move it to the left and right touching both the corner of your lips.

(Via: http://www.swaggermagazine.com/home/style/10-easy-snoring-remedies/)

You may think that you are doomed once you get diagnosed with sleep apnea because it has no cure but simple lifestyle modifications can go a long way in making life (and sleep) more bearable for you.

  • Try humidifying your room as inhaling dry air can exacerbate snoring.
  • Manage your weight. Obesity is a major risk factor for sleep apnea. Belly fat pushes the chest upwards thereby causing the lungs to lose tension, making breathing more difficult and requires more effort.
  • Elevate the head of your bed to open up the airway.
  • Make sure your room and house are always clean to clear the place of potential allergens and pathogens that can block the flow of air.
  • Adjust your pillow. A good pillow can make all the difference in having a good night’s sleep.

Doing yoga is also beneficial for sleep apnea as well as a range of diseases and health conditions. You take deep breaths and assume a position for a while when you do yoga. It allows you to relax and control your breathing that is like a form of therapy in its own already.

The same with tongue and throat exercises. You can also stop snoring by strengthening these body parts.

These things aren’t so hard to do. Give them a try and experience a marked difference in your sleep from now on and finally stop snoring for real.

Save Your Sanity From Snoring

Pretty much most of you have a horror story when it comes to snoring. As a child, you likely have a grandpa, your own dad, or uncle who snored so loudly they basically become inside family jokes every time they sleep. Well, they may be funny but what we failed to realize is that snoring has its dangers too. And it is not just about your lost sleep because the loud snoring sound prevented you from drifting off to sleep once you hit the sack.

If you aren’t aware yet, a person snores because of the vibration caused by the air passing on a narrowed airway. It also happens to be the major indicator of obstructive sleep apnea. Not all snorers have sleep apnea, though. But still, the risk is there, especially once you find out that there are breathing pauses in your slumber if you have sleep apnea. For a few seconds, you cease to breathe as your brain decides whether to sleep or breathe and this is a constant occurrence with as many as 30 pauses over the span of an hour.

Conventional treatment involves surgery and the use of CPAP. However, many aren’t exactly thrilled at the thought of using CPAP and surgery isn’t as appealing either. Aside from popular anti-snoring gadgets such as mouthpieces like SnoreRx, simple lifestyle modifications can help improve your sleep and somehow reduce the snoring and its impact on your health.

Here are some exercises and tips to reduce snoring and help with sleep apnoea:

  • Make lifestyle changes – lose weight, exercise or brisk walk, maintain regular sleeping hours, quit drinking, smoking and avoid taking sleeping pills or sedatives of any kind.

  • Avoid caffeine and heavy meals two hours before sleeping.

  • Practice yoga to strengthen the muscles of the throat.

  • Try sleeping on the side. Elevate the head of the bed by four to six inches.

  • Singing can also strengthen throat muscles and reduce sleep apnoea

  • Press the tongue up against the roof of mouth and hold it there for 3 minutes a day

  • Purse the lips as if going to kiss and move them up and to the right, then up and to the left 10 times. Repeat again 3 times.

  • Gargle with water for five minutes, twice a day

  • Lightly hold the tongue in teeth and swallow five times. Repeat this 5 to 10 times a day.

(Via: https://fit.thequint.com/fit/snoring-treatment-cause-symptoms)

If you don’t do anything about sleep apnea, it can predispose you to a number of medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression as well as a list of accidents caused by chronic sleep deprivation. People with sleep apnea fail to enjoy a good night’s sleep, thus missing out on the many recuperative benefits a trip to dreamland offers.

And while you may hate the thought of sleeping in your youth, you start craving it more as you age when obligations pile up and you have less and less time for sleep when you actually need it the most. People would even go to great lengths and spend a lot of money just so they can sleep like a baby every single night.

“Sleep is the new status symbol,” she says.

It’s a big business. One of the more expensive products is Sleep Number’s 360 Smart Bed, which runs from $3,449 to $4,999. It makes adjustments based on how restless people are while they’re sleeping. The Zeeq pillow, which sells for $299 and is from bedding brand REM-Fit, monitors snoring and can gently vibrate to nudge someone into a different sleep position.

