Category: Press

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Issues Blog Post On Humidifiers And Snore RX For Snorers

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review has announced that they have published a new blog post on how humidifiers and snoring mouthpieces like SnoreRX can help snorers. The blog post is titled, “Humidifier: A Great Gift Even For A Snorer,” and explains why a humidifier can be a great gift idea for a friend or family member who snores. By introducing a moderate amount of moisture into the air, a humidifier can help the snorer relax and have a sound sleep that prevents snoring.

Steve Walker, author of the blog post, says, “A humidifier does more than just provide a spa-like ambiance to a room. It’s actually pretty useful to have a humidifier especially during the winter season.”

He adds, “It’s a practical gift because of the many uses of this particular electronic device. Aside from adding moisture in the air, the humidifier can also help relieve symptoms of different allergies, prevent dry skin, prevent babies from falling sick, and prevent snoring.”

According to the article, the moist air provided by the humidifier soothes the tissues at the back of the throat. The humidifier keeps the throat moist and this prevents irritation that is connected with snoring. Overall, humidifiers offer substantial benefits not only for the health of people but also for belongings and the atmosphere. When a humidifier is installed in the home, it not only helps strengthen the immune system, but it also decreases the incidence of nose bleeds by ensuring that the mucous membrane in the nose is moist.

Meanwhile, aside from the humidifiers, snoring can be prevented by snoring mouthpieces that have been well reviewed by The Snoring Mouthpiece Review. One example is the SnoreRX. The SnoreRX is FDA cleared and what makes it distinctive is the “MicroFit” feature. This allows the adjustment of the position of the lower jaw for maximize the person’s comfort and effectiveness.

However, the SnoreRX will have to be customized for each particular user through boil-and-bite technology. This means that it will have to be submerged in boiling water for approximately 18 seconds. The person who will use it will then clamp on it while it is still soft, resulting in a perfect mold for his or her mouth.

The “micro-adjustments” that are allowed to establish a better fit for the user are what make the SnoreRX different from the other snoring mouthpieces. It is the repositioning of the jaw that is one of the primary goals of mandibular adjustment devices (MADs) like the SnoreRX. This will make sure that the throat is free of obstruction, thus preventing snoring and sleep apnea. With its “Posi-Lock” feature, the customized setting will be locked for a particular person.

The SnoreRX is made from medical-grade copolymer and it has been observed that its lifespan is between 12 to 15 months, is which is much longer than the average lifespan of most MADs, which is 4 to 6 months. The above-mentioned blog post also mentions other anti-snoring devices that they have been reviewed aside from the SnoreRX. These include the Good Morning Snore Solutions, SleepTight, and ZQuiet. These are all recommended as possible gifts for family and friends who have a problem with snoring, and possibly sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious problem because it is characterized by the interruption of the snorer’s sleep when he momentarily stops breathing. This is because the nasal and throat tissues are relaxed during sleep and they may obstruct the airway. For instance, the base of the tongue may fall back into the airway because of gravity while the person is sleeping. This may partially or totally block air flow, which usually causes the person to choke and gasp for air. When this happen, the affected person usually awakes in order to be able to breathe again. This interrupts the person’s sleep several times during the night, resulting in serious health problems.

Those who want to get more details about the SnoreRX and other snoring mouthpieces can visit The Snoring Mouthpiece Review website, or contact them through the phone of via email.


The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Publishes Post On Z Quiet, A Device Designed To Prevent Snoring And Its Complications

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, which is based in Long Beach, California, has published a new blog post that discusses the causes and complications of snoring and its possible solutions. The blog post is titled, “Snoring: Causes And Complications Of It.” The article points out that it is heavy snoring that people should worry about because something more serious could be going on, such as sleep apnea.

Steve Walker, author of the article, says, “The vibrating nasal tissue is what causes the snoring sound. The more it vibrates, the louder the sound. There are various causes of snoring. In general, it is due to the tissues and muscles in the airway that tend to collapse and block the airway while a person is asleep. But what is more important to know are the potential complications of heavy snoring, such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and even falling asleep while driving.”

