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Sleep Apnea In Children

Adults often assume that all children are healthy because they are still young, right? Well, you got wrong because kids can get sick too. It does not mean that their bodies are still young they’re also in great shape all the time. Kids can get sick too and they may also be guilty of some very unhealthy practices like most adults do. Blame it on the changing times and role models that do not really emulate healthy living, kids these days are more prone to different diseases because of our increasingly sedentary lifestyle. And if you think that sleep is the least of their worries, then you are also mistaken because kids also experience various sleep issues like everyone else.

The truth is that kids need to sleep the most, unlike most adults who can survive despite their changing sleeping patterns. They need it to fuel their growing bodies since they undergo rapid growth and development until they reach maturity. It is such a shame, though, for kids that have sleep apnea because their growth may be stunted and they will be left behind by their peers. It is their parent’s responsibility to get their children checked by sleep specialists because sleep apnea in children exists and they need treatment despite their age. Gone were the days when people still laughed about snoring, the most common symptom of sleep apnea, because we are now aware of its dangers.

Snoring, in and of itself, isn’t necessarily a problem, so long as the child is sleeping well and breathing comfortably during sleep. Snoring among children is fairly common. But if parents are listening to their children’s breathing patterns at night, and notice pauses in the breathing and choking noises, it could be a sign of sleep apnea. This sleep disorder tends to be more prevalent in overweight children, children who have large tonsils, or children whose family members have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea tends to be more common in teenagers and older children. If you suspect your child has sleep apnea, it’s something you should bring to the attention of your child’s primary care doctor.


Sleep apnea is more than just night terrors and sleepwalking because aside from leaving your children sleepy and lackluster the next day, their bodies also receive less oxygen that has a big impact on their health. Imagine your child not breathing for several minutes multiple times throughout the night. Such a scary thought, indeed. You can live with the snoring but you’ll definitely feel anxious at the danger your child goes through each time they close their eyes in slumber.

While sleep apnea can occur at any age, it is less common in teenagers. Sleep apnea is usually discovered in school age children ages 3 to 6 and in older adults.

For parents whose children are restless sleepers, Dr. Jones recommends looking for related symptoms such as snoring, gasping or choking for breath, heavy breathing while awake, excessive sleepiness during the day and bedwetting. Children with sleep apnea may have trouble waking up in the morning and struggle in school.

While enlarged tonsils and adenoids are a common cause of obstructive sleep apnea, Jason had previously had them removed. So Dr. Jones performed a diagnostic sleep endoscopy, during which a fiber optic endoscope is passed through the nasal cavity to accurately diagnose the airway obstruction. The procedure revealed Jason had obstructive tissue in the upper larynx, which was removed in a surgery known as supraglottoplasty.


Kids actually experience sleep issues because of their changing bodies and habits as they get older. And if your child is unfortunate to have sleep apnea, you’ll find out about it early on as its cause is often a congenital anomaly that in turn blocks their airway such as an enlarged adenoids or tonsils. Surgery is usually considered as it can prevent any more airway obstruction and consequently get rid of the snoring too. And we all know surgery is a major leap and it has its own set of perils too. If you are still exploring options for your child’s health and well-being, you can have them use anti-snoring mouthpieces with the help of your doctor or dentist. It is easier for adults because they can just use brands like and, unlike children whose mouth is still smaller and might need something different yet offers the same benefits.

Sleep Apnea Predisposes The Elderly To Alzheimer’s Disease

Sleep apnea affects people of all ages although many can actually be seen in early childhood especially if the condition is caused by a congenital anomaly in the airway structure. Parents who are observant enough to their child’s sleeping habit can notice this early on and have them checked by a doctor but if left unattended, they will grow up with an undiagnosed sleep apnea that unknowingly impacts their health in a negative way over the years.  Snoring is a common symptom of sleep apnea although not all snorers have sleep apnea. It’s true we get annoyed at the loud snoring people to make but we lose sight of the danger their lives may be in because of a possible untreated disorder that literally endangers their lives and also compromises their health in the years to come.

It is common to see older people who snore in their sleep. The elderly already suffer from poor sleeping patterns and it is worsened by sleep apnea. And when left untreated, it can also predispose them to Alzheimer’s disease. Not only are your cells and brain continually deprived of oxygen in your sleep if you have this disorder, older people are also at higher risk of forming amyloid plaque in their brain, which is a significant indicator of Alzheimer’s disease among older people. The problem is that most people who are already in the twilight of their lives are not really aware they have sleep apnea. They simply dismiss their snoring as an annoying habit they have to live with like what older people did when they were younger.