“I’m willing to spend more on sleep technology because it will hopefully help me fall asleep quicker, stay asleep longer and be more rested when I wake up,” says Frank Ribitch, a self-described gadget junkie from Martinez, California, who tracks his sleep with apps connected to a Sleep Number bed and the Zeeq pillow.

(Via: https://phys.org/news/2017-07-technology.html)

Before you can make lifestyle changes, you must first get yourself checked by a sleep specialist to get a proper sleep apnea diagnosis. As you explore your management options, make a few changes to the way you do things, eat, or engage in healthy activities that can reduce the occurrence of snoring. They are often free, so there is no reason for you to keep on suffering from chronic sleeplessness.

It actually has become a big business now. The sleep industry sells all sort of products. From mouthpieces, earplugs, chin straps, mobile apps, specialized pillows, and mattress, etc. they range in prices from affordable to ludicrously expensive. Yet, the thing is, they have a market for it since many people buy them. For some, their sleep is more important that they are willing to pay for these anti-snoring gadgets regardless of the price.

You just have to do your research because with the countless options out there, looking for an effective and reasonably priced device is like finding a needle in a haystack. And once you do find it, you’ll finally be able to curb your snoring and save your sanity for real.

Drown Out The Snoring

Nothing can ruin a good night’s sleep on a regular basis than a spouse who snores. It can be really annoying as the loud snoring can wake up the entire household, promoting partners to sleep in separate bedrooms or even separate for real and for good. It is a nasty habit that has been the cause of many relationship breakups but in as much as how risky it is for your health to have this condition. Despite this sad reality, though, it does not erase the fact that the loud snoring is really annoying.

Even if you cover your head with a pillow, the sound will still pass through. If you love your partner, it will be too hard and painful for you to leave him at night and sleep in another room perhaps because sometimes you need to nudge him to stop snoring for a while. Even if there are a lot of anti-snoring products sold these days, nothing has really been able to cure sleep apnea, the root cause of snoring. Yet you can still live a normal life and get the sleep you deserve with the help of a few handy and innovative sleep solutions.

Do you have a spouse or significant other who snores? If you’re not willing to call it quits on your relationship in the name of a good night’s sleep, you may want to consider shelling out for a pair of futuristic earbuds, developed by a team of ex-Nokia engineers. Like supercharged ear plugs, the QuietOn Sleep earbuds use cutting-edge noise-canceling technology to block out low-frequency sounds.

The earbuds trace back to the early 2010s, when company founder Janne Kyllöne became interested in noise-canceling technology after enduring countless business flights. In 2015, Kyllöne and fellow Nokia engineer Matti Nisula manufactured the first prototypes and had them tested and validated. This lead to a 2016 Indiegogo campaign, which raised $1.3 million. The first-generation earbuds were successfully delivered to backers and, by last year, more than 15,000 units had been shipped to 120 countries around the world. Now the team is back with a follow-up, improving on the original earbuds in a few key ways.

(Via: https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/quieton-sleep-earbuds-gen-2/)

You’ve probably used earbuds for as long as you can remember but did you know that there are high-tech ones that can help drown out your partner’s loud snoring. Since the technology is still somewhat new and not yet that mainstream, expect to shell out a lot of money when buying one. Its noise-canceling technology will surely help you sleep like a baby despite the awfully loud snoring beside you.

Even the company behind it is surprised at how positive the reception was to the QuietOn earbuds. It only goes to show how many people have snoring problems that aren’t yet addressed by science or technology. You just wear the device before sleeping and that’s it. It is so effortless yet effective at the same time.

The new $159 headphones were developed after designers analysed hundreds of snoring audio tapes including sounds of snoring, traffic, and other noises coming through walls.

The results are a set of earbuds with active noise cancellation that uses a microphone to sample the sound, and a speaker to create a phase-shifted sound that cancels the original sound.

Research shows that snoring impacts 25 percent of people on a regular basis and over 50 percent on an occasional basis.