Vibrating nasal tissue is the main reason for the snoring sound. This is caused by the relaxed throat or nasal tissues through which the air goes through while a person is sleeping. When these tissues obstruct the airway, this reduces the amount of air going through the airway or the tissues may totally obstruct air flow so that the body is momentarily without air. Another possible cause of snoring is a genetic anatomic obstruction like large tonsils, a deviated septum, a large neck circumference, and a floppy soft palate.

Snoring begins to have complications when it interferes with the snorer’s breathing while sleeping and/or when it interrupts the bed partner’s ability to get sufficient restful sleep. When the snorer stops breathing while sleeping, this means that the oxygen level for that person decreases and he or she may awaken choking and gasping for air. This prevents the person from getting a good night’s sleep. And those momentary deficiency in oxygen may result into other more serious conditions, such as hypertension, stroke, and heart disease.

Naturally, it would be best for people who notice that they have possible symptoms of sleep apnea to consult with a doctor. And there are devices on the market that can help prevent snoring and sleep apnea. While the usual device prescribed for preventing sleep apnea requires the person to wear a bulky mask, modern snoring mouthpieces don’t require masks, one example of which is the ZQuiet. This is a mandibular adjustment device (MAD) type of snoring mouthpiece.

The ZQuiet has been in recent news and it is different from other MAD mouthpieces because while most of them require the jaws to be closed, with the lower jaw slightly in front of the upper jaw, it is possible for the person to open or close his or her mouth while wearing it. This permits the usual movement of the mouth, including opening and closing, and normal breathing, while keeping the lower jaw slightly in front of the upper jaw. This position of the jaw is what prevents the base of the tongue from falling back and blocking the airway.

However, those who are considering MADs like the ZQuiet, need to know that it is not recommended for those who have jaw problems, moderate to severe sleep apnea, or wear dentures. It may not also be recommended for those who have sensitive teeth or have an overbite. It is important to consult a doctor or dentist about this. For such conditions, it may be advisable to go for a tongue stabilizing device (TSD) like the Good Morning Snore Solution.

It has been observed that the ZQuiet is well suited to people who breathe through their mouth when they sleep. Those who have tried it have stated that it was like “a breathing hole” that opens wide when the mouth opens.

Those who want to learn more about the ZQuiet details on how it can help prevent snoring and help a person avoid its complications can check out The Snoring Mouthpiece Review website, or contact them on the phone of through email.


New Snoring Mouthpieces Review Blog Post Offers Advice To People Suffering From Exhaustion

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, which is based in Long Beach, California, has published a new blog post that offers advice to people suffering from exhaustion when they wake up in the morning. The article is titled, “Are You Exhausted When You Wake Up In The Morning?” It presents some remedies for people who feel exhausted even after waking up in the morning. It is pointed out that the primary reason is that the person is not getting enough sleep and that it could be even be related to a more serious condition, which is sleep apnea.

Steve Walker, a spokesperson for The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, says, “Sleep apnea actually causes you to stop breathing while sleeping. Your airway gets blocked as your muscles relax during sleep with the result that little to no air gets to your lungs. So, even if you think you’ve slept long enough, you still feel exhausted when you wake up in the morning. This sleep disorder is also the reason why you snore so loud.”

Steve continues, “The condition is indicated by loud snoring that is usually followed by choking noises. And if the brain detects that insufficient oxygen is getting into the body, the person instinctively wakes up to be able to breathe again and this may happen several times during the night. No wonder, you feel exhausted when you wake up in the morning.”

It should be noted that loud snoring does not necessarily mean that a person suffers from sleep apnea. It is loud snoring that is followed by choking or gasping sounds, or silent pauses may likely indicate sleep apnea. It often results into sleep deprivation, which is indicated in the morning as fatigue, unintentional napping, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, and irritability. Other common symptoms include insomnia, feeling tired even after having a full night’s sleep, headaches and migraines, reduced sex drive, nocturia, and loss of memory.