If your sleep is continually disrupted by a condition called sleep apnea, you might face a higher chance of developing Alzheimer’s down the road.

So claims a new study that has linked sleep apnea with an increase in the development of amyloid plaque in the brain, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.

The researchers found that the more serious the sleep apnea was, the more plaque accumulated.

“Sleep apnea is very common among the elderly, and many aren’t aware they have it,” said senior researcher Dr. Ricardo Osorio. He is an assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine in New York City.

An estimated 30 percent to 80 percent of the elderly suffer from sleep apnea, depending on how it’s defined, the study authors noted.


Thanks to modern advancements and advances in the field of Science, studies have proven how sleep apnea increases an older person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life. Alzheimer’s is no joke because it messes up a person’s memory and it’s a deadly condition that impairs a person’s health and life. Those with sleep apnea no longer remembers people and events and leave them unable to care for themselves even in doing basic things like activities of daily living.

“Sleep apnea and snoring are processes that starve the brain and the heart of oxygen. As a result, they are the number one cause for heart attack and stroke. In addition, they can lead to heart arrthymias, fatigue, depression, sinus problems and problems functioning at school and at work.”


You don’t need to be told twice for you to get your older parent or grandparent checked by a doctor seeing how serious its effects are. Not only are they at risk of Alzheimer’s or Dementia but their bodies in general experience greater distress all the time especially that they sleep each night with all those breathing pauses that constantly deprive them of oxygen, for starters.

Fargo stressed that research into the role of sleep in dementia risk is “very important,” but there are still many questions.

“What we can say is, people with sleep disturbances appear more likely to have brain changes associated with dementia,” Fargo said. “There is some relationship, but researchers don’t understand it yet.”

The findings — published online Dec. 10 in Neurology — are based on brain autopsies from 167 elderly Japanese-American men who’d taken part in a long-term health study before their deaths. As part of that study, the men had their oxygen levels and brain activity monitored as they slept.


We can all reduce the risk of the decline in people’s mental performance and save them from conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s, debilitating conditions that affect a big percentage of today’s elderly population. It is interesting to note, though, that while undeniably serious, sleep apnea is treatable. You don’t even have to undergo surgery or pay a hefty amount to address it. CPAP may not be a popular choice but there are other options to stifle sleep apnea before it gets the best of you. Handy anti-snoring mouthpieces such as can save them from the woes of sleep apnea, which consequently will also save them from severe mental conditions that will leave them less of the human being that they were in the last few years of their lives.

How Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight

People these days struggle with a lot of things. If there are two things they struggle on the most, it has to be about sleep and weight. People can obsess over these two things a lot because it is almost next to impossible to get quality sleep and maintain your ideal weight when the world is full of temptations that are meant to lure us into the easy life. Sad to say, though, that the easy and carefree life we thrive in does not necessarily help promote healthy living. Eating fast food, staying up all night and fidgeting with your smart devices, not exercising, all these things add up over time and result in weight problems. Now don’t be surprised why obesity is a major problem in the world when we do so little in ensuring our bodies are healthy and cared for every single day.

You don’t really have to starve yourself or spend long hours in the gym when simply sleeping better can actually help you shed off that excess weight. It may not be fast but it sure is effective. You see, sleep has powerful restorative properties that make us feel like we can take on the world if we only get the recommended 8 hours of sleep each night. Take note, sleep at night not just daytime sleep. Certain chemicals are released only at night that aid in sleep restoration that you miss out on if you pull off an all-nighter and decide to sleep the day after. If you are well-rested and get a decent sleep each night, you can easily do your tasks next day without having to rely on anything to boost your focus and concentration.

That extra sleep showed some real-world benefits that could help explain why lack of sleep is associated with obesity. The sleep-trained group ate an average of 176 fewer calories a day; in comparison, the control group ate only seven fewer calories every day. Best of all, those calories were cut from less healthy sources. Those who slept more cut ten grams of sugar from their diets every day, while the others changed their sugar intake by less than a gram. The newly better sleepers also ate reduced their daily carbs by 22 grams, while the shorter sleepers actually ate 3 more grams.

Even with better sleep and dietary habits, the participants didn’t show much weight change over the course of the study, but the results are consistent with past research linking sleep with a healthy weight, like one study that found people burn more fat when getting a full night’s rest.


Skip the snacks and sweets or drinks loaded with caffeine to help you get through a boring class or give you the energy you need at work because sleep is enough to keep you focused and alert all day long. As a result, you spare your body the extra calories you get from these equally addicting treats thus you can easily maintain your svelte figure. Just imagine your sleepy self trying to trudge through a day’s worth of work. You would gladly grab that snack bar or go on endless trips to the pantry to make yourself coffee because you are sleepy and don’t have the energy to do your tasks. That’s how you end up putting weight faster than you can burn it.