These noise cancelling buds not only reduce snoring problems but also eliminate other irritating sounds such as traffic noise.

The buds are made with a soft foam cushion, and with a simple tap the modes can be altered from ‘sleeping’ to ‘hearing’, they are also excellent for listening to music.

(Via: https://www.channelnews.com.au/snore-cancelling-ear-buds-tipped-for-ifa-2018-launch/)

Not only snorers can benefit from a noise-canceling device because it also comes in handy to block different types of noise pollution like traffic among many others. The one made especially for snorers is effective in blocking the snoring noise and can also be used in listening to music. With its long battery life, you can easily sleep through the night without the device dying and leaving you vulnerable again to loud noises in your surroundings.

They may seem too much for some people but if you are the one sleeping with a loud snorer every night, it can drive you nuts too. At least now, those who don’t snore no longer lose sleep along with their snoring partner. For the snoring person, there are also options to ensure you don’t suffer that much from sleep apnea. With anti-snoring gadgets like the Good Morning Snore Solution and the SleepTight Snoring Mouthpiece, there is no more snore that needs drowning and you and your partner can both sleep peacefully all night long.

Recognizing The Dangers Of Snoring

Humans have peculiarities that may seem funny at first but are actually threatening to one’s health. A fine example is snoring. People often snicker at the sound of another person’s snoring because they have associated it as an embarrassing and annoying sleeping habit some old people have when in reality, it actually is a dangerous health condition that can even put your life in grave danger in your slumber.

Snoring isn’t just a habit but is actually the sound people make when air can’t freely pass a constricted airway and cause this hallmark symptom. In layman’s term, a person who snores (and often is diagnosed with sleep apnea) suffers from periodical breathing gaps all throughout their sleep. It is an involuntary response that is often triggered by a physical anomaly in body parts involved in the essential act of breathing.

So, every time a person snores, he/she is actually having a hard time breathing and the brain has to make the risky choice between breathing and sleeping. Imagine being in this delicate state every day, like every time you sleep there is always the risk of not being able to wake up.

The Sleep Lab has four fully equipped hotel-grade rooms for overnight sleep studies. Pulmonary or sleep medicine fellows study real-time data in a separate room under the supervision of a consultant sleep specialist.

Snoring and OSA can lead to serious health risks such as heart failure, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, neurocognitive impairment and accidents due to sleepiness. OSA causes breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep.

Be worried when the snoring is punctuated by periods of silence, followed by a snort, a loud gasp or a body jerk.

(Via: http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/295043/worried-snoring-punctuated-silence-body-jerk/)

If you are a habitual snorer, don’t put off any longer a trip to see the sleep specialist. While not all snorers have sleep apnea, snoring remains to be a major symptom of patients diagnosed with sleep apnea. There is always the possibility of you actually suffering from some type of sleep apnea. So, better get yourself checked and interventions can be initiated.

They may recommend a sleep test, wherein you’ll be required to stay for the night to be observed in your slumber. You’ll be strapped to devices that will give the doctor a better idea how your body works when you are asleep.

If a person does have sleep apnea, a more aggressive treatment may be necessary.

For some people, a dental oral appliance — a device that looks like a mouthguard — can propel the lower jaw forward and open up the airway sufficiently. But some patients experience jaw or bite alignment issues with these devices, according to Lee.

The primary treatment for severe cases relies on a continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP machine: a device that forces air pressure through a mask into a person’s airway. It provides enough air pressure to keep the airway open throughout the night.

Not every patient needs a device like the CPAP at the start, according to Lee. But she cautions that sleep apnea is a progressive disease that tends to get more serious as people get older. As we age, “everything tends to sag a bit more,” she explained, and that’s true inside your airway, too. A patient who can use milder treatments for a while might still eventually need a CPAP.

(Via: http://uk.businessinsider.com/how-to-stop-snoring-2018-5)

As soon as a diagnosis is made, you can explore various options on how to address this condition. There are conventional management methods like CPAP and surgery but both have their risks. However, CPAP remains to be the best intervention for sleep apnea even if its compliance rate is low. It is because CPAP isn’t exactly comfy and surgery is obviously invasive. Most people right now prefer the use of anti-snoring gadgets because it is more affordable and convenient to use and also effective in reducing snoring without all the discomforts associated with CPAP use.