Meanwhile, a solution for snoring is the Good Morning Snore Solution (GMSS). This is a snoring mouthpiece that helps people manage their snoring. It is a Tongue Stabilizing Device (TSD) mouthpiece that is unique when compared to other mouthpieces, which are usually Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs). The GMSS will work even for people with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder or those have any type of specialized dental work, such as bridges, dentures, and others.

The GMSS is FDA-cleared and the company that produces it is accredited by the Better Business Bureau. It is comfortable to wear because it is flexible and made of soft material. It is also safe because it is free from BPA. Also, there is no problem about getting the proper size or adjusting it because it is a one size fits all mouthpiece.

There are several reasons why the GMSS is a good snoring solution for many people. First, it is more affordable that most oral appliances, which usually need to be customized by a dentist. Many of these “dentist-only” devices are within the price range of $2000 to $3000. Second, the GMSS has been clinically tested to be effective and safe. Third, the mouthpiece will adjust to the shape of the person’s mouth, in the same way that a pacifier does with a baby, and will not disturb the person’s sleep. Fourth, the GMSS works by controlling the tongue instead of the jaw, which MADs are designed to do. It is, therefore, more effective because the tongue is much more malleable compared to the jaw bone

With these mouthpieces, people who suffer from sleep apnea may not just avoid waking up exhausted in the morning. They may also be able to avoid other serious diseases that have been linked to sleep apnea, such as stroke, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, depression, diabetes, liver problems, and metabolic syndrome.

Of course, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor to really make sure about a person’s condition. People who are interested in the GMSS details and other devices to help stop snoring and sleep apnea may want to check out The Snoring Mouthpiece Review website.


New Snoring Mouthpieces Review Post On Getting A Good Night’s Sleep Released

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, which is based in Long Beach, California, has recently published a blog post that offers a simple way to get a good night’s sleep. The article is titled, “A Simple Way To A Good Night’s Sleep.” It explores the various ways of preventing snoring in order to allow a person to sleep tight at night.

“While getting a good night’s sleep is important for good health, unfortunately, it’s not easy to get a good night’s sleep,” says Steve Walker, a spokesperson for The Snoring Mouthpiece Review.

He adds, “There will be some nights when your sleep is good and there will be some nights when your sleep is bad. If you’re a snorer, you probably have more nights of bad sleep. If you’re hardly getting any good night’s sleep, you’re going to get sick. And, if your partner says you snore, accept it and decide to do something about it. Don’t even attempt to deny it because the sooner you deal with your snoring, the better it is for your health and your relationship. Keep in mind that sleep apnea is a serious health problem.”

Sleep apnea is a disorder where the breathing of the affected person stops and starts several times during sleep. It causes momentary oxygen deprivation during those times when the person stops breathing and this particular disorder has been linked to stroke, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even depression. It has even been found to be the cause of 38,000 deaths every year.

There are many ways to prevent sleep apnea. One possible solution is the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. However, the CPAP machine may not be a convenient solution because the person has to wear a mask that will cover the whole face. It is not exactly a comfortable thing to wear while sleeping. That is why people are looking for some other alternative, such as an oral appliance or mouthpiece that fits the mouth comfortably while being effective in preventing snoring and sleep apnea.

One example of a good mouthpiece is the SleepTight. This is a wire-free mouthpiece that was developed by a dentist. Its advantage over the CPAP machine is that it is comfortable to wear and it is less expensive. It is made of thermoplastic and the person who will wear it will just need to put it in boiling water for three minutes. Doing that will soften up the mouthpiece and the wearer can then bite on it to provide a custom impression of the person’s teeth. This custom fit can be retained by simply submerging the mouthpiece in cold water, and the mouthpiece can now be worn every night with the assurance that it fits the wearer’ mouth perfectly.

Another disadvantage of snoring is that it disturbs the snorer’s partner. Aside from the snorer not having a good night’s sleep, it is likely that the person’s partner will not have a good night’s sleep either, unless he or she decides to sleep somewhere else. Thus, snoring may not just be damaging to the person’s health, it may also damage a relationship.