The amount of sleep participants got each night proved to have a positive correlation with their diets. The researchers found that those who extended their sleep reduced their free sugar consumption by 10 grams when compared to baseline levels, along with a decrease in carbohydrate consumption.

“The fact that extending sleep led to a reduction in intake of free sugars, by which we mean the sugars that are added to foods by manufacturers or in cooking at home as well as sugars in honey, syrups and fruit juice, suggests that a simple change in lifestyle may really help people to consume healthier diets,” said principal investigator Wendy Hall, from the Department of Nutritional Sciences at King’s College London.


It is like a positive domino effect of good things to come your way simply by getting enough snooze at the right time. You don’t have to take any special pill, buy a special workout equipment, pay for a costly gym membership, or try a crazy and potentially harmful diet that does not guarantee any success because getting enough sleep is what you need first in living a healthy life. You can easily fight off cravings for sweets if you don’t feel that sleepy during the day.

Do it for yourself and your well-being. And while it may be hard for people with diagnosed sleep disorders, you should not just give up yet and instead make sure you go see a doctor for treatment. You can try an anti-snoring mouthpiece like or to relieve the symptoms and the snoring and it will help you sleep better too. And if you sleep better, losing weight and keeping that extra weight off will come naturally so it’s definitely a win-win situation for you.

Tech Solutions To Your Sleep Woes

Sleeping is fundamental to life. We can’t survive for long if we don’t sleep. And simply sleeping a few hours each day is not enough because our body needs more. We are not just even thinking about sleep length here, sleep quality is also a major issue along with the time at which you sleep. Simply sleeping during the day won’t do your health justice as it should be nighttime sleeping that is ideal for our good health. There are certain things that happen to your body that only takes place at night and you might miss out on if you don’t observe daily. Just remember that it is what nature designed for all of us. People back then had no issue about this because they did not have technology to mess up with their sleep.

They automatically drift off to dreamland at night and do what they go to do in life during the day.

Much has changed since then. We now have various technologies that we have virtually changed human lifestyle. You can now choose whether you want to be a day or night person and still be able to do most of the same things without any worries. That has significantly messed up our health. No wonder people die younger now and we easily succumb to more chronic, debilitating, and deadly diseases because of our lifestyle and the food we eat. But what if you can use the very thing that has turned your sleep upside down and use it to improve your sleep and eventually boost your health?

There are so many things that could go wrong when you’re sleeping with a robot. Your partner might freak out in a burst of 21st century jealousy. Or you could accidentally push the robot off the edge of the bed and smash it into a million pieces. In my case, the robot woke me up at 5AM saying “goodnight” in Dutch and started breathing.

I’m talking about Somnox, “the world’s first sleep robot,” as it’s been touted in pretty successful Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns. It’s actually more of a peanut-shaped pillow than a humanoid robot that can perform backflips a la Boston Dynamics. But for a machine with no arms, legs, or even a face, it actually feels pretty human. That’s because Somnox breathes in and out to help you fall asleep effortlessly, or so the Dutch company claims.  


Imagine, a robot that does not look like a robot can actually help you sleep better. No, you’re not dreaming. If you can afford to buy one, the Somnox robot mimics breathing so you can easily relax and drift off to sleep while cuddling or spooning it. Your partner may be jealous but at least it is just a robot and the best part is that it saves you from whatever sleeping problem you are having. It’s like you are meditating as you gradually match your own breathing to the regular, calming, and rhythmic breathing of the robot you are holding onto.

Nokia, a company once known for its mobile devices, is now going to be known for its sleep analysis. The company announced an advanced sleep sensor that features sleep analysis and smart home control through if this, then that (IFTTT) integration. The snor is designed to provide a sleep cycle analysis, an individualized Sleep Score, automatically control lights and thermostats, and synchronize with the Nokia Health Mate app.

“Our vision is to help make the world a healthier place and quality of sleep is as critical a component of a healthy lifestyle as regular exercise and a balanced diet,” said Rob Le Bras-Brown, head of Nokia’s digital health business. “Nokia Sleep gives users insight into what happens when their eyes are closed along with the ability to change the environment for more restorative sleep with IFTTT home automation capabilities. Nokia Sleep will be a game changer in helping maximize a night’s sleep to make the most of the next day.”


