Don’t Let Snoring Ruin The Spark

Couples out there can probably relate to the fact that you may love your spouse or partner to the moon and back but they can also bring out the worst in you. It may sound ironic but it is a reality of life. What’s even more annoying is the fact that when you want nothing else but to rest and grab some snooze, your partner’s snoring wakes you up and ruin a good night’s sleep for you. It can be pretty exasperating especially if you lead a busy and stressful life that one of the major things you are looking forward during the day is the time to finally rest and relax and drift off to a deep and uninterrupted sleep.

Almost 45% of snorers are men and a 28% are women according to statistics and this number is based on 60-year-old participants. Many couples fight over snoring and some even go to great lengths as sleeping in separate rooms or even separating for good because the snoring has been too much for the non-snoring partner. What most of them not realize is that aside from the discomforts the loud sounds cause, there are serious risks caused by this condition. Sleep apnea is no laughing matter. It not only makes one snore so loud but it also causes frequent breathing gaps that happen continuously throughout your slumber. You essentially stop breathing in your sleep as your brain appears to choose between sleep and breathing.

Forty years ago, snoring was considered little more than an annoyance, something you might have teased your Uncle Al about for keeping the neighborhood awake all night.

But, in recent years, research has shed light on the harmful health effects of snoring and its more extreme form, obstructive sleep apnea, which can include a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.

And with rates of snoring believed to be on the rise, partly because of an aging and increasingly overweight population, snorers (and their bedmates) are increasingly in search of solutions.

“People are becoming more aware of snoring because their spouses are less likely to put up with it, now that they know there might be some kind of treatment,” says Douglas Bradley, a Toronto respirologist.


While many still tease those who snore but many are also starting to realize that sleep apnea is a serious condition that warrants medical attention. You don’t just think about it as a minor discomfort you have to deal with in your lifetime but a condition that can possibly end your life. It is worse with obstructive sleep apnea because it can also predispose you to cardiac conditions and also cut your life short. Some women can’t wait to leave the room and escape from their snoring husbands but there are also conscientious and caring wives who are concerned about the health and well-being of their life partners.

Some tips to deal with snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea

  1. Lose weight most of the time people who are overweight or obese suffer from prolonged snoring at night.

  2. Indulge in regular exercise or brisk walking, this helps to calm the body at night and induce a restful sleep.

  3. Use mouthpieces or breathing devices to counter this problem if you find it difficult to feel energetic in the morning due to snoring.

  4. Identification of other conditions causing obstruction like allergies can also help. Take care to avoid anything that causes allergies or blocked nose, like a cold or a cough as this makes it difficult to breathe at night.

  5. Quit drinking and smoking these vices are known to increase one’s risk of snoring or obstructive sleep apnoea.

  6. Avoid taking sleeping pills or sedatives of any kind, they don’t help to counter snoring and might make you feel worse in the morning.


Even couples who are madly in love can get in each other’s nerves when they are always losing sleep each night. If you or the person you love snores, will you let them endanger their lives and not do something about it? There is no reason for either of you to suffer anymore. You can get your much-needed beauty rest without losing the passion for your significant other nor does your snoring husband always put his life at risk when there are many anti-snoring gadgets like ZQuiet and SnoreRx and sleep apnea solutions that aren’t just safe and affordable but effective too.

Aside from that, there are certain lifestyle modifications you can adapt to gradually lessen the impact of sleep apnea and snoring while you still haven’t made up your mind on the best course of action that works for you and meets your needs.

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