Tag: Anti-Snoring Gadgets

Sleep Apnea, Mouthpieces And Your Sleep

Sleeping with someone who snores can be stressful as you also lose sleep each night. But the danger is actually twice as bad for the snoring partner because this condition, while it may appear funny and embarrassing to some, is actually a major health risk. Snoring is usually a major symptom of sleep apnea. This sleeping condition causes the person to suffer from constant breathing gaps in their slumber, lasting from several seconds and occur all throughout their sleep. The human brain is essentially choosing between breathing and sleeping in your slumber, meaning you can easily die in your sleep without you knowing.

It is quite common but only a handful get themselves checked for it. Many of these people simply dismiss the snoring thinking it is one of those things you have to accept in life. But how badly mistaken they are. It may not follow that those who snore have sleep apnea but the majority of sleep apnea sufferers snore in their slumber. Having TMJ can actually make it worse! This can go on for years and it significantly puts your health at risk. You are predisposed to other more chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke if not treated promptly.

Some 90 million American adults snore, according to sleepfoundation.org, and many could find relief with general health solutions. The Mayo Clinic recommends getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night if you snore, for example, or losing weight since overweight people can have extra throat tissues that contribute to snoring. 

There are also expensive, extensive solutions like oral devices, according to dentist Gene Sambataro. The mandibular advancement device designed to remove obstructions in the airway, for example, “is one of the most widely-accepted dental appliances for the treatment of sleep apnea, useful in forcing the lower jaw down and forward slightly,” he says. 

(Via: https://www.ajc.com/lifestyles/health-med-fit/odd-but-effective-ways-stop-snoring/UilcBeHzvPGy7dY1X3fJeN/)

Not getting enough sleep is a major risk factor in itself. There is no cure yet to snoring but it does not mean it can’t be managed. You don’t even have to go under the knife or sleep with a CPAP mask on to beat sleep apnea because there is a growing list of handy and more cost-effective solutions to snoring like anti-snoring gadgets among many others that can reduce the risk of sleep apnea and put an end to your loud snoring.

Examples of these oral mouthpieces are ZQuiet and SnoreRx that are quite affordable and enable the person to sleep better at night without making loud noises that can also disrupt their partner’s sleep.

It’s been hard to ignore the proliferation of sleep brands, most notably Casper, the direct-to-consumer company whose ads cover subway walls and pop up in podcasts. In 2015, I succumbed to the brand’s cheery messaging—notably the three little pigs cuddled up with the Big Bad Wolf. Their free shipping and surprising risk-free 100-night test drive, some version of which is offered by most companies now, led me to buy the one model they offered at the time, which used memory foam instead of traditional spring coils. But now it was clear we were fed up with sharing that bed, which wasn’t doing it for us and only made my twitching worse.

We first tested what are known as hybrid mattresses—those with a mix of memory foam and innerspring coils—in the optimistic hope that we’d both be instantly pleased. According to Natalie Dautovich, a scientist for the National Sleep Foundation, hybrid styles are popular because they serve as a compromise for many couples. “There’s softer, more body-conforming memory foam,” Ms. Dautovich said, “but then there’s an innerspring core for the partner who will want more support.”

(Via: https://www.wsj.com/articles/rough-time-sleeping-next-to-your-partner-these-technologies-might-help-1524160609)

There is no quick fix when it comes to sleep apnea. It takes continued use of these devices as well as making certain lifestyle changes in conjunction with the medical management as prescribed by a sleep specialist. Aside from oral mouthpieces, there are other sleep accessories you can use that will enhance your sleep in the form of pillows, mattresses, blankets, etc. that are specially manufactured now to target the snoring market.

There is no more need for partners to fight anymore every time a partner snores but more importantly than that, reducing the risk on their help caused by sleep apnea and chronic sleep deprivation more than makes up for the additional costs these innovative sleep products entail. We all are unique, so try whatever interests you and you feel can better address your snoring problem and find out which one works best for you. You may need to mix and match 2 or more of these snoring solutions but it is a must because you can’t just keep on losing sleep anymore.