Nokia is once again attempting to get a piece of the market by delving into sleep technology with Nokia Sleep. While it is not as in-demand as mobile phones, many will likely have a use for it since a lot are now complaining about losing sleep each night. It’s nice to see technology being used the right way and not just for pure entertainment. People with sleep issues don’t want to lose any more sleep this new year and will definitely give these new products a try if it means they will be able to sleep earlier and better nightly and have more energy for the next day.

However, you still need to see a sleep specialist if you are suffering from actual sleep disorders because they are a health condition and therefore requires a medical intervention. Such a condition is sleep apnea. Aside from surgery, CPAP or other traditional medical management, anti-snoring mouthpieces may be helpful in keeping the airway open in your sleep and reducing your snoring. and are excellent choices especially if you have not yet decided on what treatment plan you’d like to adopt.

Can Technology Save Sleep?

When we think of technology, we usually equate it to long sleepless nights as they can undeniably be addicting and time-consuming. Imagine yourself using your smartphone or tablet with no problems with WiFi connection. It is easy to get lost track of time and watch videos all night long or scroll through your SNS timeline. We all feel that way most of the time. It’s understandable because excessive technology use can really turn into an obsession if you don’t know any better. So, would you rather have technology as your friend or foe? It is not a hopeless case yet. Not all technologies are the same. Some can actually be beneficial for your health and help you get back on lost sleep.

Sleep technology is the answer to your sleep woes. Say goodbye to endless worries on blue light and social media obsession, these innovative technologies are designed to make use of technology to help address sleeping problems and promote sleep health. You have a wide assortment of devices to choose from. There are fitness trackers and smartwatches that gives you a better awareness of your body and enables you to stick to a normal and more regular sleeping pattern. Some can cost an arm and a leg while the rest are fairly affordable and still have most of the same features.

Technology is bad for sleep. It keeps us constantly exposed to an endless cycle of bad news, and the blue light emitted by smartphone and tablet displays suppresses our ability to produce melatonin. Combine that with the feelings of inadequacy generated by watching other people’s picture-perfect lives on social media, and it’s no surprise that we’re all restless.

Sleep technology exists to solve this issue, and there were plenty of companies exhibiting new devices here at CES 2018. Many of them intend to tell you how well, or poorly, you have slept each night, in the hope you’ll make better decisions the following day. But, as well as becoming more commonplace, sleep gadgets are going to become far more diverse, at least according to what we saw at the show.


The Internet of Things also plays a big role in promoting sleep health. As more and more gadgets are now WiFi-ready and can be conveniently connected to the web, we can also expect the same thing from sleep technology. We are increasingly seeing gadgets that are connected to other appliances at home that actually improve your home environment (especially the bedroom) making it a more conducive space for sleeping. Some pillows and beds have gotten smart too and along with your home lighting system can transform your bedroom into the perfect retreat for a deep and rejuvenating slumber.

FROM a cuddly, “breathing” robot designed to soothe you to sleep to an under-mattress sensor to predict your fertility, technology is emerging to help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions this year, though it spans the gamut from sensible to outlandish.

There are unusual innovations to suit almost every health goal at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week, whether you want to calm down, tone up, or address a medical issue.

Insomniacs were well catered for this year, with plenty of sleep-friendly devices on show including a furry, bean-shaped robot that vibrates as if it has a heart rate and plays white noise or lullabies to lull you to sleep.


Even big companies like Apple have invested in sleep technology with their Beddit acquisition. Now, an old consumer phone giant, Nokia, has also taken the big leap into sleep technology with their Nokia Sleep release. Snoozing may be such a struggle for many of us but these innovations promise to transform our entire sleeping experience so we no longer worry about not getting a wink of sleep at all at night.  It is a different story, though, if you are suffering from sleep apnea, an underrated yet deadly sleep disorder. It is not a lost cause yet. Even if most of these popular apps and gadgets aren’t able to do anything about sleep apnea, anti-snoring mouthpieces like and can be your lifesavers. The nice thing about them is that they aren’t as expensive as these sleeping trackers and other pro-sleep products that are usually sold at ludicrously high prices.

Sleep Clinics That Are Up To No Good

We rarely have a say when it comes to medical institutions. These facilities often do what they want and we just follow because their services are as valuable as our lives. IN the US, getting hospitalized is no joke as your medical bill can shock you upon discharge especially if you do not have medical insurance. Some people try to steer away from it as much as they can but of course, you can’t tell when medical emergencies may happen and off to the hospital you go. Not all our health problems will lead us to the hospital, though. At times, it is to relatively different medical facilities that are more specialized to handle your problem. It’s what sleep clinics are for. It is better for patients with sleep disorders and other sleep-related complaints to go here rather than in traditional hospital as they are equipped with the equipment and materials as well as manpower that are knowledgeable and skilled in handling such cases.

