Natural Ways To Kiss Snoring Goodbye

Snoring has been the bane of existence of many people. It is so bothersome that both the snorers and their spouses lose sleep on a day to day basis without any promise of relief any time soon. Sleep apnea happens to be incurable and people with the condition only receive palliative treatment so the quality of their lives do not deteriorate that much and they get to sleep better too.

When you think about sleep apnea and snoring, you’d likely associate its treatment with surgery or CPAP, both of which aren’t the cheapest option nor the safest or most comfortable either. Fortunately, over the years, there have been newer and more convenient stop snoring products alternatives in the form of sleep apnea mouthpieces. They are fairly easy to use and quite cost-effective too. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get one because many even offer a free trial so you get a feel for what the device feels like before actually paying for it.

In fact, heavy snoring and sleep apnea may be linked to memory and thinking decline at an earlier age, according to a 2015 study published in Neurology. Since sufferers involuntarily stop breathing during the night, sleep apnea is a serious disorder that requires medical attention. But if you’re ready to put an end to “simple” snoring, try these five lifestyle changes for a more peaceful


Monitor your weight.

Once you doze off, the muscles in your throat relax. Then, the walls of your “floppy” throat begin to vibrate as you breathe in and out (and the narrower your airway, the more obnoxious the snore).

“In general, people who gain a few extra pounds will develop a little fat in the airway,” Dr. Cortes says. Her important dietary tip: Avoid food and alcohol at least three hours before bedtime because they can make the soft tissue more flaccid.


Oral appliances like the ZQuiet and VitalSleep are rising in popularity because they enable people to overcome their sleep apnea symptoms and live a normal life again. This often entails the ability to be able to sleep soundly through the night once more.

If you want a more natural approach, a few tweaks to your lifestyle can get you your lost sleep back without even spending a penny on it. They are simply just living healthily and feeding your body right. Keeping your weight in check, sleeping on your side, using nasal drops (when necessary), and a few more tips can transform your sleep experience allowing you to wake up feeling recharged and full of energy the next day.

  1. Keep your bedroom clean

Snoring can be often made worse by dust and allergens found in your bedroom.

Make sure to hoover your bedroom on a regular basis (including carpets and curtains), change your sheets and pillowcases every week and get new pillows every two years.

  1. Try nasal strips

Nasal strips can help to open nasal passages, to help you to breathe easier and alleviate snoring.

  1. Use peppermint products

Rubbing some peppermint oil around your nose may also work to open-up your nasal passages.


Avoiding vices like drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking should also be at the top list of your don’ts as both worsens sleep apnea symptoms and make it doubly harder for you to get a wink of sleep at all. Do not hesitate to explore your options because there are a lot of remedies out there that are really effective and good for your overall health too. They may not provide instant relief but they are baby steps in the right direction.

With the help of your doctor or a sleep expert, you can undergo a better and more effective sleep management plan that can beat sleep apnea the natural way and put your awful snoring at bay. It takes a lot of patience and discipline to stick to healthy living but it will trigger a domino-effect of positive changes in your body, and consequently to your health, which can solve most of the health-related problems you are experiencing right now.

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