At a time and age when modern science almost has an answer to everything, there is no reason for you to continue suffering in silence or being deprived of sleep. Most anti-snoring gadgets offer a free trial like ZQuiet while SnoreRx offers a 30-day money back guarantee, so give it a try while you are still exploring your other options.

Can Anti-Snoring Gadgets Save You?

If there is one thing that you used to take for granted before but want so badly now, it is probably sleeping. Young ones are often told to take naps by their parents but they detest it so much because of their hyperactive hormones and naturally inquisitive nature yet as you grow up and grow old, you realize that sleep is one of those things that can help you go on with life despite the challenges that come your way.

Unfortunately, getting that eight hours of sleep is easier said than done. Not only is your growing list of obligations stopping you from snoozing when needed but conditions like sleep apnea is a major factor too for your chronic sleep deprivation. Not only that, sleep apnea in itself is a deadly condition that can endanger your life in your slumber as you basically stop breathing multiple times while you are asleep.

For years, the public just ignored the dangers of sleep apnea, thinking that it is just one of those things you have to learn to live with. However, recent studies reveal just how dangerous this condition is and both young and old alike are at risk especially that congenital anomalies can increase your risk of snoring.

Night after night of disturbed sleep because of loud snoring is extremely trying on your health and your relationship. If you’re the snorer, the none-too-gentle kicks from the other side of the bed aren’t great either. The good news is that there are solutions to the problem – and they’re cheaper than divorce!

Relationships are affected by sleep apnea primarily from the loud snoring that is so characteristic of it. Couples go to extreme lengths as sleeping in separate bedrooms, if not separating for real, because the other spouse can no longer tolerate the loud snoring.

Talk to your doctor

Start with talking to your doctor. They can do a physical examination and make sure there’s nothing more serious going on. Many regular snorers, especially heavy snorers, also have sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Poor sleep due to sleep apnoea can lead to daytime drowsiness, which impairs job performance and increases the risk of accidents.

Your GP may refer you to a specialist sleep physician, or perhaps an otolaryngologist or ENT (ear, nose and throat) surgeon.

(Via: https://www.choice.com.au/health-and-body/conditions/trouble-sleeping/articles/anti-snoring-products)

Medical experts often advocate for lifestyle changes in order to reduce snoring. There are also other alternatives in the form of anti-snoring mouthpieces like the Good Morning Snore Solution that has been saving people from sleepless nights, and most importantly, reduced their snoring for the benefit of their health. Your doctor can help you decide which the best choice for you is but you can also decide based on what you prefer.

It is why you must know what your options are. You don’t have to undergo surgery right away if an anti-snoring gadget like SnoreRx, for instance, is enough to improve your sleep and make your life a little bearable.

A lack of quality snoozing can really throw your life off, and unfortunately a bad night’s sleep is the nighttime epidemic of our modern age. The good news is there are plenty of products out there that can make catching some shut-eye easier. Read on for three worth working into your sleep routine that are all 40% off or more.

  1. The Anti-Snoring Jaw Strap: 2-Pack: Whether you’re waking yourself or your partner up in the middle of the night, this strap (which, yes, does look like a face headband) can help. Just slip it comfortably over the crown of your head and chin, and consider your relationship—and your beauty rest—saved. (Bonus: It also helps prevent sleep apnea, bruxism, and TMJ pain.) 

(Via: https://www.thedailybeast.com/these-3-products-will-help-you-get-a-better-nights-sleep)

Not all the time, anti-snoring gadgets come in the form of mouthpieces. At times, it can be a chin strap, blanket, bet sheets, or pillows. They all affect the quality of your sleep one way or the other and it is worth exploring other alternatives that can help you overcome snoring and hopefully help address your sleep apnea too. While these anti-snoring gadgets do not necessarily work against sleep apnea, they are a good addition to your sleep apnea/ snoring management. While you are exploring actual management for your sleep condition, you no longer have to suffer from the awfully loud snoring nor your sleep partner too.