Seeing how many sleep clinics have opened up in and out of the country, we can clearly see how many people are struggling with sleep, or better yet, the lack of it. Sleep deprivation is a chronic problem that cripples most people whether they are young or old. Then there are those sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and insomnia that are so frustrating and can mess with one’s life and health. Hence, it is no longer surprising to see sleep clinics with tarnished reputations and accused of various scams or cases of unprofessionalism. Sleep clinics are essentially an extension of hospitals, so they need to uphold integrity and superior standard medical practices as well as ensuring the facility is clean and complete with all the necessary materials and devices. The staff is also expected to be professional at all times. Unfortunately, this is the exact opposite in many sleep clinics in the country today and it is raising alarm bells to the entire medical community.

The former owner of a Virginia sleep-study center has pleaded guilty to giving doctors kickbacks for treatment that wasn’t medically necessary.

The U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia said Dannie Ahn, 43, pleaded guilty to fraud charges Thursday.

Ahn is the former owner of 1st Class Sleep Diagnostic Center and 1st Class Medical, which provided sleep-related treatment at clinics in Northern Virginia and Maryland.

He also pleaded guilty to defrauding the federal government of more than $1 million.


Sleep clinics are a lucrative business now and it is easy to see why many end up scamming people as the temptation to get rich quick by duping people is glaring them right in the face. While not all sleep clinics scam people of their hard-earned money, a lot of them run their business without the proper accreditation or even bother to get accredited in the first place. Other times they not just scam the people but the government and health insurers too as they submit fraudulent claims in order to get more money like what this business owner openly admitted in court.

The indictment claims that the defendants and others recruited patients by offering cash in exchange for participation in a sleep study test. They are also accused of offering additional money to those who referred to others. The defendants recruited patients despite knowing that no doctor had prescribed sleep study testing for them and whether or not the testing was even needed.

Vishnevsky is accused of failing to interpret the data or allowing anyone to interpret it. Vishnevsky is also accused of billing some patients for two sleep studies, despite only visiting the clinic for a single night. It is believed that the defendants submitted more than $11 million in fraudulent claims. At this point in time, the defendants remain innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


Seeing that a lot of people are now getting themselves checked and treated for sleep-related problems, scams have occurred far more common too. The rising awareness of the dangers of sleep deprivation and disorders like sleep apnea scare them, so off to sleep clinics and study centers they go. The overnight stay in a sleep clinic is costly in itself but the financial burden has lightened as public and private health insurances cover these check-ups and treatments. Sleep testing services are highly lucrative and it has subsequently resulted to insurer spending to skyrocket primarily because of getting basic sleep testing first, patients are prescribed with far more expensive and advanced testing procedures they may actually not need or treatment that is just as pricey.

Sleep apnea, for instance, is especially deadly and may ultimately compromise your health in the long run if not treated right away. At times, cheaper devices like anti-snoring mouthpieces e.g. and can alleviate symptoms without breaking the bank. It also comes in handy for patients who can’t tolerate using the CPAP. Rather than risk their health (and life) each night, these contraptions can save their lives without costing a lot.

Have You Heard About The Nokia Sleep?

At this point in time, nothing seems impossible anymore. With the right resources and ideas, you can create something innovative and useful and hopefully crack the market for real. It is what Nokia probably has in mind when they launched Nokia Sleep. For some who are no longer familiar with this mobile phone giant, Nokia once dominated the world with its sturdy and ever reliable Nokia handsets before iPhone released its first ever iPhone and when smart technology was somewhat unheard of. The sad fate of this Finnish tech giant is one riches to rags story we should keep in mind because it is relatively so easy for people to forget about you no matter your past achievements. But if there’s one commendable thing about them is that despite their failure to evolve and the passage of time, it did not stop them from giving it a try again and attempting to be relevant once more amidst the countless competition.

This time around, they have given up on the consumer phone industry completely and delved into an entirely new market: sleep technology. The technology they have developed is highly similar to Apple’s previous acquisition: Beddit. You’ve probably already come across several devices that promise to help you deal with sleep problems once and for all by informing you about important parameters that influence sleep and how well you are doing yourself. You’ll get a score so it is easy to visualize your sleep quality and pattern in a glance.

Nokia Oyj, continuing to seek success in new hardware categories after exiting the consumer phone business, is introducing a sleep tracker that will nestle under a person’s bed sheets.

