Tech Solutions To Your Sleep Woes

Sleeping is fundamental to life. We can’t survive for long if we don’t sleep. And simply sleeping a few hours each day is not enough because our body needs more. We are not just even thinking about sleep length here, sleep quality is also a major issue along with the time at which you sleep. Simply sleeping during the day won’t do your health justice as it should be nighttime sleeping that is ideal for our good health. There are certain things that happen to your body that only takes place at night and you might miss out on if you don’t observe daily. Just remember that it is what nature designed for all of us. People back then had no issue about this because they did not have technology to mess up with their sleep.

They automatically drift off to dreamland at night and do what they go to do in life during the day.

Much has changed since then. We now have various technologies that we have virtually changed human lifestyle. You can now choose whether you want to be a day or night person and still be able to do most of the same things without any worries. That has significantly messed up our health. No wonder people die younger now and we easily succumb to more chronic, debilitating, and deadly diseases because of our lifestyle and the food we eat. But what if you can use the very thing that has turned your sleep upside down and use it to improve your sleep and eventually boost your health?

There are so many things that could go wrong when you’re sleeping with a robot. Your partner might freak out in a burst of 21st century jealousy. Or you could accidentally push the robot off the edge of the bed and smash it into a million pieces. In my case, the robot woke me up at 5AM saying “goodnight” in Dutch and started breathing.

I’m talking about Somnox, “the world’s first sleep robot,” as it’s been touted in pretty successful Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns. It’s actually more of a peanut-shaped pillow than a humanoid robot that can perform backflips a la Boston Dynamics. But for a machine with no arms, legs, or even a face, it actually feels pretty human. That’s because Somnox breathes in and out to help you fall asleep effortlessly, or so the Dutch company claims.  


Imagine, a robot that does not look like a robot can actually help you sleep better. No, you’re not dreaming. If you can afford to buy one, the Somnox robot mimics breathing so you can easily relax and drift off to sleep while cuddling or spooning it. Your partner may be jealous but at least it is just a robot and the best part is that it saves you from whatever sleeping problem you are having. It’s like you are meditating as you gradually match your own breathing to the regular, calming, and rhythmic breathing of the robot you are holding onto.

Nokia, a company once known for its mobile devices, is now going to be known for its sleep analysis. The company announced an advanced sleep sensor that features sleep analysis and smart home control through if this, then that (IFTTT) integration. The snor is designed to provide a sleep cycle analysis, an individualized Sleep Score, automatically control lights and thermostats, and synchronize with the Nokia Health Mate app.

“Our vision is to help make the world a healthier place and quality of sleep is as critical a component of a healthy lifestyle as regular exercise and a balanced diet,” said Rob Le Bras-Brown, head of Nokia’s digital health business. “Nokia Sleep gives users insight into what happens when their eyes are closed along with the ability to change the environment for more restorative sleep with IFTTT home automation capabilities. Nokia Sleep will be a game changer in helping maximize a night’s sleep to make the most of the next day.”


Nokia is once again attempting to get a piece of the market by delving into sleep technology with Nokia Sleep. While it is not as in-demand as mobile phones, many will likely have a use for it since a lot are now complaining about losing sleep each night. It’s nice to see technology being used the right way and not just for pure entertainment. People with sleep issues don’t want to lose any more sleep this new year and will definitely give these new products a try if it means they will be able to sleep earlier and better nightly and have more energy for the next day.

However, you still need to see a sleep specialist if you are suffering from actual sleep disorders because they are a health condition and therefore requires a medical intervention. Such a condition is sleep apnea. Aside from surgery, CPAP or other traditional medical management, anti-snoring mouthpieces may be helpful in keeping the airway open in your sleep and reducing your snoring. and are excellent choices especially if you have not yet decided on what treatment plan you’d like to adopt.

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