Can Technology Save Sleep?

When we think of technology, we usually equate it to long sleepless nights as they can undeniably be addicting and time-consuming. Imagine yourself using your smartphone or tablet with no problems with WiFi connection. It is easy to get lost track of time and watch videos all night long or scroll through your SNS timeline. We all feel that way most of the time. It’s understandable because excessive technology use can really turn into an obsession if you don’t know any better. So, would you rather have technology as your friend or foe? It is not a hopeless case yet. Not all technologies are the same. Some can actually be beneficial for your health and help you get back on lost sleep.

Sleep technology is the answer to your sleep woes. Say goodbye to endless worries on blue light and social media obsession, these innovative technologies are designed to make use of technology to help address sleeping problems and promote sleep health. You have a wide assortment of devices to choose from. There are fitness trackers and smartwatches that gives you a better awareness of your body and enables you to stick to a normal and more regular sleeping pattern. Some can cost an arm and a leg while the rest are fairly affordable and still have most of the same features.

Technology is bad for sleep. It keeps us constantly exposed to an endless cycle of bad news, and the blue light emitted by smartphone and tablet displays suppresses our ability to produce melatonin. Combine that with the feelings of inadequacy generated by watching other people’s picture-perfect lives on social media, and it’s no surprise that we’re all restless.

Sleep technology exists to solve this issue, and there were plenty of companies exhibiting new devices here at CES 2018. Many of them intend to tell you how well, or poorly, you have slept each night, in the hope you’ll make better decisions the following day. But, as well as becoming more commonplace, sleep gadgets are going to become far more diverse, at least according to what we saw at the show.


The Internet of Things also plays a big role in promoting sleep health. As more and more gadgets are now WiFi-ready and can be conveniently connected to the web, we can also expect the same thing from sleep technology. We are increasingly seeing gadgets that are connected to other appliances at home that actually improve your home environment (especially the bedroom) making it a more conducive space for sleeping. Some pillows and beds have gotten smart too and along with your home lighting system can transform your bedroom into the perfect retreat for a deep and rejuvenating slumber.

FROM a cuddly, “breathing” robot designed to soothe you to sleep to an under-mattress sensor to predict your fertility, technology is emerging to help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions this year, though it spans the gamut from sensible to outlandish.

There are unusual innovations to suit almost every health goal at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week, whether you want to calm down, tone up, or address a medical issue.

Insomniacs were well catered for this year, with plenty of sleep-friendly devices on show including a furry, bean-shaped robot that vibrates as if it has a heart rate and plays white noise or lullabies to lull you to sleep.


Even big companies like Apple have invested in sleep technology with their Beddit acquisition. Now, an old consumer phone giant, Nokia, has also taken the big leap into sleep technology with their Nokia Sleep release. Snoozing may be such a struggle for many of us but these innovations promise to transform our entire sleeping experience so we no longer worry about not getting a wink of sleep at all at night.  It is a different story, though, if you are suffering from sleep apnea, an underrated yet deadly sleep disorder. It is not a lost cause yet. Even if most of these popular apps and gadgets aren’t able to do anything about sleep apnea, anti-snoring mouthpieces like and can be your lifesavers. The nice thing about them is that they aren’t as expensive as these sleeping trackers and other pro-sleep products that are usually sold at ludicrously high prices.

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