Sleep Tight With Good Pillows

Sleep has become more of a luxury as the days pass by. It is quite common now to keep on losing sleep each night or sleep at different hours of the day, not necessarily at night. Modern life has tweaked our sleeping habits a lot and it is taking its toll on our body. It is seldom for the average adult to sleep well through the night because there is a myriad of distractions asking for your attention. Smartphones and other smart gadgets are too addicting since you can do a lot of things with it that you end up wide awake until the wee hours of the morning without feeling sleepy at all.

Not getting enough sleep is doing our body a lot of harm than you can ever think of. It affects you physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. People who always lose sleep or don’t get to sleep at night loses focus, easily get into accidents, perform poorly at school or at work, irritable and moody, and may be suffering from many other health conditions that are predisposed by sleep deprivation.

The body is like a machine that needs all its parts working together in order to function efficiently. Similar to the way gadgets are recharged, the body needs sleep to help it keep on going day and night.

Regular poor sleep increases your risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

You’re also more likely to develop depression and anxiety if you don’t get enough rest.

You could get a better night’s rest, and lower your risk of neck pain, by making some changes to your pillow, it’s been revealed.

You could be waking up in the night because your pillow is causing a sore neck or shoulder pain, according to Harvard Medical School.

It may be due to your pillow being too high, and you’ll be better off with a softer pillow.

It’s best to find a pillow that supports the natural curvature of your spine.

Alternatively, try using a feather pillow, which easily changes to the shape of your neck.

A pillow that’s too high or too stiff could keep the neck flexed overnight, and can wake you up with shoulder pain.

(Via: https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/967782/sleep-better-how-to-rest-fall-asleep-pillow-cant-sleep)

A baby sleeps almost the entire day. While it is not good for adults to sleep that way, you need a decent eight hours of sleep in order to function like a normal person. At times poor sleep can be caused by a health condition like sleep apnea. The loud snoring a person makes make it impossible for the sleeping partner to get a wink of sleep at all and often prompts for unusual sleeping arrangements between couples. It is also a deadly condition that predisposes a person with sleep apnea to various diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even depression.

Sometimes, you sleep poorly because of your bed and pillows. Your mattress isn’t comfortable enough or your pillow leaves you feeling aching all over the following day. Traditional mattresses and pillows can do that to you. But with the advent of more modern sleeping accessories, there are smarter pillows and mattresses that can address your sleeping problems one night at a time.

Traditional pillows have no way of ventilating body heat and actually wind up trapping it, making you even more sweaty and hot. Cooling pillows, however, do the exact opposite. Ideally made with moisture-wicking materials (like breathable bamboo), they’re designed to create constant air circulation around you so that you don’t get stuck to your pillow or overheat. Adjustable memory foam pillows are also frequently dubbed “cooling,” as they move with you but always spring back into shape. And if a pillow has cooling gel or additional ventilation? Expect great things.

If you’re ready to purchase your new favorite pillow, keep reading for a list of the best, most airy options for varying sleep styles including cool pillows for side sleepers, back sleepers, and often-overlooked stomach sleepers. Getting rest is so much easier when you’re not sweating all night long, you’ll see!

(Via: https://www.bustle.com/p/the-best-pillows-to-keep-you-cool-9203047)

Looking for the perfect pillow may be confusing with the countless pillow choices in today’s market. But since we all are unique, our body needs something different from the other person. You may also be more inclined to sleep on your back or side and you may need different pillows for that. So, you should also know your body in order to find the best pillow that matches your needs.

Cooling pillows are popular now because it helps people sleep better. You will no longer wake up drenched in sweat or feeling uncomfortable in your sleep. They are priced a little higher than regular pillows but you are guaranteed of a good night’s sleep each night. Some are also customizable, so it adjusts to your body’s requirements.

