Tag: cpap alternatives

Can’t Live Without These Anti-Snoring Products

Snoring is not just a nasty habit but it is also the main symptom of a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. This condition is characterized by a constricted air flow because of thickened carotid wall arteries from the throat and the nasal tract leading to loud vibrations commonly known as snoring as air passes through the narrowed airway in your sleep. It can cause relationship problems not to mention the many health dangers it poses. A person literally stops breathing for a few seconds and it happens many times throughout their sleep.

There is insufficient oxygen reaching the brain and all the cells in the body making you predisposed to life-threatening conditions like cardiac diseases and heart attack that are some of the main causes of human mortality. Fortunately, technology has afforded us with innovations that may not yet cure sleep apnea but at least curb its loud snoring and other symptoms. If you sleep better, your body will be in a better shape and you’ll be able to live longer by getting enough quality sleep at night without constantly worrying about the dangers of sleep apnea or the discomforts caused by snoring.

The rising awareness towards the hazardous health effects of snoring across developed nations has escalated the demand for anti-snoring treatments in the market. The increase in the number of alcohol and cigarette consuming population, who suffer from snoring problems at some point in their life, is also a major factor to foster the growth of this market. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), per capita alcohol consumption in half of the member countries of WHO such as USA, U.K, Russia, Ukraine, Kenya, Georgia, etc is expected to witness a continuous rise up until 2025.

Significant increase in the percentage of obese population across developed nations has been predicted by Organization for Economic Co-operation And Development (OECD). It has been estimated that by the year 2030 the percentage of obese population in United States, Mexico and England will reach to 47%, 39% and 35% respectively.  Obese population being prone to catch sleeping disorders and snoring more rapidly are one of the major escalating factors for anti-snoring device and snoring surgery market globally. However, complications associated with snoring surgeries, high cost of surgery and anti-snoring devices and lack of awareness about the severity of the problems associated with snoring are some of the restricting factors for the growth of anti-snoring treatment market.

(Via: https://sectorhealthcare.com/anti-snoring-devices-and-snoring-surgery-market-recent-developments-and-new-market-players-trends-and-forecast-2017-2025/)

There is no need to suffer anymore when you can see your doctor or a sleep expert to help you out. There are prescription devices like oral mouthpieces that your dentist can fit you to clear your airway and help you breathe easier in your sleep. There are also over-the-counter oral devices that most snorers can use without a prescription that has proven to be helpful in alleviating snoring and allowed snorers and their unfortunate partners to have a good night’s sleep once more.

While CPAP is the a decent treatment management for sleep apnea, not many people use it for long because of the severe discomfort one may feel when using it in their sleep. Hence, they’d rather stick with a more cost-effective alternative like stop snoring mouthpieces to get over snoring and its many risks and discomforts.

  1. Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD)

MADs try to keep the jaw in a forward position during sleep. This can help with snoring because while asleep, the mandible, or the jaw, tends to slide back towards the throat, resulting in snoring.

The teeth help to hold this device in place, which means it serves an additional role by preventing teeth grinding among people who have snoring problems. Additionally, this device helps keep the mouth closed, which means breathing occurs through the nose. Still, MADs will have small holes that can let the air to pass through when breathing through the mouth.Benefits of MADs

– They are generally very effective at preventing snoring
– The device are highly affordable
– A number of them can offer a custom fit experience using a boil and bite process
– They are generally very easy to use
– MADs can even be used by people with misaligned jaws
– People who grind their teeth can also benefit form using these devices

(Via: https://www.tgdaily.com/health/best-snoring-mouthpiece-for-you-types-and-availability)

Surgery is rarely considered too because it does not always guarantee positive results. There are different anti-snoring mouthpieces to choose from that can work for you depending on your comfort and preference. There are mandibular advancement devices that correct the anomaly in your mouth structure that is often congenital and leads to snoring and tongue stabilizing devices hold the tongue in place while sleeping. There are likewise chin straps and other accessories that have the same goal of stopping snoring for good.

Don’t hesitate to explore your options because the market offers you a lot of choices. From https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/zquiet to https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/sleeptight and many others, your nights will be quieter and more restful now with devices that keep your airway clear when you are out for the night.