And with the availability of mandibular advancement devices (MADs) like SleepTight, there’s really no reason to endure the inconvenience of snoring. It may be understandable that people were reluctant to wear such kind of oral appliances before because the first MADs had wires and were uncomfortable to wear. All of that are now just part of the past because modern mouthpieces are now available and can easily be ordered without a prescription.

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review offers helpful content on mouthpieces that can alleviate snoring and prevent sleep apnea, offering unbiased assessments of such devices that have recently come out in the market. They often published articles that people with snoring problems can use to better understand their condition and perhaps find a way to solve it.

Those who are interested in a good site offering advice on ways to stop snoring and sleep apnea can visit The Snoring Mouthpiece Review website.


The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Releases Post On Solutions For The Sleep Deprived Due To Snoring

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, an organization based in Long Beach, California, has announced that they have recently published a blog post offering some solutions for those who find it difficult to sleep because they snore or their partner snores. The article is titled, “Sleep Solutions You Can Try.” One of the potential reasons why people cannot get enough sleep is that they snore or they sleep beside one who does. The article points out that approximately 40 percent of adult men and 24 percent of adult women snore regularly, which means that it is likely that people are not getting enough sleep because their significant other snores or they themselves snore.

Steve Walker, a spokesperson for The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, says, “You can always try sleeping in separate bedrooms but that’s a very temporary solution. Sleeping away from your snoring partner is just going to help you. It will not, in any way, help your snoring partner. As a matter of fact, it might even hurt your snoring partner.”


He explains, “If your partner snores heavily, the more he or she will need you to stay close by. Heavy snoring is a manifestation of stoppage of breathing. As annoying as it may sound, you may need to wake up your snoring partner when you hear him or her struggle for air.”

One possible solution for snoring is the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine to help the person with breathing while sleeping. The CPAP machine will not just help get rid of snoring, but it will also help the individual feel more refreshed when waking up in the morning. However, the use of a CPAP machine will require a recommendation from a doctor and it is usually only used for severe cases of snoring.

Another possible solution is to change the person’s sleep position. When people sleep on their back, this can cause the tongue to drop back into the throat, causing a blockage. While it may take some time to get used to, sleeping on one’s side instead of on one’s back can possibly eliminate snoring. The sleeping partner can help with this because he or she can wake up the other person who is snoring so that he or she can change sleeping position.

The snoring mouthpiece, which was also mentioned in recent writings from The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, is also another possible solution to snoring so that people would be able to sleep better. This anti-snore device looks like a retainer but its function is to prevent the tongue from dropping back, thus preventing snoring. Its primary purpose is to keep the airways clear so that snoring can be avoided, so that the person can avoid sleep apnea and have a better sleep.

There are two snoring mouthpieces that The Snoring Mouthpiece Review suggests people should try. One is the SnoreRX, which has the “MicroFit” feature that will help in adjusting the position of the lower jaw for maximum comfort and effectiveness. The MicroFit allows for accurate calibration in increments of 1 mm for maximum clinical effectiveness and patient comfort.

The other snoring mouthpiece that is recommended is the GMSS. This particular anti-snoring mouthpiece is in a class of its own. It is also the only anti-snoring mouthpiece that can be bought without a prescription or a dentist’s bill. It is flexible as it is made of a soft material that is BPA-free. Essentially, it is very similar in principle and shape to a baby soother, with a bulb at one end. Furthermore, there is not need to worry about proper sizing because it is a one size fits all mouthpiece.

Another advantage of the GMSS is that it can be worn even by people who wear dentures at night. And as long as the patient does not bite down on it, it can last more than one year, and possibly even two years. This was revealed through testimonials and reviews.

People who want to learn more about the GMSS (Good Morning Snore Solution) or other anti-snoring devices can visit The Snoring Mouthpiece Review website or contact them via the telephone or through email.
