Snoring: Causes And Complications Of It

Is snoring a problem of yours? If it’s not, then you’re pretty lucky. As a matter of fact, even your partner is pretty lucky if you don’t snore at all.

If snoring is a problem of yours, you’re not the only one suffering from it. You and a million adults are suffering from it as well

Nearly half of adults habitually snore when they sleep.

For some, it’s not a problem. For others, it may affect the quality of their bed partner’s rest. It can also be associated with sleep apnea, a condition affecting a person’s ability to breathe and the quality of their sleep.


While you shouldn’t really worry about light snoring, it’s the heavy snoring that you should be worried about. It’s a sign that you might have a serious health condition. You really shouldn’t ignore it.

“It could be suggestive of something more going on,” said Dr. Neerav Goyal, director of head and neck surgery at Penn State Health.


The vibrating nasal tissue is what causes the snoring sound. The more it vibrates, the louder the sound.

Snoring is caused by relaxed throat or nasal tissue that vibrates when it collapses while the body is horizontal during shut-eye.

“A lot of it has to do with how air flows through your nose and mouth,” Goyal said. “When we sleep, muscle tone lapses and tissues vibrate much as a reed does when you play a musical instrument.”


There are various causes of snoring. Sleep position is one of the most common causes of it.

Those who sleep on their back are more prone to snoring than side sleepers because of how gravity collapses tissues and muscles in the airway. Sometimes sleeping propped up with a wedge pillow or in a recliner instead of horizontally can help lessen snoring.


For some, snoring could be genetic.

For some, snoring is caused by a genetic anatomic obstruction such as a deviated septum, large tonsils, a floppy soft palate or a large neck circumference.


Certain health disorders and diseases can also cause one to snore.

People with disorders such as cerebral palsy or degenerative diseases may be prone to snoring, because they have less muscle tone as-is. Medications (such as sedatives) and alcohol can also decrease muscle tone.


Excessive weight or obesity can cause snoring as well.

Those who are overweight or obese with a body-mass index higher than 25 may also be at risk, because they may have extra tissue and weight around the airway.


Allergies or colds could also cause you to snore lightly. You really shouldn’t worry about light snoring but if your snoring is becoming a problem, it’s best that you see a doctor.

Snoring becomes a problem when it interferes with someone’s or their bed partner’s ability to get enough restful sleep. In some cases, snoring is associated with sleep apnea, where a sleeping person stops breathing, oxygen levels drop and he or she awakens gasping for air, preventing a restful night of sleep.

“If you snore and feel you are getting poor quality sleep, it may be a good idea to see your family doctor about an evaluation for sleep apnea,” Goyal said.


Health complications could arise from your heavy snoring.

Sleep apnea can also contribute to other life-threatening conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and falling asleep at the wheel.


It’s good to be aware of the causes and complications of snoring. However, it’s best that you see your doctor about it.

Snoring mouthpieces are also available to help you deal with snoring. These aren’t the only devices that can help you though. There are a lot of other products in the market but snoring mouthpieces are really more convenient to use. They don’t require you to wear bulky masks since they’re just simple mouthpieces.

You would have to get used to wearing them though. The good thing is, you will. There are four snoring mouthpieces that you can consider, one of which is the This is definitely a mouthpiece to consider. After all, it’s best mouthpiece for 2019. You might want to talk to your doctor about it.

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