What Causes Snoring And Can It Be Stopped?

Virtually everyone on this planet snores at one point or another. There are instances when you are just too tired that you end up making that annoying sound in your slumber without you knowing at all much to the annoyance of the people around you. You literally have no control over it but it has such a big impact on your life.

There are different reasons why a person snores. First is sleep apnea. Take note, though, that not all snorers have sleep apnea yet almost all patients diagnosed with sleep apnea snores in their sleep. Some of the reasons can be the following:

  • Sleep position
  • Age
  • Vice (Alcohol drinking and smoking)
  • Obesity
  • Nasal and sinus problem
  • Body built
  • Medications/Drug Interactions

They all contribute to sleep apnea and can lead to snoring. As annoying as it may be, snoring also serves as a warning to the public that a person’s health and well-being is in grave danger. It is about time you set that appointment with a doctor or a sleep specialist before things get out of hand. Sleep apnea has no cure but it can be managed. Allowing your symptoms to go berserk will only compromise your health even further.

Just about everyone snores at one time or the other through their life time for different reasons, some people snore on a regular basis and this disrupts the quality of their sleep.

Snoring is the harsh buzzing sound some of us make when we’re asleep.

Experts say this could lead to daytime fatigue, irritability and some health problems too. It could also create some major emotional issues.

Snoring happens when you can’t move air freely through your nose and throat while sleeping. This makes the surrounding tissue vibrate, thereby producing the familiar snoring sound.

People who snore regularly often have too much throat and nasal tissue or floppy tissue that is more prone to vibrating. The position of the tongue can also get in the way of smooth breathing.

It is important to understand the cause behind your snoring because different people snore for different reasons. Understanding why one snore would help one find the right solutions that will help one get a better and quieter sleep. Some common causes of snoring are.

(Via: http://www.businessdayonline.com/causes-snoring-ways-remedy/)

The gold standard for sleep apnea treatment is CPAP which stands for continuous positive airway pressure but it isn’t always the nicest experience leading to low compliance rates. Users don’t feel comfortable using it because the mask is bulky and they can’t really move much when using it in their sleep.

The use of sleep apnea mouthpieces like SnoreRx is a popular choice because it is cost-effective and convenient to use too. Moreover, it has proven to be effective in reducing snoring as well as making sleep an enjoyable and relaxing experience once more. It opens up the airway so air can pass freely and not cause vibrations that lead to snoring. Aside from the reduced snoring, it lessens the health risks of the constant breath gaps and insufficient oxygen in circulation because breathing becomes more stable throughout the night.

# 7 – Practice Yoga

Now, this remedy may very well seem like a private entry, but yoga has become such a popular holistic form of therapy for so many issues. Yoga is such a great remedy because to helps you to control your breathing and relax your muscles and body.

Now for this particular yoga entry, you want to practice Pranayama which is dedicated to learning how to control your breathing. You will master deep, slow and more importantly control breathing.

This particular yoga technique has been used to help many sleeping disorders and is a therapy that is highly recommended.

# 8 – Exercise Your Tongue and Throat

By exercising your tongue and your throat, you will be able to reduce the amount of snoring you do.

Here are a few exercises you can do to strengthen your tongue and throat.

First off try to protrude your power jaw over the upper jaw. You want your teeth to show and then count to ten seconds slowly. Do this about 5 to 10 times a day.

You can give your tongue a good workout by saying particular tongue twisters. In this scenario, you may find saying this phrase extremely beneficial for you, “The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue.”

Place your tongue out in front of you and move it to the left and right touching both the corner of your lips.

(Via: http://www.swaggermagazine.com/home/style/10-easy-snoring-remedies/)

You may think that you are doomed once you get diagnosed with sleep apnea because it has no cure but simple lifestyle modifications can go a long way in making life (and sleep) more bearable for you.

  • Try humidifying your room as inhaling dry air can exacerbate snoring.
  • Manage your weight. Obesity is a major risk factor for sleep apnea. Belly fat pushes the chest upwards thereby causing the lungs to lose tension, making breathing more difficult and requires more effort.
  • Elevate the head of your bed to open up the airway.
  • Make sure your room and house are always clean to clear the place of potential allergens and pathogens that can block the flow of air.
  • Adjust your pillow. A good pillow can make all the difference in having a good night’s sleep.

Doing yoga is also beneficial for sleep apnea as well as a range of diseases and health conditions. You take deep breaths and assume a position for a while when you do yoga. It allows you to relax and control your breathing that is like a form of therapy in its own already.

The same with tongue and throat exercises. You can also stop snoring by strengthening these body parts.

These things aren’t so hard to do. Give them a try and experience a marked difference in your sleep from now on and finally stop snoring for real.

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