In a way, these anti-snoring gadgets can save your sanity and those around you while you work out your options with your doctor. And with the modern advancements in science and technology right now, many are hoping that a real cure will finally be made available in the market.

Visit A Sleep Disorder Center For A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleeping is not just a luxury but a necessity in our lives. We need it in order to function normally and live healthily throughout all the days of our lives. Our sleeping requirement varies as we age. Babies do nothing but just sleep almost the entire day but the length of their sleep reduces as they grow up. Kids still have the biggest requirement because of the rapid growth and development they go through and it is evident in their growing bodies. Once you enter adulthood, sleep becomes more of a luxury because of heavier workload and more responsibilities you have to juggle day in and day out. Yet even if you can claim that your body has reached maturity once you hit adulthood, it does not mean you need less sleep than your younger counterparts.

Sleep is essential for everyone no matter what your age is. Adults need it too because they do so much more now they need the energy to help them last throughout the day and night. They can’t just reason out that they lack sleep as an excuse to skip school or miss work because they should know better that their bodies need to rest too or else they succumb to sickness. It’s the reason why sleep clinics are on the rise these days. Many people finally admit that they lack sleep for a lot of reasons but it should not stop them from getting this lost sleep back with the help of modern science. We are not just simply talking about insomnia or some other sleep distraction but of more chronic, debilitating, and deadly conditions such as sleep disorders.

Dr. John Geyer and his staff at the Bryan W. Whitfield Memorial Hospital Sleep Disorder Center help the community sleep at night, literally. As medical director of the sleep center, Geyer evaluates patients and orders sleep studies based on their problems. Once Craig Schumacher, RPSGT, RST, performs and grades the studies, Geyer reviews the data to decide what treatment is right for his patients.

“The study is primarily to figure out what they have. And then we tailor a treatment for that,” Geyer said.

Treatments may include special equipment, mouth pieces, positional therapy or medication.

(Via: http://www.demopolistimes.com/2018/01/15/bwwmh-sleep-center-helping-patients-get-good-nights-rest/)

Sleep apnea has already been prevalent years ago but it’s only now that people are starting to recognize it for the health risk it really is. Imagine people with sleep apnea experiencing multiple breathing pauses during their sleep and that leaves them lacking in oxygen that is crucial for various body processes that keeps us alive. Back then, we only think of snoring, the most prominent symptom of sleep apnea, as a nasty habit most older uncles are guilty of doing when they sleep. We just simply shrug it off and laugh at them for their silly habit. But we know better now.

One of the largest professional societies focused on sleep issues is moving beyond its original roots.

This week, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) announced that it would expand its mission with a new patient-focused membership group called the American Alliance for Healthy Sleep.

AAHS, a 501(c)(4) organization, will bring together individual patients and healthcare providers and focus on policy, public awareness, and patient support.

Because the organization includes both of these groups, AAHS says it “will be in the unique position to break down barriers to collaboration while facilitating discussion and solutions that address the concerns of both patients and providers together.” 

(Via: https://associationsnow.com/2018/01/sleep-medicine-group-launches-offshoot-focused-patients/)

It is high time the world at large gives importance to sleep and not discredit it anymore. We can only live a healthy and normal life if we get enough sleep at night. Even sleeping during the day could not make up for the many recuperative processes that take places when you snooze at night, so seek help for your sleep woes if you have problems with it because sometimes what you need is medical help. Don’t ever rely on sleeping pills because it is not the best answer to your dilemma. It’s just a temporary patch and should not be abused. It’s not advisable to be taken in the long run especially if you have a diagnosed sleep disorder like sleep apnea because you need something else to address the underlying problem that results to your chronic sleepless state.

If you are undecided yet as to what treatment plan you want to try, you can try something that offers relief and at the same time addresses the major worries in sleep apnea such as anti-snoring mouthpieces. https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/zquiet and https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/snorerx are great for starters and they don’t cost a fortune either. You not only put an end to the awful snoring sound but also opens up the airway so you save yourself from the deadly breathing pauses that happens countless times in your slumber.

