Sleep Solutions You Can Try

We all want to get some sleep. We need it. There’s no way we can function well if we are sleep deprived. Sleeping is as important as eating. If we’re not getting any sleep, we are useless.

One of the common reasons as to why we cannot get any sleep is that we snore or we’re sleeping beside one who does.

Around 40% of adult men and 24% of adult women snore regularly. The odds are you or your significant other fall into this group of loud sleepers.


Snoring can really ruin the quality of our sleep. If you’re sleeping beside one who snores, you won’t even be able to get any sleep at all. Not a wink for you and that’s bad for you, your partner, and your health.

While you’ve promised to stay by each other’s side through thick and thin, the snoring may be testing your patience.


There are solutions you can try. If you’re not the snorer, you can certainly share these solutions with someone who snores. Chances are, that someone could be your partner. Sharing these solutions is a better way to deal with the situation rather resenting your snoring partner.

You can always try sleeping in separate bedrooms but that’s a very temporary solution. Sleeping away from your snoring partner is just going to help you. It will not, in any way, help your snoring partner. As a matter of fact, it might even hurt your snoring partner.

If your partner snores heavily, the more he or she will need you to stay close by. Heavy snoring is a manifestation of stoppage of breathing. As annoying as it may sound, you may need to wake up your snoring partner when you hear him or her struggle for air.

One solution that you can consider for your partner or for yourself (that is, if you’re a heavy snorer), is the CPAP machine.

First of all, you should check to make sure your snoring isn’t a result of something more serious, such as sleep apnea. This disorder can lead to potentially fatal problems, so get an exam to eliminate this as a cause of snoring.

If you do find out you have sleep apnea, you can get a CPAP machine to help you breathe at night. Not only will it get rid of your snoring, but it can also help you feel more refreshed in the morning.


A CPAP machine is for more severe cases of snoring. Only a doctor can really recommend this solution.

This next solution is a more natural way to deal with your snoring. You can try changing your sleep position.

Do you usually sleep on your back? Then this might be what’s causing your tongue to drop back into your throat.

If you’re looking to save money and want to try some free solutions, this is definitely one you should test out first. It may take some getting used to, but try sleeping on your side instead of your back. Just shifting your sleeping position can alleviate snoring.


If your snoring partner is driving you nuts, wake him or her to change position. Have your partner do the same thing if he or she wakes up to your snoring.

The next solution is for you to try a snoring mouthpiece.

This anti-snore device looks similar to a retainer but has a different function. A snoring mouthpiece prevents your tongue from dropping back, which is what can cause snoring in some people.

The main purpose of this device is to keep your airways clear and to stop snoring. You might get a better quality of sleep as well. This is because there is a free flow of air and no obstructions.


Wearing an anti-snore device is a simple solution that you can easily consider at this point. However, you need to choose the right one. Some aren’t safe to wear especially if you’re a heavy snorer.

There are two snoring mouthpieces that you can try, that is, if you really want to resort to wearing an anti-snore device.

The first one is called the Good Morning Snore Solution. If it’s the first time for you to try out an anti-snore device, this particular snoring solution is a good start. You can immediately try it out now since there’s no need for you to have a doctor’s prescription to purchase it. It’s also very easy to wear.

Another anti-snore device you can try is SnoreRX. This particular snoring solution takes some time to get used to but once you’re used to it, you won’t need anything else. An added feature of SnoreRX is that it provides live chat support on their website. You can chat with a live person for support, which is something you might need as you’re getting used to the product.

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