The Finnish company calls its device, the Nokia Sleep. It has movement sensors and software algorithms that can determine how long a person slept, if the sleep was interrupted, and whether the person snored. Nokia’s software will give people an overall “sleep score,” and will also work with smart home appliances so that, for example, lights can automatically turn on or off if the system senses that the person has fallen asleep or woken up.


There is nothing wrong in trying new technologies to solve perennial problems especially one as crucial and as frustrating as sleep. Nokia may be new in the game but if you look at it closely, other brands have already introduced the same concept. Even the company that was acquired by Apple offers the same technology. Even Nokia itself already issued a disclaimer stating that their Nokia Sleep is not as accurate as clinical-grade sleep studies but that does not mean they aren’t helpful either.

The Finnish company just announced a gadget at CES called Nokia Sleep, which is described as an “advanced sensor” built into a mattress pad. The mattress pad, which is Wi-Fi connected, slides under your mattress and is supposed to record your sleep patterns. That data is then synced to Nokia’s Health Mate app, where it’s analyzed and contributes to a “sleep score.” In addition to monitoring sleep cycles, Nokia says the sleep sensor will also track snoring patterns.

Smart home nerds will dig this: Nokia Sleep also integrates with IFTTT, an automation app, so you can set up triggers tied to your sleep habits. You can, for example, set it up so that your lights go off and the temperature goes down in the room once you go to sleep, or to open the blinds when you wake up (provided the lights, thermostat, and blinds in your home are all connected to Wi-Fi).


What’s even better about innovative technologies like Nokia Sleep is that they connect easily to the Internet of Things. Most tech gadgets these days are WiFi ready and thus offer more perks than their traditional counterparts. Your sleeping woes don’t stand a chance with the Nokia Sleep and we are also hopeful that it can empower everyone to take charge of their health. We can only do that if we know our bodies both inside and out. Hence, we can’t do away with sleep tracking as it gives us a clear picture of what happens to our bodies once we shut our eyes and drift off to sleep.

Even patients diagnosed with sleep apnea can benefit from the Nokia Sleep although it is not exactly what doctors have in mind as the ideal management for this sleep disorder. It helps that we have a better understanding of our bodies and we can monitor our sleep health on our own without having to spend a night in a pricey sleep clinic but nothing beats CPAP for sleep apnea. If you can’t tolerate it, handy alternatives like anti-snoring mouthpieces will do just fine. Brands like and are good for starters. You have the peace of mind of sleeping for the night without worrying about your health while you consult with your doctor as to the best course of action for your specific condition.

Gadgets To Help You Sleep Better

Most of us are guilty of doing this: sacrificing sleep in order to pursue many of the things we want in life. Sleep can be the first on our list of what we can afford to lose because we have an unending and insatiable desire to do more each day. Back then, sleep wasn’t a big of an issue as we don’t have anything sensible to do once nighttime falls. However, it is an entirely different story today. Day or night, you won’t run out of things to do and the list will likely just get longer as the years go by. But has it ever occurred to you that you can use technology to your advantage? After all, “if you can’t beat them, join them” can’t be any truer. When used right, technology can help you get back on lost sleep and not the other way around. This site can help with that.

There are newer advancements today that are geared toward promoting sleep health. These innovative sleep technologies are designed to help you sleep like a baby once more and not pose as distractions like what most technologies we are more familiar with nowadays. If you really do have sleep issues, you better start doing your research on the available products on the market that screams high-tech from a distance but are actually life-savers, or rather, sleep-savers.

Sleep, scent, and sound all do affect sleep, and such a device isn’t harmful, but it’s hardly on the cutting edge of sleep science, either. “It sounds like they are throwing everything at a person hoping that at least one thing sticks,” writes Zeitzer. “Some people might be helped by the white noise at night, some by the scents, some by the simulated sun. Sometimes this goulash approach works, other times one or more of the interventions will be bothersome.”

Ultimately, companies’ ideas for improving sleep are moving faster than the research. Few of these gadgets are likely to transform your sleeping habits, but they’re unlikely to be harmful to anything except your wallet. Perhaps, the best way to sleep at night is to ditch the tech, try to take the boring sleep hygiene tips, and rest assured that you didn’t waste your money.


You can only go for so long without sleep. Your body will eventually demand it. If you keep on fighting your body and pushing your body to the limit, chronic sleep deprivation can open the doors to several other health conditions that you may develop because of your constant sleepless state. So, spare yourself from the hassle and discomfort of getting sick because of your carelessness and start living a healthy life by adopting healthy snoozing habits. And once you do decide on taking this plunge, you won’t have to worry about running out of inspiration or ideas. The market is now littered with these cool apps and devices that promise you pure sleeping bliss once you give it a try. It can be a seemingly ordinary mattress or pillow or a pricey gadget or app that does more than just give your lost sleep back.