The Dangers Of Sleep Apnea Clinics

We may have achieved so much in terms of innovation and advancements but we are still clueless on how to completely eradicate many maladies that make life hard for all of us at one point or another. We have a lot of things going in that 24 hours each day is no longer enough for us to finish everything every single day. While we celebrate at the seeming non-existence of boredom anymore, there are things that pose a new threat, one that is far bigger and more deadly than getting bored of our wits for hours on end. Our addiction to technology has opened up a whole new world of possibilities and helped keep us entertained 24/7 but it has also deprived us of precious sleep. As a result, we get on with our days with only the minimum number of hours of sleep and it is seriously messing up with our health and well-being.

Chronic lack of sleep and several other sleep-related disorders and issues have prompted the popularity of sleep clinics. Of course, there is a demand for their services, a big one at that. People really have difficulty falling and staying asleep. And even if they do, it isn’t as fitful or as rejuvenating as it should be.

Now, with the demand for sleep clinics continuing to soar, some may take advantage of the situation and this where the problem begins. As of date, many Canadian sleep clinics have been accused of various irregularities. And to improve quality and consistency of care, not to mention uphold patient’s rights and safety, seems like the authorities will have to step in as the dangers can no longer be ignored for people’s lives are in danger in the hands of unqualified personnel who aren’t equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to handle sleep disorders and its management.

Up to 200 sleep apnea clinics in Alberta — which have gone unregulated for years sparking concerns about the quality of patient care — now face new rules introduced Jan. 1 aimed at improving oversight, safety and consistency of care.

While standards have been in place for overnight sleep medicine clinics since the 1990s, until now labs offering take-home sleep apnea tests and treatment were not subject to similar rules.

“The quality of care issues [are] disastrous,” said Dr. Charles Samuels, medical director of the Calgary-based Centre for Sleep and Human Performance and president of the Canadian Sleep Society, an organization that promotes sleep disorders medicine and education.

“We’re seeing terrible problems and poor treatment that should never occur.”

(Via: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/sleep-apnea-clinics-alberta-regulations-accreditation-1.4472111)

Come to think about it, people actually spend the night in sleep clinics to get a proper assessment. They just don’t stay there for several minutes like in traditional doctor’s clinics. They sleep there while covered in various contraptions and wires that monitors important parameters in their bodies. Hygiene is not the only issue here as well. Unregulated sleep clinics compromise the patient’s health by misdiagnosing their conditions and not treating them properly despite these patients paying them the corresponding fees for their services.

Facilities will need to be registered and meeting the standards by 2020, with full reviews occurring every four years.

The College and Association of Respiratory Therapists of Alberta says it worked in an advisory capacity as the regulations were being developed. 

“It is anticipated they will positively impact our members‘ professional practice by enhancing the quality and safety of patient care provided, particularly around home portable diagnostic testing,” executive director Bryan Buell said in a statement e-mailed to CBC News. 

Buyer beware

While they won‘t be barred from operating, clinics that don‘t meet the new standards won‘t be accredited. 

(Via: https://kaplanherald.com/2018/01/10/albertas-unregulated-sleep-apnea-clinics-face-new-requirements/)

When it comes to medical practice, there are standards that must be met and upheld. You can’t just do what you want especially that you are dealing with people’s lives. If you have sleep issues and have come to terms with it, the next step you are likely to make is a visit to a sleep clinic in your area. Make sure you only trust an establishment that has the proper and updated accreditations. If they don’t, go somewhere else because you deserve far better than what these places can offer. Patients with sleep apnea are often the ones who’d seek treatment here, so while you are still scouting for legitimate sleep clinics you can’t go wrong with an anti-snoring mouthpiece that does not just take care of the snoring but offers palliative support. No need to worry anymore about breathing gaps in your slumber because these handy contraptions such as https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/sleeptight will ensure your airway is open just right and your brain will no longer have to make that deadly decision between breathing and your precious sleep.

