Snoring And Sleep Apnea: What’s The Difference ?

Often times, they’re used interchangeably. Well, they shouldn’t be. Snoring and sleep apnea are two different terms.

If you or your partner is snoring, it doesn’t necessarily mean that  you or your partner is suffering from sleep apnea. However, if you or your partner is snoring loudly and frequently, chances are, one of you could already be suffering from sleep apnea.

See the difference between the two terms? Loud and frequent snoring could already be sleep apnea. Obviously, that disqualifies light and infrequent snoring. However, it’s hard to tell if a snorer is already suffering from sleep apnea. One has to be diagnosed by a doctor. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

“Most people are undiagnosed,” said Dr. Tigran Khachatrya, owner of A Smiling Heart Dentistry. “They don’t even know they have it.”


Sleep apnea should never be left untreated. If you’re sleeping with a regular snorer, watch out for the snores. It’s easier said than done but if you love the person you’re sleeping with, watch out for the signs of sleep apnea.

The most common form is obstructive sleep apnea which occurs when a person’s airway is blocked. It can occur up to 30 times an hour for seconds at a time. Dr. Tigran warns if your partner stops breathing at any point during their snoring, that’s a red flag.

“When you don’t get enough oxygen your brain wakes you up saying ‘Hey, I need some oxygen. What happens if you keep waking up at night? You don’t get deep sleep.”


Knowing the differences between snoring and sleep apnea is critical. To start with, you will be able to avoid the serious health problems that usually come with sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea can also lead to a host of other health issues, like diabetes, heart issues, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and acid reflux. It’s commonly caused by “tongue tie” or the tongue not having enough space, which forces it to go back into the throat. Dr. Tigran claims it’s possible to tell if someone has this issue from the day they’re born and correct it early on. CPAP Machines, jaw repositioning devices, and in severe cases jaw surgery can all be used to treat sleep apnea.


Now that the differences between snoring and sleep apnea are clear, it’s pretty obvious that the latter should be immediately treated. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean that a regular snore shouldn’t be treated. As a matter of fact, it should also be treated.

A snore is a noise. No matter how light a snoring is, it still counts as a noise in the night. That could still be a cause for sleep deprivation, especially for one who sleeps lightly. So why let a snore get in the way of a good night’s sleep?

If a typical snore is left untreated, it might just progress to loud and frequent snores. It’s always better to prevent a possible health issue as compared to treating it, right? Besides, if treating a snore means getting a good night’s sleep, then why not?

Dr. Tigran has a perfect solution for people who haven’t gotten themselves checked for sleep apnea. Obviously, they are the same people who snore. It’s just that, they haven’t been diagnosed for sleep apnea.

Many patients are left undiagnosed because sleep apnea is difficult to identify, requiring sleep studies and other observations. Dr. Tigran recommends a smaller device that patients can wear while sleeping at home …


A good example of such device is the mouthpiece. This particular mouthpiece can easily be worn at home while sleeping. The good thing is that one does not have to be diagnosed with sleep apnea to be able to use it.

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