The leading conventional treatment for OSA is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). The treatment is effective yet requires users to wear a face mask connected via a hose to a large bedside pump unit, which is often uncomfortable, disruptive, and can restrict users’ movement during sleep.

Sommetrics’ aerSleep applies negative external air pressure to the outside of the neck by means of a soft collar, to gently move the tissue and tongue forward and prevent airway collapse. This approach avoids the need for a face-worn mask, helping to improve user comfort.


It is comforting to know that technology isn’t that bad after all. It really depends on how you design and use it. It may even come in handy not just in promoting sleep but in managing existing health disorders such as sleep apnea. We all know sleep apnea can be so troublesome aside from being deadly. Now, imagine using the CPAP machine each night. The picture isn’t that enticing and surely many others share the same sentiments as to why they shy away from using the iconic CPAP machine.

The Sommetrics’ aerSleep may be what you’re looking for as it is considered an excellent choice against CPAP in the management of obstructive sleep apnea. It is more tolerable than CPAP because it ditched the need for the bedside pump as it is already incorporated into the device itself. It may look like a simple neck brace but it provides the same benefits as CPAP without most of its cons, proving to everyone once more of the many great things we can achieve if technology is used the right way. While you’re still deliberating what device to buy, you can always count on convenient anti-snoring mouthpieces like or to save your nights so you can sleep fitfully without having to worry about being too much of a nuisance to others with your snoring or that you may no longer see the light of day come tomorrow when worst comes to worst.

Sleep Apnea: A Silent Killer

It is not uncommon for people to die in their sleep. As horrible as it sounds, it may seem a welcome reprieve for some rather than to die a tragic death from a terrible accident or suffer long from a debilitating and painful medical condition. Of course, dying in your sleep seems like rather smooth and easy but if you still want more in life, the last thing you want to happen to you is to no longer wake up the next day. People slip off of life in their slumber for several reasons. Some suffer from a fatal heart attack or a stroke while for some, it can be a sleeping disorder. Sleep apnea is a common condition affecting millions of Americans today. It is no longer a funny case of how we view it decades ago when we joke around our snoring sleeping uncles.

Sleep apnea can kill you and it is not just from the loud and annoying snoring sound patients with sleep apnea make but more so because of the deadly breathing gaps while they are asleep. When you have sleep apnea, your brain essentially has to constantly decide whether to breathe or sleep during your slumber. It is such a scary thought that you are basically in a 50/50 situation while sleeping; there are those multiple breathing gaps you make each night. Aside from that, the very nature of the condition consequently deprives the brain and other vital organs like the heart of oxygen, so it predisposes you to deadly conditions like stroke or a heart attack, the perfect recipe for death in your sleep.

“Sleep apnea and snoring are processes that starve the brain and the heart of oxygen. As a result, they are the number one cause for heart attack and stroke. In addition, they can lead to heart arrthymias, fatigue, depression, sinus problems and problems functioning at school and at work.”

Josephson adds that sleep apnea can also wreak havoc with romantic relationships and is a leading medical cause of separation and divorce.

“Partners are forced to sleep in separate bedrooms because of the snoring and many become frightened when their spouse stops breathing,” he explains. “While sleep apnea is more common in older folks, it affects between 25 to 40 percent of the population including children.”


Snoring is often the main symptom of sleep apnea aside from seeing sleeping people first-hand that isn’t breathing or gasping for their breath although not all snorers have sleep apnea. It is why you should always get yourself checked for any symptom you may have as what you are thinking it may be isn’t always true. Only proper assessment by a medical professional or a specialist doctor can pinpoint the exact problem and offer helpful solutions to manage your disease or condition. And there’s no reason to fret either as surgery isn’t always advised if it can be helped by other medical interventions.

Snoring can be caused by allergies, obesity, genetics, and even muscle-relaxing medications. But it can also be a symptom of sleep apnea, a condition where people stop breathing for short periods of time while sleeping. As if that isn’t concerning enough, the American Heart Association cautions that sleep apnea is associated with hypertension, stroke, and heart failure—and studies around the country can confirm.

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers found that over the course of an 18-year study, people with severe, untreated sleep apnea had triple the death rate of those without apnea. For participants who had 30 or more breathing pauses per hour asleep, their risk of cardiovascular death was five times greater compared to those who had fewer than five pauses. In a different study from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, people with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (the most common form of the condition) were four times more likely to die and three times more likely to die from cancer. They also more than doubled their risk of developing cancer and were nearly four times more likely to have a stroke.