Cannabis For Sleep Apnea

Sleep is not just a luxury but a necessity for us to be healthy and live a long life. You can’t keep on abusing your body by depriving of precious sleep that does a lot of wonders in rejuvenating the body and expect yourself to be of optimal health all the time. There are many curative properties that only sleep can offer. If you are in doubt, go argue with science because they make the rules. Unfortunately, sleep quality and quantity has been deteriorating in recent years because of our obsession with technology. Instead of calling it a day and tucking yourself to bed and doze of the dreamland, you are still up and about going over nonsense things that you never thought mattered to you before until smart technology and social media happened.

It is not nice to constantly lose sleep. If it is your own choice to give up this divine gift, then it is time to change your ways now while you still can but if not, then don’t hesitate in getting yourself checked. There are certain medical conditions that make sleep impossible, not only for yourself but to the person next to you. Sleep apnea is the first thing to come to mind because apparently, many people complain about it, which does not come as a surprise anymore. Just the loud and annoying snoring sound is enough to keep you up all night. It has even ended relationships and marriages, which is just proof of the power of sleep (or the lack of it) over us.

A synthetic cannabis-like drug in a pill was safe and effective in treating obstructive sleep apnea in the first large multi-site study of a drug for apnea funded by the National Institutes of Health. The study was conducted at Northwestern Medicine and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).

There is currently no drug treatment for sleep apnea, a sleep breathing disorder affecting about 30 million individuals in the United States. In sleep apnea, breathing is interrupted, and these pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes and may occur 30 times or more an hour. Untreated apnea raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, sleepiness, cognitive impairment and a motor vehicle accident.

Participants in the trial had reduced apnea and decreased subjective sleepiness.

The common treatment for sleep apnea is a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device that delivers air (acting like an air splint) to prevent collapse of the airway and breathing pauses. But adherence to the device can be challenging for many patients, some who simply stop using it.

(Via: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/11/171128230117.htm)

For years, we have been searching endlessly for the solution to this sleeping woe. Until today, we can only fully rely on CPAP as the trusted medical management of sleep apnea but it is not the most convenient one to use. Many patients would rather compromise their health rather than wear CPAP in their sleep because it is extremely inconvenient to use. Breakthrough studies today show that there is a possible alternative to sleep apnea treatment in the form of a cannabis-like medicine, so you no longer worry about dying in your sleep because of the breathing pauses that characterizes sleep apnea.

But can a person simply ingest or smoke marijuana and get the same benefits for sleep apnea?

No, said Zee. “Different types of cannabis have different ingredients,” she noted. “The active ingredient may not be exactly the same as what’s indicated for sleep apnea.”

“Cannabis contains dozens of active ingredients, but we tested just purified Delta-9 THC,” added Carley.

Larger scale clinical trials are needed to clarify the best approach to cannabinoid therapy in obstructive sleep apnea, the researchers said.

UIC has licensed intellectual property related to the experimental drug treatment used in the study to the pharmaceutical company RespireRx.

Researchers have attempted to identify drugs to treat sleep apnea for nearly 35 years, but to no avail, Carley explained.

(Via: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-11-synthetic-cannabinoid-apnea.html)

It is not marijuana per see but a pill that strongly resembles properties of a cannabinoid. Studies have shown so far that it has beneficial effects to sleep apnea sufferers but more research is needed to make sure that we have the right assumptions or not. For now, let’s all hope that it will be a success in the future and we can finally have something else to battle sleep apnea with aside from CPAP that is dreaded by all https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/why-a-cpap-machine-is-probably-not-for-you. These multiple breathing pauses in your sleep are serious issues because they are life-threatening. Your brain is seriously deciding whether to let you sleep or breathe, so any advancements when it comes to sleep apnea is widely accepted by many.

But for now, you can use the following handy yet effective anti-snoring mouthpieces to protect you from the dangers of sleep apnea while we are awaiting further results of the study. This one https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/snorerx is a great choice because it is handy and easy to use but also make sure you live long enough until you wake up the next morning without suffering any deadly consequences.