If the snoring persists despite your best efforts, your sleep apnea may be worsening and needs medical intervention. While exploring your options with a sleep specialist, improve your sleep by using anti-snoring gadgets such as ZQuiet and SleepTight that are not only affordable and easy to use but effective too in reducing the loud snoring associated with sleep apnea.

Natural Remedies Against Snoring

With everything we go through every day, the only thing we look forward to is the time we go home and lay down in bed for a nice relaxing sleep. Stress at school and work can eat us up and leave us feeling drained at the end of the day that the only thing that’s keeping you going is the thought of being able to rest once nighttime falls. Well, it is easier said than done. There are people who are unable to go to sleep even if they want it so bad. Also, there are individuals who want nothing else but to sleep but are kept awake by their loud snoring partners.

Snoring is a prevailing problem in different parts of the world. Men and the elderly are the most widely affected. Not only is it distressing and annoying but embarrassing too. Snorers are the butt of jokes in the family but there is little they can do about it because they are asleep when they snore, totally oblivious of their nasty habit. Also, people who sleep on their back are likewise most susceptible to snoring than those who sleep on their sides. While snoring is often caused by a physical anomaly in the mouth’s structure, it can be prevented.

  1. Quit Bad Habits Such As Alcoholism, Smoking Etc

 Intake of Alcohol, sedatives, and drugs that promote deep sleep can all cause snoring. Even excessive tiredness can have that same effect. If you tone your tongue and throat muscles, they will have less of a tendency to let loose tissues flop into the airway during sleep.

If you cannot quit drinking or using sedatives for one reason or the other, make sure you don’t take any of such stuff at least two hours before bedtime.

  1. Lose weight if you are overweight

This will help reduce the amount of tissue in the throat that might be causing your snoring. You can lose weight by reducing your overall caloric intake by eating smaller portions and more healthy foods. Make sure you get regular exercise daily. You may also consider seeing your doctor or a nutritionist for help.

  1. Change Sleeping Position – Adjust Pillows

Another thing that makes you snore is sleeping on your back can be the sole cause of snoring, so try to maintain the sideways position throughout the night. However, if you have formed a habit of sleeping on your back, you can sew a tennis or golf ball into your pajama shirts to make rolling onto your back uncomfortable, hence forcing you back to the side position. After a while, sleeping on your side will become a habit and you can dispense with the tennis balls.

(Via: http://www.ghafla.com/gh/33519-2/)

These are just some of the tips on how to prevent snoring. They’re not that difficult to do. It just takes some willpower and discipline to stick to this new lifestyle. And not all the time you have to just think of conventional treatments that often involves surgery and CPAP. They have their risks and aside from that, the compliance rate is also low for CPAP users because of the discomfort associated with its use.

Sleep is crucial for our good health, so don’t hesitate to make tweaks to your lifestyle just so you can get your lost sleep back. It may entail avoiding some of the things you used to do or vices you used to have but if it means being able to sleep like a baby at night, it is all worth it.

Say “No” to the Nightcap

Dr. Tadros recommends foregoing that glass of wine before bed. “Avoiding alcohol consumption close to bedtime can help with snoring. Alcohol further relaxes the muscles in the back of the throat, and can worsen both snoring and increase your risk of developing sleep apnea.”

Use a Humidifier

“Humidifiers are one of the most surprising tools for treating that pesky snoring problem,” according to Caleb Backe, a Maple Holistics health and wellness expert. “Snoring is often the result of dry air and congestion, which is why humidifiers are so effective. These machines attack the problem at the source while providing a wide array of other health benefits. Besides allowing for easier breathing, humidifiers also help prevent the spread of airborne germs and can even relieve allergy symptoms.”

(Via: https://www.rd.com/health/snoring-remedies-you-havent-tried/)

Aside from these remedies, you can also try handy and effective anti-snoring gadgets that offer almost the same features as CPAP but only in a more convenient format. There are plenty of popular choices like ZQuiet (https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/zquiet) and VitalSleep that are priced reasonably and works in reducing the snoring. Not only you, but also your partner can sleep peacefully for the first time in years. You can sleep more comfortably too as you can assume whatever sleeping position you are comfortable in and still be able to breathe easily without always gasping for air.