It does not always have to be instant death, though. Again, the constant oxygen deprivation can mess with your health and trigger major organs to falter over time. Yet since we are already living in modern times, you don’t necessarily have to suffer from sleep apnea anymore or even worse, die from it. There are all sorts of technology available that can help you get through the night without literally putting one of your feet on the grave. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you can likewise save your partner from sleepless nights so they can finally have their beauty rest and not endanger their help from sleeplessness.

CPAP, although the best method for managing sleep apnea, isn’t always the most comfortable. Here is why CPAP isn’t popular with sleep apnea patients Don’t fret because you have an excellent alternative. may be the one you are looking for. It’s easy to use and help correct those anatomical anomalies that put you at risk of sleep apnea in the first place.

Resist Junk Food By Sleeping Longer

Nowadays, getting enough sleep and eating right seems like a big mystery that many of us can’t seem to get right most of the time. It is obvious with the rising numbers of overweight and obese individuals and the numerous sleep clinics catering to hordes of individuals having sleep issues. The distractions are endless and odd sleeping patterns are no longer surprising as the distinction between day and night blurs all the more as the days, months, and years pass by. More often than not, humans compensate for their lack of sleep by eating lots of sleep or drinking caffeine. It gives them a temporary energy boost they badly need to finish their tasks and make it through one more day. It is the reason why many are trapped in this endless cycle that not only affects the quality of their lives but also shorten their lifespan.

The solution to this growing dilemma has been staring us right in the face all along. We don’t really have to look far to be able to get a hold of our health and protect us from life-threatening complications. All we need to do is to sleep. Yes, sleeping longer is the key to living healthily as it allows you to stick to a clean and healthy diet without any fuss at all. It is like hitting two birds with one stone. You don’t need to be a genius to find out the connection between proper sleep and diet. The more shut-eye you get, the more energy you have to do more and explore the world and you won’t have to rely on food a lot especially the processed and sweet ones to keep you going even when you don’t feel like it.

Those of us partial to a lie in woke up to good news this week, as a new study showed that a good night’s sleep can help with weight loss.

We’re often told to eat less and move more to lose weight, but according to the research by scientists at King’s College London, simply spending an extra 90 minutes in bed could also be a solution.

Lack of sleep was already known to be a risk factor for obesity, because it alters levels of hormones which control appetite. The new research discovered that lifestyle factors are also at play. Participants in the study who get more sleep choose healthier foods within a week, eating on average 10 grams less sugar each day. They were less likely to pick sugary treats, or reach for comforting carbohydrates.


Of course, while sleep is crucial in the equation, the participants in this study were also told to steer away from caffeine, not to eat a lot before bed, and to try to do something relaxing before hitting the sack. Such pieces of advice are good in itself but when heeded by the participants, they were able to sleep for longer, which is what our body needs just like food, water, and air. Well-rested participants reduced their sweets and carbohydrate consumption unlike the participants belonging to the control group who did not experience any changes to their sleeping pattern. This just goes to show that a simple lifestyle change can trigger a domino effect of positive improvements that can boost your health and well-being.

Adults who increased the amount of sleep they had reported consuming less sugary foods and making better nutritional choices, according to the King’s College London (KCL) study. 

Researchers said the findings strengthened the link between lack of sleep and a poor quality diet.

The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, sought to increase sleep in 21 adults getting less than the recommended minimum of seven hours every night. 

The group undertook a sleep consultation aiming to extend their time in bed by 1.5 hours.  


Perhaps in our subconscious, we are aware that we can take the big leap on our health if we just get that needed shut-eye each night but I guess old habits die hard. Along with our fondness of stretching our bedtime into the wee hours of the morning, we unknowingly harm our health by making our bodies crave for sweets and other sugary and high caloric food to compensate for our lack of sleep, so we somehow function normally in front of others throughout the day. Fortunately, just sleeping longer can apparently solve this perennial dilemma many are facing these days.

I wish it was also that easy to solve the problem involving sleep apnea, but sadly no. It is a medical condition that warrants a medical solution. CPAP is usually the first thing that comes to mind but many aren’t exactly thrilled at the thought of connecting themselves to that machine in their slumber. If you feel that the CPAP machine is too burdensome for you, you can always try the more convenient options like anti-snoring mouthpieces that may not be as effective as CPAP but still does the job of keeping you safe and alive one night at a time. You can take your pick from or That way, you no longer have to worry about losing sleep and you don’t fall victim to obesity and its long list of health complications like most people do nowadays.