These mouthpieces often readjust the jaw to clear the airway and prevent any vibrations caused by air passing through a narrow airway. You can usually get a custom fit as most brands use the boil-and-bite method that will give you a mouthpiece that fits your mouth perfectly. Along with the lifestyle changes and natural remedies you adopt, the use of these gadgets can offer you the relief you desperately want against snoring and sleep apnea without all the hassles.

Recognizing The Dangers Of Snoring

Humans have peculiarities that may seem funny at first but are actually threatening to one’s health. A fine example is snoring. People often snicker at the sound of another person’s snoring because they have associated it as an embarrassing and annoying sleeping habit some old people have when in reality, it actually is a dangerous health condition that can even put your life in grave danger in your slumber.

Snoring isn’t just a habit but is actually the sound people make when air can’t freely pass a constricted airway and cause this hallmark symptom. In layman’s term, a person who snores (and often is diagnosed with sleep apnea) suffers from periodical breathing gaps all throughout their sleep. It is an involuntary response that is often triggered by a physical anomaly in body parts involved in the essential act of breathing.

So, every time a person snores, he/she is actually having a hard time breathing and the brain has to make the risky choice between breathing and sleeping. Imagine being in this delicate state every day, like every time you sleep there is always the risk of not being able to wake up.

The Sleep Lab has four fully equipped hotel-grade rooms for overnight sleep studies. Pulmonary or sleep medicine fellows study real-time data in a separate room under the supervision of a consultant sleep specialist.

Snoring and OSA can lead to serious health risks such as heart failure, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, neurocognitive impairment and accidents due to sleepiness. OSA causes breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep.

Be worried when the snoring is punctuated by periods of silence, followed by a snort, a loud gasp or a body jerk.

(Via: http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/295043/worried-snoring-punctuated-silence-body-jerk/)

If you are a habitual snorer, don’t put off any longer a trip to see the sleep specialist. While not all snorers have sleep apnea, snoring remains to be a major symptom of patients diagnosed with sleep apnea. There is always the possibility of you actually suffering from some type of sleep apnea. So, better get yourself checked and interventions can be initiated.

They may recommend a sleep test, wherein you’ll be required to stay for the night to be observed in your slumber. You’ll be strapped to devices that will give the doctor a better idea how your body works when you are asleep.

If a person does have sleep apnea, a more aggressive treatment may be necessary.

For some people, a dental oral appliance — a device that looks like a mouthguard — can propel the lower jaw forward and open up the airway sufficiently. But some patients experience jaw or bite alignment issues with these devices, according to Lee.

The primary treatment for severe cases relies on a continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP machine: a device that forces air pressure through a mask into a person’s airway. It provides enough air pressure to keep the airway open throughout the night.

Not every patient needs a device like the CPAP at the start, according to Lee. But she cautions that sleep apnea is a progressive disease that tends to get more serious as people get older. As we age, “everything tends to sag a bit more,” she explained, and that’s true inside your airway, too. A patient who can use milder treatments for a while might still eventually need a CPAP.

(Via: http://uk.businessinsider.com/how-to-stop-snoring-2018-5)

As soon as a diagnosis is made, you can explore various options on how to address this condition. There are conventional management methods like CPAP and surgery but both have their risks. However, CPAP remains to be the best intervention for sleep apnea even if its compliance rate is low. It is because CPAP isn’t exactly comfy and surgery is obviously invasive. Most people right now prefer the use of anti-snoring gadgets because it is more affordable and convenient to use and also effective in reducing snoring without all the discomforts associated with CPAP use.

At a time and age when modern science almost has an answer to everything, there is no reason for you to continue suffering in silence or being deprived of sleep. Most anti-snoring gadgets offer a free trial like ZQuiet while SnoreRx offers a 30-day money back guarantee, so give it a try while you are still exploring your other options.